this is fecking bo**ocks

LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, ILMFAOOOOOOOOOO, ive heard it all now man, come on mannnnnn, ffs sake, the teacher is a prick and either needs a dressing down or a kick in nuts, and he should be the one told not to be rasict, he is actually the one discriminating the kid here man, cant you'z all see that, ffs !!!

LOL really funny! Tongue in cheek I think!
LOL, i think this thread should be moved to the fun & laughter section, its getting funnier by the minute, init ???? hehehehe, aw man, i thought i had heard everything until all this bullshite tonight, some of you people must have a screw loose, i say some, not all, ilmfaooooooooo : whip :
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, ILMFAOOOOOOOOOO, ive heard it all now man, come on mannnnnn, ffs sake, the teacher is a prick and either needs a dressing down or a kick in nuts, and he should be the one told not to be rasict, he is actually the one discriminating against the kid here man, cant you'z all see that, ffs !!!

Thomson - you weren't there.
Just for argument sake what if the teacher turned out to be say local armature boxing champ and was like 6ft6 and built like a brick sh*thouse ? I suppose the softly softly approach would then prevail: multi ::grab: : shocked2

Thompson did you miss this post dude lol ? I would really love to know what you would do if old teacher bloke turned out to be hard as nails and eat broken glass for breakfast. Would that "persuade you to go the diplomatic route" (save an ar$e kicking in front of the kids etc)

BTW i ain't having a pop at you bud just lightening the tone.......hopefully: big crow
very interesting question wonder if we will get answer tonite...personally i'll save my judgement for 2 moro when the child's dad comes back from school with the truth
I'm not the one making the judgements - c'mon mate be sensible. :)

what you mean "c'mon mate be sensible", dont try and talk down to me man, sensible !!! hahahaha, and what you say is sensible ??? aw ffs, tears running down my face laughing here, is it just me or are we now living in a society of total wimps ?? i still stand by my words, this teacher needs taken aside and being dressed down for being racist and discriminating against a pupil with his crap, afterwards would come a ball bashing if it was me !!

Thompson did you miss this post dude lol ? I would really love to know what you would do if old teacher bloke turned out to be hard as nails and eat broken glass for breakfast. Would that "persuade you to go the diplomatic route" (save an ar$e kicking in front of the kids etc)

BTW i ain't having a pop at you bud just lightening the tone.......hopefully: big crow

And yes mate, i seen your post first time.

Yes, i would still batter the teachers head in, believe it or not, iam also 6ft odds and built like a shithouse and chew glass for breakfast, not that thats anything to do with it though, even if i was small weed type person, i would still have a go at the teacher, you can take the person out of glasgow, you cant take glasgow out the person mate, thats the way it is man, no joke !!

And yes mate, i seen your post first time.

Yes, i would still batter the teachers head in, believe it or not, iam also 6ft odds and built like a shithouse and chew glass for breakfast, not that thats anything to do with it though, even if i was small weed type person, i would still have a go at the teacher, you can take the person out of glasgow, you cant take glasgow out the person mate, thats the way it is man, no joke !![/QUOTE]

weres the weed a want its irn bru bottles he smashes with his teeth does thommo none of ur sniedy buckie crap.
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I give up - no thought being used here so I won't waste anymore time.

'night all!

And yes mate, i seen your post first time.

Yes, i would still batter the teachers head in, believe it or not, iam also 6ft odds and built like a shithouse and chew glass for breakfast, not that thats anything to do with it though, even if i was small weed type person, i would still have a go at the teacher, you can take the person out of glasgow, you cant take glasgow out the person mate, thats the way it is man, no joke !!

weres the weed a want its irn bru bottles he smashes with his teeth does thommo none of ur sniedy buckie crap.[/QUOTE]

ganja man, yea man :Smokin::Frog::Smokin:
lo: whip :l
I'm from Glasgow too but don't go round bullying teachers nor anyone else for that matter. (not implying that you do either) But Why all the violent references lmao. It simple if you have a complaint you take it through the proper channels. If you don't like the results you take it higher, and on it go's. But if the op were to heed your words and charge down there tomorrow "foaming at the mouth" then he will get nowhere. He may even get himself a nice spell inside to reflect (IF he followed the advice to physically harm this teacher) Oh an just coz yer fae glesgay disny mak it rite he-he.: multi :
lo: whip :l
I'm from Glasgow too but don't go round bullying teachers nor anyone else for that matter. (not implying that you do either) But Why all the violent references lmao. It simple if you have a complaint you take it through the proper channels. If you don't like the results you take it higher, and on it go's. But if the op were to heed your words and charge down there tomorrow "foaming at the mouth" then he will get nowhere. He may even get himself a nice spell inside to reflect (IF he followed the advice to physically harm this teacher) Oh an just coz yer fae glesgay disny mak it rite he-he.: multi :

glad yer fae glesga ma man, join the clan man :)

I have tae agree to disagree wae you cause i would still charge in and batter fook oot the teacher if he was pulling ma wane for an idiot thing like that, that to me is being a total pleb, the teacher is actually the racist one here and no the child, and the teacher is also discriminating against someone too which is wrong, if it was me i would want to meet the guy face to face, ask him to give his pityfull reason for his crap, then if he got cocky i would trash his face, thats the way we deal with things here, you must live in the snobby side of town or summit, brought up with the silver spoon in mouth i guess ???
lo: whip :l
I'm from Glasgow too but don't go round bullying teachers nor anyone else for that matter. (not implying that you do either) But Why all the violent references lmao. It simple if you have a complaint you take it through the proper channels. If you don't like the results you take it higher, and on it go's. But if the op were to heed your words and charge down there tomorrow "foaming at the mouth" then he will get nowhere. He may even get himself a nice spell inside to reflect (IF he followed the advice to physically harm this teacher) Oh an just coz yer fae glesgay disny mak it rite he-he.: multi :

wtf, who says its just a glesgay thing? and its glesga!!!!!
he should be banned or slapped for calling us glesgay ,am annoyed now!!1 hahahaha,weres the weed.
hahahaha,weres the weed.

Well my friend you would know all the good weed is in the "posh" part of town lol but hey i think we are going way off at a tangent here lol. Lets just wait and see what happens tomorrow then maybe we can argue/discuss some more he-he
Right now where did i put that white widow .....god my memory isnt what it was....:eater:

Nite guys.: multi :

edit to add the spelling was a mistake lol. I should have paid more attention at school:eater:
My stepson was messing around in class with his mates when he replied to one "ye man" the teacher heard this comment and dragged him to one side and bollocked him for using racist language, how the feck can "ye man" be racist, he got a green stamp in his book (which means naughty) and 30 mins fecking detention.Im going down to school tomorrow to give that fecking so called teacher a right bollocking myself, if he winds me up anymore might just give the fecker a slap aswell.TW*T:feck::feck::feck:

so how'd it go mate, did you go and do a good bit of sack booting and did you get a full length explanation of this idiots theory of why he would think "yea man" was racist ???: whip :
If this happened to my child I would do my best to get all the facts before making any judgements on the situation.

I would talk to my child and then I would listen to what the teacher had to say before deciding on my response.

On the face of it, saying, "ye man", doesn't sound so bad but I would need to know the context before I could know whether the teacher was right or wrong.

I'm very very sorry to tell you mate but "ye man" in any context is not racist.