Rocky Balboa

i thought he made this one because the last one was so poor...its a good way to say goodbye to all the rocky fans, hence thefight at the end :) buy i enjoyed it anyway
A lot of emotions, it makes u look back at your own life when you were at your peak. definately a film for the middle aged and upwards, not really for the teenagers.

A good point that.:Clap:

Probably explains the differances of opinion we're getting.
im 30 this year, so thats probably why i appreciated it...good point :)
just watched it tonight.

was one of the saddest films ive seen in ages

I thought it was tremendous.

just remember watching them when i was 13/14 and when there was flashbacks it took me back to memories of watching them first time round

what does anyone else think

I reckon the young uns of today wont get it

its all about end of eras

im sounding a right sloppy get here now

Couldn't agree more. I wasn't expecting too much from it but it really surprised me. For sequel number 6 or 5 which ever way you look at it it was great.
i cant beleive he could still run up them steps i thought they might install i stair left this time round
A lot of emotions, it makes u look back at your own life when you were at your peak. definately a film for the middle aged and upwards, not really for the teenagers.

A excellent finish to the Rocky movies

was exactly the point i was trying to make, definately aimed at the age group who were in their teens when the first ones came out, i think these are the ones who are going to relate to it more. I know the young uns today will still say they have seen them anyway but you cant get back the times when your at the cinema and everyone is cheering him on in the fight and chanting "rocky...rocky...rocky"
havent seen it yet, but recently watched the other ones back to back on sly cinema. looking forward to it. i remember buying pirate vhs copies of them all years ago.
rocky 4 was well the best rocky

heres a perfect copy of rocky 6 on limewire


I still love rocky 4 rocky 6 is for pussy cats lmao
i thought it was one of the best of the rest, 1 will always be the best but this came a close 2nd for me
Not a patch on the first. But, certainly a better end to the saga than the previous attempt. I enjoyed it, for nostalgia if nothing else.
Pauly - the constantly pi$$ed-off brother-in-law made the film for me - that geezer is a wicked actor.

i'd happily watch a spin-off Pauly film - just about him robbing meat from that meat factory, being pi$$ed, and coming out with them dark one-liners!!!

Stallone is in good shape for a 60 year old although I hear he's working on another Rambo film?

I've got an imagination but a 60+ year old Rambo???? Can't quite see it somehow.
I wasnt expecting much but really enjoyed the film. Stallone puts in an excellent performance, if Will Smith can get voted for best actor surely this film is worthy of a screenplay nomination? The use of cut scenes and music throughout the film is brialliant. Everytime you hear Mickeys voice you feel 13 all over again.

One of the best films in ages. I urge all to go and see it. I'm surprised that none shed a tear during the film as it made me cry lol
Pauly - the constantly pi$$ed-off brother-in-law made the film for me - that geezer is a wicked actor.

i'd happily watch a spin-off Pauly film - just about him robbing meat from that meat factory, being pi$$ed, and coming out with them dark one-liners!!!

Stallone is in good shape for a 60 year old although I hear he's working on another Rambo film?

I've got an imagination but a 60+ year old Rambo???? Can't quite see it somehow.

How about a 60 year old indiana jones, i would still go and watch that, hoping the rumors of another indie will turn out to be true
I wasnt expecting much but really enjoyed the film. Stallone puts in an excellent performance, if Will Smith can get voted for best actor surely this film is worthy of a screenplay nomination? The use of cut scenes and music throughout the film is brialliant. Everytime you hear Mickeys voice you feel 13 all over again.

One of the best films in ages. I urge all to go and see it. I'm surprised that none shed a tear during the film it made me cry lol

you wooos try watching the pursiut of happiness thats alot sadder
and blood dimond is the best ive seen in ages
isnt indie 64 this year??... pension book soon :)

He's being willing to do a indie sequl for over 10 years now, just that he hadn`t seen a script good enough. I wonder if Harrison has accepted the right film or just doing it knowing in a few years he wont be capable of fullfilling the role physically ?
Im not a Rocy fan but did like the old ones he did 3 and 4, sin the new one last week and most say it was good to me as a lot of my friends siad it was crap.

Still what do they no.

Good film.
good film but came 10 years to late nice to see Tyson in film made it feel more real
No 4 was best for me, 14 year old loads of mates in the pictures and standing up to the russian anthem, and getting cheered