Motorola Sb5101 With Sigma X2


Inactive User
Apr 5, 2008
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Hi im new to the forums and to cable modem stuff aswell but im learning after reading through a few posts :).

Basically i have got my eye on a MOTOROLA SB5101 with SIGMA X2.
Currently im on virginmedia 2mb shared between about 3/4 computers in my girlfriends household so as you can guess the speeds are rubbish but i live here and they wont upgrade it :(.

At my home a few miles away i have 20mb virgin broadband that hardly ever gets used..

From what i have read i need a valid mac adress to use a flashed modem.. Could i use the mac adress from the modem from my house on the flashed modem that im going to order for my girlfriends house?.. My house is about 1.8miles away if that makes a difference?.

Sorry if thats a bit confusing but if anyone could make the slightest bit of sense from it any answers would be appreciated :).

Thanks everyone!
Hi im new to the forums and to cable modem stuff aswell but im learning after reading through a few posts :).

Basically i have got my eye on a MOTOROLA SB5101 with SIGMA X2.
Currently im on virginmedia 2mb shared between about 3/4 computers in my girlfriends household so as you can guess the speeds are rubbish but i live here and they wont upgrade it :(.

At my home a few miles away i have 20mb virgin broadband that hardly ever gets used..

From what i have read i need a valid mac adress to use a flashed modem.. Could i use the mac adress from the modem from my house on the flashed modem that im going to order for my girlfriends house?.. My house is about 1.8miles away if that makes a difference?.

Sorry if thats a bit confusing but if anyone could make the slightest bit of sense from it any answers would be appreciated :).

Thanks everyone!

You will need to check which UBR you and your partenr are on. This can be found through a link. Basically if you are on the same server but different UBRs then you can use your mac addy. However if this is the case I would advise using DHCP force or some other sniffer to pick up another mac. You may be lucky enough to get a 20 meg mac!

If you need any more info then PM me and ill email some stuff for ya.