this is fecking bo**ocks


Inactive User
Jan 29, 2007
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My stepson was messing around in class with his mates when he replied to one "ye man" the teacher heard this comment and dragged him to one side and bollocked him for using racist language, how the feck can "ye man" be racist, he got a green stamp in his book (which means naughty) and 30 mins fecking detention.Im going down to school tomorrow to give that fecking so called teacher a right bollocking myself, if he winds me up anymore might just give the fecker a slap aswell.TW*T:feck::feck::feck:
ummm maybe not rasist not northerist,pmsl, i cant see how even the most silliest of ppl can see that as rasist. but thats the new super politically corect state for u.
haha what a div, some people these days just don't have a clue.
Sitting here trying to get my head around man is what context would that be racist. That aint racist, unless I really am a thick paddy.

You go bollock the teacher m8 and let us know the explanation please, cos Im baffled.
Sitting here trying to get my head around man is racist.....QUOTE]

apparentley alot of black people say ye maaan so this was his explanation to my a black kid can say it bit not a white kid.fecking bollocks
You know what kids are like...tell you anything to get out of trouble. The teacher is probably not going to lie to you so see if he's telling the truth!
Can anyone explain this.....

My sister in law went into a local sports shop, I think it was JJB Sports, she bought a Rangers top and asked to get her sons nickname put on the back of it, we call him 'SPANKY', lol, but the girl behind the counter said she couldn't do it as it was SECTARIAN!!?!!!


Am I missing something here?
its like the ni**** word, black african americans can sy it to each other, but white ppl cant say it to them.
You know what kids are like...tell you anything to get out of trouble. The teacher is probably not going to lie to you so see if he's telling the truth!

I would agree with Devilfish. It would also depend on the way he said it/and the context. After all kids are kids!
Listen, this is one load of shite, i would personally ask the w*nker of a teacher why is that racist.

Iam white glaswegian as most of you will probably know, and ive spoke in that way my whole life and still do to this day, when i speak to people i always say "yea man" or "man", always have always will, thats the way we "white" glaswegian people talk.

So i suggest you pull this teacher aside and give him swift kick in the sacks man !!!
So blacks say ye man (would that be in an accent like the carribeans say it) would you say he was just maybe having a laugh at their accent, that wouldnt be racist would it. You will know more tomorrow I suppose.
racism is just a tool these days.

But it dosnt effect me in anyway because I hate everyone.
may be the teach use to be a hippy and took offense.

any way all teachs are nuts anyway so go give em a slap
iam being serious man, i would pull that teacher aside and ask for a full explanation why he thinks that those words are rasict, he's a ficken idiot who doesnt have a clue, tell him to come speak to some white glasgow guys for a while and he will see its common place even here to say yea man and man etc.

I would go as far as to try and get the w*nker sacked, plus a good boot in the balls too just for the sake of it, iam sick of this poltically correct shite we have to put up with in this country nowdays, if people dont like it then they should go to feck back to a country where they can preach they'r shite.
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may be the teach use to be a hippy and took offense.

any way all teachs are nuts anyway so go give em a slap

OOOOOOOOOOO All teachers are Mad are we hmmmmmmm would like to see someone give me a slap lol lol
iam being serious man, i would pull that teacher aside and ask for a full explanation why he thinks that those words are rasict, he's a ficken idiot who doesnt have a clue, tell him to come speak to some white glasgow guys for a while and he will see its common place even here to say yea man and man etc.

I would go as far as to try and get the w*nker sacked, plus a good boot in the balls too just for the sake of it, iam sick of this poltically correct shite we have to put up with in this country nowdays, if people dont like it then they should go to feck back to a country where they can preach they'r shite.

OOO sacked and a boot in the balls thank god ur not one of my parents what you sometimes dont understand is that schools dont make the rules the goverment do and that there are policies for everything these days yes its stupid I agree but come on ur comments are uncalled for and very aggressive all the teacher is doing is following the policies he probably thinks its just as stupid .Do you know were not even allowed to put a plaster on a child now yes a Plaster but would u get me sacked for not putting one on ur child ?
iam sick of this poltically correct shite we have to put up with in this country nowdays, if people dont like it then they should go to feck back to a country where they can preach they'r shite.[/QUOTE]

HERE HERE !!!!! agree wit ya there ! !! : multi :
That is a F****** joke mate can believe it "ye man" racist some how i just don't think so how could anyone think it is i think the teacher i a f****** idiot and deserves a slap for misusing his authority no wonder the schooling system is a mess with people like that working for them.
That is a F****** joke mate can believe it "ye man" racist some how i just don't think so how could anyone think it is i think the teacher i a f****** idiot and deserves a slap for misusing his authority no wonder the schooling system is a mess with people like that working for them.

What you dont understand is that he would have been following procedures thats all he would prob think it was as stupid as we all do but he wouldnt have had any choice is thats what his policy states. Wow lots of aggression about slapping the poor guy . This is why now most schools have security so if I had done what that teacher did would you be wanting to slap me also ?