Several injured in London blasts

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Sao Paulo said:
We'll know for sure soon but why do I get the feeling it may have been British suicide bombers


we aint even safe from our own then.............
just for the record

11 soldiers died in bomb attacks in London parks.

Here are some of the major atrocities Britain has endured:

:: Pan Am flight 103, from Heathrow to New York, blew up over Lockerbie in 1988. Some 259 passengers and 11 residents of the village died.

:: Omagh bombing was the biggest death toll caused by the IRA. Some 29 people died, including a woman pregnant with twins.

:: IRA pub bombings in Birmingham in 1974 left 21 people dead and 182 maimed.

:: Remembrance Day massacre in Enniskillen, 1987, left 11 civilians dead and 63 injured.

:: IRA bomb at Royal Marines School Of Music in Deal, Kent, killed 11 and injured 21 in 1989.

:: Eleven soldiers and seven horses killed in two bombs in Hyde Park and Regent's Park, central London in 1982.

:: In 1982, six people died and 91 injured in a car bomb attack outside Harrods in Knightsbridge, central London.

:: Tory party conference in Brighton, 1984, left five dead.

:: IRA bomb at London Hilton killed five and injured more than 100 in 1975.

:: In 1999, two people were killed and 73 injured in a bomb attack on Soho's gay community in the Admiral Duncan pub.

:: Launching IRA's onslaught in 1973, bombs exploded outside the Old Bailey and Whitehall killing one person and injuring 244.

:: More than 200 shoppers were injured when an IRA bomb went off near the Arndale Shopping Centre in Manchester.

:: In 1988 terrorists blew Pan Am Flight 103 out of the air over Lockerbie in Scotland, killing 270 people, 44 of them British.

this clearly states that there are minoritys in each community and no "whole" community religion or colour should be blamed!!!

the minority responsible for the blasts yesterday and in the past should all be found and shot dead!!
sao Paulo, im not no way got any muslim blood in me (im hindu), and if u kno how much hatred there is between hindu n muslims u will understand that i dnt need to stick up with them, i just say wot i believe.
i agree alot of muslims are narrow minded, alot go with what others teech them, like "hook" they dnt make they own mind up, they listen to stupid ******s like him, who say if u do this u will go to heaven.
I dnt remember the word but, they say this is a blah blah act of god, and he take u too heaven, (wot a load of rubbish)

Im worried that this is just the beggining..
the-dogs-nutts said:

we aint even safe from our own then.............

i dont know if u know, but alot of muslims try to convert non-muslims, they get some sort of reward in the after live supposedly,
As I said in my previous post ... invoke Martial law ...

1) Lock down all british borders

2) Give the order for all non british citizens to leave within 48 hrs

3) arrest and Intern any remaining illegals

4) arrset and Intern all known activists AND their families

Then abolish the human rights bill which does nothing to protect the normal person, all it does is protect people like the handless hooky piece of shit in belmarsh who is using it to fight extradition to America where he will get the death sentance or at least 80 years hard labour ... he knows if he stays here he will get say community service then a pat on the back by all the do good cnuts who invented the bill in the first place
chetzy said:
sao Paulo, im not no way got any muslim blood in me (im hindu), and if u kno how much hatred there is between hindu n muslims u will understand that i dnt need to stick up with them, i just say wot i believe.
i agree alot of muslims are narrow minded, alot go with what others teech them, like "hook" they dnt make they own mind up, they listen to stupid ******s like him, who say if u do this u will go to heaven.
I dnt remember the word but, they say this is a blah blah act of god, and he take u too heaven, (wot a load of rubbish)

Im worried that this is just the beggining..

that fooker "hook" was grassed by good muslims
he brainwashed 50 odd young muslims whom he took for a ride!!

so if it was'nt for the GOOD ones who spotted this shit going on and grassed him up!!! fook knows what "hooky" could of done today!

Fortunaltely there is more good in all communitys Bad is a minority which people should understand!!!

"I'm sure many Muslims will have been injured as well... one of the bombs - at Aldgate - was near to the east London mosque, it's a very heavy Muslim area. ""

therefore everyone was affected!!!!

the fookers responsible should be shot dead!!!!
chetzy said:
sao Paulo, im not no way got any muslim blood in me (im hindu), and if u kno how much hatred there is between hindu n muslims u will understand that i dnt need to stick up with them, i just say wot i believe.
i agree alot of muslims are narrow minded, alot go with what others teech them, like "hook" they dnt make they own mind up, they listen to stupid ******s like him, who say if u do this u will go to heaven.
I dnt remember the word but, they say this is a blah blah act of god, and he take u too heaven, (wot a load of rubbish)

Im worried that this is just the beggining..

