Reload this Page [Release] Commando 8 The phantom Menu feedback


Only other issue is that there seesm to be a chunk of menus missing for setting chipset options / nagrom / standby config etc.

Apart from that a great image.


Whats missing ?, it's a brand new menu that wasn't in previous images how can stuff be missing. I'm confused now :)
A little help please....

I have just installed this image and it looks great however I am not geting a picture on a couple of the movie channels, E4, Sports 1 & 2 and a number of other channels. I have been using sportster images on my dbox 2 for the last 18 months with no problems.

I am sure it is something simple as I am getting the epg for the missing channels.

Any help would be great..

Whats missing ?, it's a brand new menu that wasn't in previous images how can stuff be missing. I'm confused now :)

I am a little confused to? how can we be missing stuff off of a menu that has never been there?

any one else having a problem with the EPG not working after a short period of time? After a reset the EPG populates and then will loose all files!

Ahh, it seems that if the EPG save file is told to be anything other than blank it wont show the EPG.

(misc settings --> EPG save)
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Whats missing ?, it's a brand new menu that wasn't in previous images how can stuff be missing. I'm confused now :)

Ok, suppose that wasn't the clearest thing :)

What I mean is I can't find the options to do any of the above. In the past they where all accessible via the blue button and then a built menu.

If you caa point me at where those options exist in the new menu then great!
I never checked the blue button menu, they must of left it out, you can add it from another image.
A little help please....

I have just installed this image and it looks great however I am not geting a picture on a couple of the movie channels, E4, Sports 1 & 2 and a number of other channels. I have been using sportster images on my dbox 2 for the last 18 months with no problems.

I am sure it is something simple as I am getting the epg for the missing channels.

Any help would be great..


Sorry to push this issue but it is driving me crazy.. I even tried to re-image the dbox but I can not even do that now...

With the football season drawing to an end and the cricket finals comming up I am cracking up.

Can anybody offer any advise to get this working..

The blue button isnt needed any more - you can change EMU, boot options, UCODEs etc from the 'normal menu' - its one of the options right at the bottom of the settings menu if I recall - not at my box now so cant check - but noticed all the blue button options are in there.
lasor - have you copied over the keys folder from one of your working images, or the 'magic' files from this forum?
lasor - have you copied over the keys folder from one of your working images, or the 'magic' files from this forum?

Thanks bob808.

No I havent can you tell me what files to download and where to put them..

image is sweet. stable & straight to the point, the way they should be.

only 1 bad thing though, NO TELETEXT (worst for me cos neither has my normal tv)

oh well, keep up the good work, & maybe next time text maybe integrated lol
it is all over the forums - but here you go....

reflash your last image

ftp into it

take the whole folder called keys

reflash commando 8

ftp into it

go to the /var folder
move the keys folder into here (ie /var/keys)
go into the keys folder
make all files CHMOD 755

hope that helps...

it is all over the forums - but here you go....

reflash your last image

ftp into it

take the whole folder called keys

reflash commando 8

ftp into it

go to the /var folder
move the keys folder into here (ie /var/keys)
go into the keys folder
make all files CHMOD 755

hope that helps...

Thats not quite correct, you need to take the whole keys folder from the old image, and also evocamd, mgcamd and newcamd from the bins folder.

Once you have commando 8 back on upload the contents of the keys folder to the new keys folder, and the 3 files from the bin folder to the new bin folder and then CHMOD 777 the 3 bin files not the key files.
it is all over the forums - but here you go....

reflash your last image

ftp into it

take the whole folder called keys

reflash commando 8

ftp into it

go to the /var folder
move the keys folder into here (ie /var/keys)
go into the keys folder
make all files CHMOD 755

hope that helps...

Thanks bob808

Unfortunatly I can not reflash my box. I have flashed the box dozens of times in the past but now It will not let me (just keeps on hanging) is there another way to get the keys folder other than getting it from my old image??
Thanks bob808

Unfortunatly I can not reflash my box. I have flashed the box dozens of times in the past but now It will not let me (just keeps on hanging) is there another way to get the keys folder other than getting it from my old image??

Download the digitalworld special files from the downloads
The blue button isnt needed any more - you can change EMU, boot options, UCODEs etc from the 'normal menu' - its one of the options right at the bottom of the settings menu if I recall - not at my box now so cant check - but noticed all the blue button options are in there.
I think he means the standby options so you could set the volume on boot up etc.
Also the option to change from avia500 to avia600 driver, Gnx settings etc.
Plus tne actual nagra settings menu view k*ys etc none of which i think are in this image.
Xela - I only needed the keys folder mate - the image already had the emu files in place, just no keys! Out of habbit I always made the keys 755 - this may or may not be required...
Thats not quite correct, you need to take the whole keys folder from the old image, and also evocamd, mgcamd and newcamd from the bins folder.

Once you have commando 8 back on upload the contents of the keys folder to the new keys folder, and the 3 files from the bin folder to the new bin folder and then CHMOD 777 the 3 bin files not the key files.
The camds are already in the image and it should be 755 not 777 and you dont need to do this for the k*ys anyway.
Xela - I only needed the keys folder mate - the image already had the emu files in place, just no keys! Out of habbit I always made the keys 755 - this may or may not be required...

Sorry, I'm sure I had to but the cams in

@Fergalsworld, thats what I meant... not sure where 777 came from :confused:
Sorry, I'm sure I had to but the cams in

@Fergalsworld, thats what I meant... not sure where 777 came from :confused:
Nope the camds dont need to be put in as they are already in the image but not in /var/bin/emu they are in the
/bin folder.