this is fecking bo**ocks

My stepson was messing around in class with his mates when he replied to one "ye man" the teacher heard this comment and dragged him to one side and bollocked him for using racist language, how the feck can "ye man" be racist, he got a green stamp in his book (which means naughty) and 30 mins fecking detention.Im going down to school tomorrow to give that fecking so called teacher a right bollocking myself, if he winds me up anymore might just give the fecker a slap aswell.TW*T:feck::feck::feck:

Well did you go 2 see his teacher ?
Heard a story on radio earlier saying angry parent went to confront a teacher at his sons school. Parent got a hell of a hiding by all accounts: spank :: grim :

Joke BTW lol. How did it turn out op ?
Heard a story on radio earlier saying angry parent went to confront a teacher at his sons school. Parent got a hell of a hiding by all accounts: spank :: grim :

Joke BTW lol. How did it turn out op ?
sounds like u wanna to start thomson up
Newsflash people! Kids lie too, even (especially) to their parents!

Anyone who condones violence towards someone who is trying to educate your children, without first getting all the facts is clearly a cnut and needs their fucking balls chopped off.

Do any of you honestly think that the teacher has anything to gain by singling out one child? I highly doubt it, teachers see so many different little bastards these days that most of them are just happy to get them out the door at 16 being able to read and write. They are people too you know, they get frustrated by the kids who don't give a crap about learning and just want to disrupt it for them and the other kids. Give the guy a break, the way things are going he'll probably end up having a nervous breakdown before he retires anyway.

Try teaching your kids some manners and respect at home so they don't grow up to be vicious bastards like you lot.

My 2 pence.
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Racist ...?!?! I am a white gal brought up in Africa and I can tell you the residents of Africa call one another the N word! I am far from racist and still have a black doll as a keepsake and I was out there 26 years ago for my entire childhood! Did you know you cannot refer to a black person as coloured as that is apparently offensive? To be honest, I think the world has gone potty! : po :
Ronster?? What happened? Im dying to know now and I'm sure Im not the only one.
hes in the jail for kicking the teachers nuts, LOL, hope he did : whip :