this is fecking bo**ocks

That is a F****** joke mate can believe it "ye man" racist some how i just don't think so how could anyone think it is i think the teacher i a f****** idiot and deserves a slap for misusing his authority no wonder the schooling system is a mess with people like that working for them.

yes, the country is f*cked too with all this shite, and i still stand by what i say, that teacher needs his f*ckin balls kicked, wait on him coming out the building and get him face to face and ask him does he have 1 ounce of common sense, then kick balls.
What you dont understand is that he would have been following procedures thats all he would prob think it was as stupid as we all do but he wouldnt have had any choice is thats what his policy states. Wow lots of aggression about slapping the poor guy . This is why now most schools have security so if I had done what that teacher did would you be wanting to slap me also ?

what you on about man, your talking shite man, whos policy would say a person is rasict for saying "yea man" ??? ffs, talk sense, by the way, this isnt an attack on you but on what your suggesting. (no hard feelings, just a debate).
I'm sorry but i agree with Vixen on this one I dont think its the the teachers fault .It's down to the governments Human rights and anti racism policies people are just scared they will be hauled over the coals for anything these days so they are covering their ar*es in case some some black kid in the class went home and complained to their parents . I'm afraid this country is f***ed so you might as well as a white guy (probably non racial 10 years ago ) get used to it
Maybe i was a bit harsh but when i was at school it felt like a lot of the teachers are looking for an excuse to pick on some people for what ever reason they can find i am not saying go into the school on every occasion and start slapping teaches but if ronster feels so strongly about it to think about slapping them then he probably can make up his own mind what the situation requires.

a say slap him. make him an example of!!!! the teacher that is..
WELL I think the whole racist thing is a load of SH*$E and is out of control now.. You cant say anythin in your own country now a days an you are in the wrong and bein RACIST ????????

!! !!! I think the mods should close this thread as its gettin into racism AGAIN!!
WELL I think the whole racist thing is a load of SH*$E and is out of control now.. You cant say anythin in your own country now a days an you are in the wrong and bein RACIST ????????

!! !!! I think the mods should close this thread as its gettin into racism AGAIN!!

no man !!! why close this thread, its in the rant n rave room, and its not getting racist either, show me an example of it being racist apart from this idiot teacher i would say he's actually the racist one, who agrees with that ?????????
Maybe i was a bit harsh but when i was at school it felt like a lot of the teachers are looking for an excuse to pick on some people for what ever reason they can find i am not saying go into the school on every occasion and start slapping teaches but if ronster feels so strongly about it to think about slapping them then he probably can make up his own mind what the situation requires.

I am sorry but I dont agree with any form of violence I have been on the receiving end of it and its not nice .Do you know how many teachers are attacked by parents without hearing what has actually happened .I am disgusted at some of the comments on here about slapping and kicking people in the balls you havent even got the facts yet but are jumping to conclusions it makes some of you no better than the person who has made the policies on racisim . And as for all teachers lie that is a sweeping statment its like saying all men are Bastards and all women are whores.If some of you really mean what you have said then you should be ashamed of yourselfs Get the facts first then act on them with the dignity that you would want shown to you. Not like thugs or animals .I know this is a rant room but your all condoning violence .
WELL I think the whole racist thing is a load of SH*$E and is out of control now.. You cant say anythin in your own country now a days an you are in the wrong and bein RACIST ????????

!! !!! I think the mods should close this thread as its gettin into racism AGAIN!!

no man !!! why close this thread, its in the rant n rave room, and its not getting racist either, show me an example of it being racist apart from this idiot teacher i would say he's actually the racist one, who agrees with that ?????????

If this happened to my child I would do my best to get all the facts before making any judgements on the situation.

I would talk to my child and then I would listen to what the teacher had to say before deciding on my response.

On the face of it, saying, "ye man", doesn't sound so bad but I would need to know the context before I could know whether the teacher was right or wrong.
M8 !! I AGREE with u all the way!!!:emotions

But you will always get the dogooders comin along speakin there SH$*E !! An they piss me RIGHT OFF !!
OK i live near Glasgow these days (actually was born here but have been around UK). When i lived in Kent and worked with a load of rasta's (they were painters and bloody good uns at that) we used to say the ye maaaaan to each other. It was all cool. Now I'm back in sunny central Scotland I'm back to my old way of saying aw right man etc. So hopefully that kind of explains that there IS 2 ways of saying ye man loll (still can believe I'm typing this he-he).
Anyway in both cases ye man was not at all racist and was never ever meant to be. I also am very good friends with a lad who originates from Kenya and once again is ye maaaan between us all day long believe it or not the Kenyan lad is a solicitor for a top London law firm with a 2.1 from topic slightly but it just shows that its an accepted term or phrase across the board.

