middle lane hogging w@#*3$5

The only time I have EVER stayed in the middle lane was on the motorway coming back or going to (Can't remember now) Middlesbrough and it was chucking it down, the inside lane was full of puddles and I'd already aqua planed once so thought I'd stick to the middle as it was about 11pm and no one else at all was on the road...that was until out of the blue came this car, right up my rear end, main beams lit to blind me then pulled out to overtake. As they pulled out I put my beams on to share the joy of blindness to find it was a police car! I kept my beam on mind. I'm not scared of the Bobbies. I wasn't speeding, if anything I was preventing an accident by not ditching me and my car having spun off the motorway and making them drag me out...some people.

I do agree though that daytime middle lane hogging is an absolute hateful and nonsensical thing to do and a pastime of the elderly and infirm...

moan over

thats another thing that annoys me, the way the coppers drive about! talk about hypocrites!
i remember a few years ago i was on a dual carriagway doing about 75 overtaking a row of cars n trucks when this car pulls right up my arse, after a few hundred yards he put his full beams on (in daytime) so i jumped on the brakes, middle finger in the air to balance myself and sloweed the van to about 30 in about 6 yards. i could see the guy behind me in the mirror peeling his face off the windscreen and trying to swallow his heart, then the blue lights came on behind the grilles, tw@. the copper called me a fkin maniac and asked what the hell i thought i was doing, i told him a cat was in the road and he said i could have caused an accident. ME?????? he would have been the one in my boot the nob
yes does my head in on dual carriagways when people sit in the out side line going slow i just flash them if dont move a quick undertake and in front of them then say what the **** put foot down then bcack into inside to show them hows its done lol
i remember a few years ago i was on a dual carriagway doing about 75 overtaking a row of cars n trucks when this car pulls right up my arse, after a few hundred yards he put his full beams on (in daytime) so i jumped on the brakes, middle finger in the air to balance myself and sloweed the van to about 30 in about 6 yards. i could see the guy behind me in the mirror peeling his face off the windscreen and trying to swallow his heart, then the blue lights came on behind the grilles, tw@. the copper called me a fkin maniac and asked what the hell i thought i was doing, i told him a cat was in the road and he said i could have caused an accident. ME?????? he would have been the one in my boot the nob

Did you get a ticket?

I hate tailgaters on a motorway especially if you've got someone on your bumper and you are actually exceeding the speed limit anyway.
15 years ago people would get out of the day with a polite flash of the beams. These days a honk of the horn and a big 4x4 is needed or they will ignore you.

IMO its all about the car that you are driving. If some guy is in his big ass BMW doing 50 in the middle lane he's hardly going to move over for a small car. I used to cuss these drivers before, driving in my wifes fiesta as they would never move. Since I got a 4x4 I'm finding that people move over much quicker.

I find the whole situation rather depressing. Luck I only drive 5000 mile a year or I'd be ageing much quicker
and thats what i bet causes most accidents! blooody lane hogging 2w@s!