Testing the new images

the 27-8-9 image has lip sync problems, thats why it wasnt released

you dont need to update images, if youre happy with how its working, if it aint broke and all that......

new images normally include extra features that the last one didnt have

one of the last big things added to TM images was the miniweb, older images dont have this feature in them

but introducing new features also introduces more things that can (and do) go wrong, so certain people are asked to test these images and find the problems before theyre made public, every team that writes images will work like this

then after about 20 or more have been tested and binned, everyone agrees that this version is ready for release, people will still find small bugs that have been missed, but itll be a stable image that wont need you to turn your box off for 5 mins every 2 hours ;)

id still (at the time of typing) recommend either the july or august image