As for the teacher I think as Vixen implied (his hands may well be tied on the use of this term). It certainly merits a trip to school (if nothing else it shows you care). I would er on the side of not being over aggressive with the teacher. Assertive is fine aggressive isn't on as they are doing what truly must be one of the most thankless tasks these days probably not far behind being a policeman/woman. Just arrange the meeting and ask what the situation is regarding the use of certain words phrases. I would even venture as far as telling the teacher you sympathise with him/her and it must be a difficult line to follow. I would bet you that if you try your best to remain calm that you and your kid will reap the benefits of having a good teacher/pupil/parent relationship. It may make you feel better having a 10 minute rant at them but your kid will be left with the mess that's left behind until he changes class or even school.
By all means if the teacher doesn't answer your questions in a way that you feel comfortable then just simply go higher up the chain. So next would be head teacher. Then school board. Local authority etc. So I'm just saying that there are procedures that you can follow here and you should try to use them to your own/kids advantage..

BTW i totally agree it is a bit daft loll. So i do know where you are coming from.
If this happened to my child I would do my best to get all the facts before making any judgements on the situation.

I would talk to my child and then I would listen to what the teacher had to say before deciding on my response.

On the face of it, saying, "ye man", doesn't sound so bad but I would need to know the context before I could know whether the teacher was right or wrong.

LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, ILMFAOOOOOOOOOO, ive heard it all now man, come on mannnnnn, ffs sake, the teacher is a prick and either needs a dressing down or a kick in nuts, and he should be the one told not to be rasict, he is actually the one discriminating against the kid here man, cant you'z all see that, ffs !!!
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There is nothing wrong with having a debate like this mate no one is slagging anyone off We are having a chat about something that concerns us > My first impressions on this thread were the same as thomsons but when you really think about it its the governments fault !! I now truly believe i'm racist but only because i cant say what i want to or feel .The days of saying what you felt are gone now so we are all going to be racist soon . This has been created by the government ,When an englishman cant say how he feels in his own country then you are going to get a lot of anti racism views
Ok guys don't gang up on me for saying this but, you are making some statements without knowing the full facts. Everyone is having a go at the teacher and I believe it is unfair without knowing the full facts. Here is a more balanced way of looking at it if you do not have the full facts to hand:
1. It is possible but very unlikely that the teacher could lie (they have nothing to gain - but everything to lose).
2. It is possible but very unlikely that the teacher does not have common sense (after all they have had some form of education in order to be a teacher).
3. It is possible and more likely that the child said something which could be perceived as racist. It may even be more than just "Ye man" that the child has said, but obviously recalling from my childhood experiences, children are very quick to lie/change stories to try and get away with it. The fact that the parent(s) haven't spoken to the teacher and only have the child's side of the story makes me feel bad for the teacher being slagged off.

So please people, lets not make assumptions. In this country you are innocent until proven guilty, and in this case neither the child or the teacher is guilty at present so lets not pass judgement.

Ok, now that I got that off my chest, I think I'll go to bed :)
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, ILMFAOOOOOOOOOO, ive heard it all now man, come on mannnnnn, ffs sake, the teacher is a prick and either needs a dressing down or a kick in nuts, and he should be the one told not to be rasict, he is actually the one discriminating the kid here man, cant you'z all see that, ffs !!!

pmsl..pmsl..ryt am in nots now..hahaha
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, ILMFAOOOOOOOOOO, ive heard it all now man, come on mannnnnn, ffs sake, the teacher is a prick and either needs a dressing down or a kick in nuts, and he should be the one told not to be rasict, he is actually the one discriminating the kid here man, cant you'z all see that, ffs !!!
Just for argument sake what if the teacher turned out to be say local amature boxing champ and was like 6ft6 and built like a brick sh*thouse ? I suppose the soflty softly approch would then prevail: multi ::grab: : shocked2
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, ILMFAOOOOOOOOOO, ive heard it all now man, come on mannnnnn, ffs sake, the teacher is a prick and either needs a dressing down or a kick in nuts, and he should be the one told not to be rasict, he is actually the one discriminating the kid here man, cant you'z all see that, ffs !!!

M8 ! AS I SAID !! I am 1000 % Behind you !!
There is nothing wrong with having a debate like this mate no one is slagging anyone off We are having a chat about something that concerns us > My first impressions on this thread were the same as thomsons but when you really think about it its the governments fault !! I now truly believe i'm racist but only because i cant say what i want to or feel .The days of saying what you felt are gone now so we are all going to be racist soon . This has been created by the government ,When an englishman cant say how he feels in his own country then you are going to get a lot of anti racism views

what ya mean "an englishman", your rasict, lol, we'r scottish here, ahahahaha, iam only kiddin man, i know what ye mean..