Several injured in London blasts

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its not narrow my thinking at all its how all the other countries that DONT have this problem think.....

when these muslims have a march down the road saying down with the west "burn america" this is acceptable ?

what if i had a march "burn all the mosc's" what would happen i would be arrested for causing hateful proppaganda ?, and the muslims would go fooking mad about this but we the british are not allowed

you then wonder why we have the problems we have here ?

and you go and tell the familys of the ones that have been caught up in yesterdays events that bush and blair have sent our own (terrorist) troops out to these countries to blow up children and everyone else so its are own fault really because we are narrow in thinking

i was taught to look after my own and charity begins at home also.... dont steal from my own, and dont shit on my own.... the people who battled in the war to keep england the way it used to be will turn in there graves for some of the thinking that goes on in here

and you say the media make me think like this LMFAO

the media have never said what i have said as they would be closed down or there would be some march "KILL KILL KILL.....down with the mirror, sun media" but this march would be allowed

You do have a point there....about racism.

We cant shout down with the muslems, but they can shout down with the west.

We cant go to there country and build a church/school...etc. They can do what the fook we want.

Now we are the minority...the ones that are born and bred here and have been for centurys.

As mentioned I have nothing against people coming here to better themselves, but it is when they THRUST their believes on us and denownce ours, expecially when thay are in OUR country!!!

But it is only the minority of the immagrants, that are causing this trouble....
also the most serious day to day crime is being commited by the eastern europeans.....
WTF!!!! we cant go to their countries and build schools and churches??? no we went there and conquered and colonised there fookin countries, forcing them to live our way, then u get p*ssed when they wanna come here. do u not no nythin???? u dont think there are churches in other(muslim) countries?? of course there is. open your eyes, and use your own head. and the press dont directly in cite rascism, but its between the lines...we are only told what they want us to know how they want us to no it.
jaxx said:
WTF!!!! we cant go to their countries and build schools and churches??? no we went there and conquered and colonised there fookin countries, forcing them to live our way, then u get p*ssed when they wanna come here. do u not no nythin???? u dont think there are churches in other(muslim) countries?? of course there is. open your eyes, and use your own head. and the press dont directly in cite rascism, but its between the lines...we are only told what they want us to know how they want us to no it.

But if we were in Iraq or Afghanistan then I''m damn sure thier newspapers and media would be telling us what they want us to know how they want us to know it.

Look this is England....not some lowlife middle east (****)ry. It is not about conquering countries and forcing people to live our way. We allow all races, creeds and religions into England regardless. How difficult would we find it getting to live in the middle east?? Not that we would because they are jealous of our standards.
Right, if we went to Pakistan/Afghanistan..etc....

and dedided, lets build a school to teach would get demolished before it got built...

as I have said before the MAGORITY of them a fine, I have muslem friends from the middle east and they are great!!!

its the SMALL minority here that casue the problem!
robbie77 said:
I agree wi Mickie D. Why do we let people from these countries into GB isn't it better to be safe rather than sorry. As someone says in a message before you will see all sorts of raids all over the counrty in the next few days. Bit late lads. Someone needs a kick up the ass and if it's not Tony Blair then who the hell is in charge of our intellegence.

My two cents worth (for now)

Better question's would be why do so many want to be here when they hate the place and the west.

Why do so many start a small version of the country they lived in or perents lived in. Why do so many not bother with intergration. Why do so many use English as a second language or not know it full stop.,,2087-1669637,00.html

Why do the British have to keep putting up with this shit
Mairyhinge said:
its the SMALL minority here that casue the problem!

But these people are becoming more of a majority, because of do gooder government members.
my opinion for what it's worth ... we are hostages in our own country ! as Mickie said earlier these people like that cnut hook can incite racial hatred towards the west and preach he's twisted and bitter version of the koran but if speak out against them we're racists ... I say invoke mertial law and intern these cowardly scum before they can do any more ... the security service knows who most of them are but have their hands tied ... it's time for the gloves to come off and start assainating these cnunts before they do us ... I'll be at the front of the queue if theres vacancies for the job !!!
Here we go again. Liverpool Street Station being evacuated NOW!!
Mickie D said:
ok because our goverment sent in troops that means innocent must die,

Thats al qaeda latest excuse this all started long before the troops went into Iraq and afganistan.

They want the whole world as one giant Islamic state clerics in this country have been passing the messege on to British Muslims too
Mairyhinge said:
Right, if we went to Pakistan/Afghanistan..etc....

and dedided, lets build a school to teach would get demolished before it got built...

its the SMALL minority here that casue the problem!


"The Church of Pakistan, which has about 800 000 members, is a united church"
Thats a small minority the last censor said Pakistan had a population of 126 million a massive rise in the one before which was 84.2 million
"history simply repeats itself because nobody listens"

People just do not listen, and are narrow minded, its not just black n white,
chetzy said:
"history simply repeats itself because nobody listens"

People just do not listen, and are narrow minded, its not just black n white,

Listen to what, what message are we supposed to be hearing??

Not black and white?? More olive and white.
people have blammed, :
1.tony n bush
2.bin laden group

ok first 2, are ****s n need to be shot down.
immagrants, so stop all immagrants? will solve this problem? i dont think so, they will easily come to uk on holiday if they want to blow things up, so that leaves us with stop all people from comming into this country. firstly we do not know who set-off these bombs, were the actual people living here, or did they come to this country just to do this.

4. muslims, people hve condemed the whole friggin race cus of few muslim extremist, there are extremist in all races, this world is fuked up! people are fuked up in general! wot makes us the most intelligent fukin animals in this world also makes us the most dumbest,

ive been to another forum similar to this and this has turned people towards eachother, i have no arguments with no1 on here, i listen to everyones believes, just sad how people are turned towards eachother.
on the news this morning, they said they might have been

suicide bombers, 4k me they could be any were...............

how scary is that one...?.....
i understand there was one on the bus, dont all london buses now hve camera's, hopefully this wasnt distroyed in the explosion
I hope it was suicide bombers ... at least there would be 4 less of the cnuts to worry about !
Bronto said:
I hope it was suicide bombers ... at least there would be 4 less of the cnuts to worry about !

We'll know for sure soon but why do I get the feeling it may have been British suicide bombers
chetzy said:
4. muslims, people hve condemed the whole friggin race cus of few muslim extremist, there are extremist in all races, this world is fuked up! people are fuked up in general! wot makes us the most intelligent fukin animals in this world also makes us the most dumbest,

I dont think anyone is condeming the whole race but we keep being told its a small majority which is bullshit when you look at all the problems around the world which are 99% Muslim related even the ethnic cleansing which was going on in Africa was Muslim related
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