Racism on site

people, use the DW search function, and look for the word 'scoot' and go WAYYYY back through the results

believe it or not, before all this PC stuff, DW was ALWAYS fun

and just like chrispeters has posted, im PROUD to be welsh, and people thinking up creative names for me shows that theyre thinking of me :) (even if they are on the smelly side of the severn bridge lol)
LOL digi ...
my point exactly... we are proud of where we live.
if i get called english pommy wotever..i just say ..yeah so what , i am proud of what england has done .
Maybe other races are not as proud coming from their respective countries ? so calling them P**i is seemed offensive to them ?
If they dont like being called that , and it is offensive , so dont do it , have some respect.
You never know u may get respected back.
i actually do see both sides of the argument .. i also do seriously think that the mods have a tough job in modding what is deemed as racist .
This is a big site with shit loads of members , some members are going to get upset .
The mods do a great job in tricky situations... i wish some members would give them an easier ride at times...

Sorry for the double post , perhaps a mod can merge with the one above ^^^^

Are you saying some of the members on here are shit?, can you see how its easily twisted to make that you are the guilty party chris.So where exactly do you draw the line. I for one will carry on posting no matter what race and if anyone doesn't like it they will just have to suck it up like the rest of us.
LOL digi ...

Maybe other races are not as proud coming from their respective countries ? so calling them P**i is seemed offensive to them ?
If they dont like being called that , and it is offensive , so dont do it , have some respect.
You never know u may get respected back.
Never in a month of Sundays you will get this they will just spit in front of you and barge past you.
Are you saying some of the members on here are shit?, can you see how its easily twisted to make that you are the guilty party chris.So where exactly do you draw the line. I for one will carry on posting no matter what race and if anyone doesn't like it they will just have to suck it up like the rest of us.

doesnt come across nothing like that at all , i just think some are more sensitive than others .
like all people, i did not say they was shit , and no it cannot even be twisted into that.
That is how someones strange mind may work. My wife crys at corry ...she is sensitive , i laugh at it and turn it over.
other people may twist the truth and read things differently than others which is also fair enough.
Everyone is different.
If someone has a complaint that a post was deemed as racist and it has upset them , then it is their perogative to report and complain.
Someones offensive material , is a joke to others... its the mods who have the tough job of sorting this shit out , us as members , well ..i only hhave had ONE gripe with ONE member in 6 years of being here , that is not a bad record imo. i fell out with more folk in the local boozer
I'm just lol'ing at this whole thread......

I'll come and read it again when we are at page 18.
Never in a month of Sundays you will get this they will just spit in front of you and barge past you.

miggy this is incorrect...dont agree with you .
You are being racist right there... they are not all like you say they are , in fact i have not come across ANY that behave that way.
and i live in an area that is heavily populated with other races.

still like u though , yer a good lad lol
miggy this is incorrect...dont agree with you .
You are being racist right there... they are not all like you say they are , in fact i have not come across ANY that behave that way.
and i live in an area that is heavily populated with other races.

still like u though , yer a good lad lol
Chris I live near Oldham they own nearly all the shops they sell just there own clothes not English clothes. Now I could say that is racist can't I?. As for the spitting issue I have witnessed this myself and find it disgusting.
Chris I live near Oldham they own nearly all the shops they sell just there own clothes not English clothes. Now I could say that is racist can't I?. As for the spitting issue I have witnessed this myself and find it disgusting.

But that statement is detrimental to asians ....
please look at the other side , where would you get your milk at 10 pm at night on xmas day ?
if it wasnt for all those shops and stuff , it would be much harder to get necessities at silly times in the day .
but this list could go on forever without our asian communities.. example ..
Doctor waiting times would increase 10 fold .
getting taxis would be a nightmare
i love currys , so prolly less curry houses.
i honestly do see plenty advantages.. this is prolly part of the reason that i am not racist...
LOL@ miggy , you do know this racist shit don`t work like that.
Chris I live near Oldham they own nearly all the shops they sell just there own clothes not English clothes. Now I could say that is racist can't I?. As for the spitting issue I have witnessed this myself and find it disgusting.
Chris I live near Oldham they own nearly all the shops they sell just there own clothes not English clothes. Now I could say that is racist can't I?.

How could that possibly be racist??
Are they not allowed to buy shops that are on the market,are they not allowed decide what they sell in their own shops.
Chris I live near Oldham they own nearly all the shops they sell just there own clothes not English clothes. Now I could say that is racist can't I?. As for the spitting issue I have witnessed this myself and find it disgusting.

English clothes?????

When was the last time you looked at a clothes label miggy? :hello:
Of course nara can change paki to earwig as we know he likes to talk about him.

I've just noticed this late edit which you made to predate my first post.

I don't really give a toss what you think of me ellie, but do you really think a mod should be introducing his own agenda here? It's petty, and irrelevant to the subject matter.
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I like a joke but i really find the Paki jokes really offensive and i beleive they are only being posted to be offensive. As i commented on one of these vile attempts at racism. We have good members on here who are pakistani. I really feel for the good of the forum these vile posts and posters have to be routed out and an end brought to it. I dont see the point of hiding them in the adult room. Thats just like sticking your heads in a bucket of sand tbh. @ Mods and admin you do have a difficult job you do do a good job imo but please dont let yourselfs down on this one. From what i read its only one or 2 members (and a couple of " like" followers) who are letting the vast majority of members down.
And I do believe this post is aimed at me or am I wrong
I've just noticed this late edit which you made to predate my first post.

I don't really give a toss what you think of me ellie, but do you really think a mod should be introducing his own agenda here? It's petty, and irrelevant to the subject matter.

It's not irrelevant to me.
If earwig was known to be non white he could have waved the racist card but he couldn't/didn't, with you we have to be nice if they are not white but if they are white then they are fair game which to me is racist.
Racism goes both ways in the real world, but in yours only counts if they are not white and that to me stinks and is very relevant to the discussion
I mentioned in post #2 that I also find that there are a lot of jokes that seem very misogynistic to me.

They have the same sort of feel as the racist ones. It seems like a certain frame of mind to me: I could not think of women in those terms.

If I was in a pub and someone began to tell me those sort of jokes I would tell them I didn't like them.

DW isn't a small group of people who share the same mores, it's a large site. Jokes suitable to tell in one situation aren't necessarily suitable in another.

I think the general forums should be seen as a public place where all sorts of people are listening not a small gathering of a few mates who share the same views.