Reload this Page [Release] Commando 8 The phantom Menu feedback

adding roms/key

Renwick.....I have all so done a serch ref: guide on adding cams/keys to this image and it come up with nothing?
Would also be nice if the MP3 Player could recognise directories instead of listing every mp3 though

I think there was something about pressing the right key on a directory rather than ok and it would enter that and you could then press ok on a subdir just to scan that.
Got it on the box, looks great, will give it a run through today. Quick Question the logos in yWeb don't match any of my services is there an easy way to correct it?

Move to an ntl area.
I'm assuming your telepest same as me as they don't work here either and it looks terrible without the logo's
Well, movings out the question just now..... So is there anyway of turning them off?
not sure, switching to firefox stopped the empty boxes for me.
Maybe if you post a list from the serial output in hyperterminal you can ask them to add the gifs for your area as it is only a name thing nothing that cannot be fixed.
Great image renwich & co is there an option to change the contrast & brightness for the lcd screen as i cant find it? ;)
not sure, switching to firefox stopped the empty boxes for me.
Maybe if you post a list from the serial output in hyperterminal you can ask them to add the gifs for your area as it is only a name thing nothing that cannot be fixed.

If someone can post the out put I'll see if I can organise a fix
What exactly do you need the output of? I can get it sorted tomorrow

not sure, switching to firefox stopped the empty boxes for me.
Maybe if you post a list from the serial output in hyperterminal you can ask them to add the gifs for your area as it is only a name thing nothing that cannot be fixed.

needs to be a TW area
Loaded up C8 and good image as ever. missing a few good functions like left and right buttons showing epg on the channels and tuxtxt. i assume you load this up as a plugin. no biggy!

the menu functions are very neat but have went back to c7.5 as prefer the extra functions without the hassle. i think the picture quality may be better with c7.5 but it could just be my eyes!!

thanks for the hard work
bobsylas said:
settings/miscellaneous settings/virtual zap by infobar = on

this should sort it
THat should sort the EPG left right thingie
Need help with Commando 8 issues

Great image really appreciate the work. I have two issues.

1) Is there a way to switch off all the extra info in the InfoBar and

2) I'm trying to put Tuxtxt on but the /dev/root seems to be ro. When I remount it rw I still can't copy anything into /lib/tuxbox/plugins

Thanks again for the hard work guys.
dump the files into
/var/tuxbox/plugins or /var/plugins

Thanks for the quick reply. I copied the files into both of those directories and did the chmod 755 thing, reloaded the plugins no joy. Then I rebooted the box still not tuxtxt plugin.
not sure, switching to firefox stopped the empty boxes for me.
Maybe if you post a list from the serial output in hyperterminal you can ask them to add the gifs for your area as it is only a name thing nothing that cannot be fixed.

needs to be a TW area

I got that, but a serial output of what exactly, a channel scan?

Edit: Think I'm being stupid, if its the error output produced when you goto yWeb then I've attached that, if not, im at a loss.
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Had a bit of a rummage around.
The LCD is a pain as even editing the neutrino.conf with the correct values they do not take straight away for me, so I reboot and then they are reset to what they where.

Only other issue is that there seesm to be a chunk of menus missing for setting chipset options / nagrom / standby config etc.

Apart from that a great image.