Agreed but this says allot about Islam look around how many countrys have problems because of Islam. Just think back to those that killed those children in the Russian school it is well known now they planned all along to kill them.
edgeware also muslim area..arabs... no proof of suicide bombers they sayin on sky news...

damn.more than 50 fatalities :( this is all so fooked up.
Bronto said:
As I said in my previous post ... invoke Martial law ...

1) Lock down all british borders

2) Give the order for all non british citizens to leave within 48 hrs

3) arrest and Intern any remaining illegals

4) arrset and Intern all known activists AND their families

Then abolish the human rights bill which does nothing to protect the normal person, all it does is protect people like the handless hooky piece of shit in belmarsh who is using it to fight extradition to America where he will get the death sentance or at least 80 years hard labour ... he knows if he stays here he will get say community service then a pat on the back by all the do good cnuts who invented the bill in the first place

i agree with you m8............
just watching sky news too no suicide bomber probably someone sat on the seat :(

the rest in tube stations were on the floor

anyhow think about it if it was a suicide bomber i think GOD FORBID!
he may of done it the day before where there was 100's of thousands of people gathered celebrating the olympics!!!

not on a bus !

think about it!!!!!!
yeah your right there jimmy..............

the day before would have been a lot worse.............
:( so fuked up, i findin it hard to keep watchin this on the news.
My heart goes out to all effect,
JIMMYQ said:
just watching sky news too no suicide bomber probably someone sat on the seat :(

the rest in tube stations were on the floor

anyhow think about it if it was a suicide bomber i think GOD FORBID!
he may of done it the day before where there was 100's of thousands of people gathered celebrating the olympics!!!

not on a bus !

think about it!!!!!!

jimmy, they sayin that after the first bomb was set off, he was refused to go into the station, so possibly he was making he was to another station, wen it accidently set off early..
Just saw the news saying at least 50 people have been confirmed dead so far.

i reckon alot of credit should be given to our emergency service's response to all of this. they did an amazing job, given the circumstances.
skiddy said:
Just saw the news saying at least 50 people have been confirmed dead so far.

i reckon alot of credit should be given to our emergency service's response to all of this. they did an amazing job, given the circumstances.

yeah the emergancy service was amazing the hospitals coped so well and the fact no blood was need means they planned well for this.... whoever is responsable for the planning needs and medal

but it should never have come to this ?

you say about edgeware tube station being bombed seemed crazy as their are alot of muslims you forget to say the main police station across the road is where they take all terrorists for investigation.

im not saying all muslims are bad as i know a muslim guy and he to is a very nice fella.... but as i said to him face to face thier so called karam and how easy it can be interpreted to voilence is open for debate !

and bronto youe post should be given to the PM and everyone in charge

lock the borders send all these imegrant cúnts back home!

they do not want to be part of english society they was teaching my son muslim teachings at school and all the parents lodged complaints!

"when in rome" is a great saying !

if you dont like our country and the values that have been taught you know what you can do!

how come we dont have this problem with

polish, romania, lithuanium, pakistanies (sorry if thats not how to say that), hindu's, jamacans, west indies, the list is endless

london (britian) is a multi racial community and to me what i see is the bad muslims have alot of explaining to do !

you dont see hindu's walking down the street marching to the tune of kill the west in a west country!

so as i said if you dont like us or it here FÚCK OFF
the koran dont teach hate mickie .. it teaches tolerance .... but these looney's interpet it in a way they like ..just as we have the bible ....but i got to agree im fed up with us having change our ways to suit a influx of people .they are guests and should act like one
Well said Mickie

Dont you just love the society of today. You cant even get to work
safely without fearing for your life. I think its time I moved to another country.

If these people hate the west so much why come here! Its a silent bloody invasion!
what makes them do things like this well perhaps its what they read,

"The only true faith in God's sight is Islam." (Surah 3:19)

"Believers, do not make friends with any but your own people...They desire nothing but your ruin....You believe in the entire Book...When they meet you they say: 'We, too, are believers.' But when alone, they bite their finger-tips with rage." (Surah 3:118, 119)

"Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:27-)

"Prophet make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home." (Surah 9:73)

"Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them." (Surah 9:121-)
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