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India to cancel Australia tour

Tell you what guys, lets settle this the good old fashion way....pistols at the ready....ooops, I forgot we decommisioned...lol

When is the next match between your 2 great cricketing nations, team that wins that has bragging rights, past games don't count, how about it guys.
Where was my last ran when Pakistan lost?

Where is my last rant when United lost?

You simply need to back up your statement

As for the record India are shit simple as remember Bangladesh they fooked you at the world cup. So don't first look at your team then talk about others.

Yes Munkey your right i don't know much about Cricket as i don't watch it much but i know we are better then you. :handball:

Well when india beat pakistan twice in recent twenty20 world cup you just couldnt take it, you kept goin on about how pakistan should have won and how their bowlers are better, etc.

And if you want to base your comments on a team's "shitness" by bringing up past results against smaller teams then must i remind you about Ireland beating Pakistan or did you forget that one?
Tell you what guys, lets settle this the good old fashion way....pistols at the ready....ooops, I forgot we decommisioned...lol

When is the next match between your 2 great cricketing nations, team that wins that has bragging rights, past games don't count, how about it guys.

We just played recently in the T20 World Cup Final and beat them. Its very difficult for people to understand the significance of that victory. India and Pakistand have a bitter history and this was the first time they had met in a World Cup Final in their history. Indian won...

Then last month India beat Pakistan in a Test Match series (These series are far and few between)

I've stated other facts about Pakistans poor history against India but some people just cant accept the truth, they'd much rather rant abuse than provide actual facts to counter my logical and factual points.

This thread should have been as the original poster intended - about India vs Australia. Everyone is welcome to post but the last thing you need is people spoiling it by taking it off topic. When you offer to start a factual new thread to 'sort it out' you are given more abuse. Ronaldo121 was banned for this exact same thing a short while back but some people never learn their lesson.
Does anyone else notice that the Pakistan and India supporters just can't stop arguing? lol
Sorry guys, had to say it. Don't let me interfere.
Now where were we? Oh that's right, India vs Pakistan :Biggrin2:

EDIT, beat me to it munkey!
We just played recently in the T20 World Cup Final and beat them. Its very difficult for people to understand the significance of that victory. India and Pakistand have a bitter history and this was the first time they had met in a World Cup Final in their history. Indian won...

Then last month India beat Pakistan in a Test Match series (These series are far and few between)

I've stated other facts about Pakistans poor history against India but some people just cant accept the truth, they'd much rather rant abuse than provide actual facts to counter my logical and factual points.

This thread should have been as the original poster intended - about India vs Australia. Everyone is welcome to post but the last thing you need is people spoiling it by taking it off topic. When you offer to start a factual new thread to 'sort it out' you are given more abuse. Ronaldo121 was banned for this exact same thing a short while back but some people never learn their lesson.

Munkey are you thick?

It wan not a world cup final as the 20/20 wasn't a world cup. The 20/20 was a world event but the ICC stressed that it was not a world cup like many thought.

So get you facts right!

At Jaffa yes i agree with you.
Munkey are you thick?

It wan not a world cup final as the 20/20 wasn't a world cup. The 20/20 was a world event but the ICC stressed that it was not a world cup like many thought.

So get you facts right!

At Jaffa yes i agree with you.

Wonder wot crap you would have come out with had Misbah not fooked up!!! Yeah its the most prestigous of them all or something like that... As for if you were in front of me, anythime boy!!
Hope this thread don't get closed coz of your kiddi behaviour, it seems to be you against every other poster here. Waiting to see the appeal decision so lets hope thread stays open.
Does anyone else notice that the Pakistan and India supporters just can't stop arguing? lol
Sorry guys, had to say it. Don't let me interfere.
Now where were we? Oh that's right, India vs Pakistan :Biggrin2:

EDIT, beat me to it munkey!

Have to agree there you dont get English fighting with the Jocks: spank :: spank :
i may have been banned in the past but that has nothing to do with this!

As for this thread going of topic if this thread is to be closed i am sure the mods can look closely at this and see who that nerd was that took it of topic. It was a thread started for discussion about the India v Australia thread but as the Indians don't have much to cheers about with Australia they decide to dig up the past :roflmao:

The simple fact is this thread should be about Australia v India

Let me begin by posting on the intended topic.

I have been impressed with Australia's ruthless approach and never give up attitude to this series. They attitude and desire to win has been far better then their overrated Indian counterparts with all the accusations flying around they kept cool heads and were able to demonstrate to the world why they are the best side in the world. I would like to say just look at the last over that Michael Clarke bowled it was wonderful. The Australians kept a level head and showed their quality. The Indians can turn around and say the umpiring was bad but then the Australians too had a few bad decisions so all in all you just can't blame the umpires and just have to accept you have been outclassed by a superior side. The Australians can also say that Harbhajan Singh was trying to get a reaction from the likes of Andrew Symonds by starting the personal abuse that he allegedly has. Credit to the Australians for doing all their talking with bat and ball.,

With India threatening to quit the tour i can only assume it would be a good thing for them it may well save them from further humiliation.

Please can we stick to the Australia v India thread

I really would like to hear your views on this fascinating series which has quite dramatic.
I am not being argumentative here Ronaldo m8 but I dont agree with you about the Aussies doing all their talking with the bat, they are one of the worse teams in the world for sledging and snide remarks, they do this to get under the skins of the other team and to try and get a reaction...they are world class at that....but I do agree they are miles ahead of any team at cricket, they are really worth watching even if you are like me and really dislike them. They have been excellent but I must say that I thought India did bat well in a some innings.

But thats only my opinion as a neutral.
I am not being argumentative here Ronaldo m8 but I dont agree with you about the Aussies doing all their talking with the bat, they are one of the worse teams in the world for sledging and snide remarks, they do this to get under the skins of the other team and to try and get a reaction...they are world class at that....but I do agree they are miles ahead of any team at cricket, they are really worth watching even if you are like me and really dislike them. They have been excellent but I must say that I thought India did bat well in a some innings.

But thats only my opinion as a neutral.

I agree with that they do sledging but they do it in a manner where they get away with it. Above all they don't appear to be racist even if some are deep down. Where the Indians lack is they let it all out like Harbhajan. However they are great to watch.

Thanks Jaffa mate for staying on topic lets hope others can follow example lol!

in a manner where they get away with it? Brad Hogg was just charged with abuse. And i'm sure many more of their players would also have been charged under Ponting's reign, but opposing team's captain accept it and get on with it.

I dislike the players who taking sledging to asshat levels like Andre Nel, Brad Hogg, Symonds, Sreesanth, etc
The best players are those who limit their sledging and jus do the talkin with their balling or batting.
in a manner where they get away with it? Brad Hogg was just charged with abuse. And i'm sure many more of their players would also have been charged under Ponting's reign, but opposing team's captain accept it and get on with it.

I dislike the players who taking sledging to asshat levels like Andre Nel, Brad Hogg, Symonds, Sreesanth, etc
The best players are those who limit their sledging and jus do the talkin with their balling or batting.

add shaoib acthar to that list, hes another!! As for those who let the bat and ball do the talking, for me its players like pollock, gayle, dravid, and monty.
Calling Aussies 'deep down racists' is disgraceful Ronaldo121. My mates have read this post and are deeply offended by your comments. Australians are wonderful people!

back to the tpoic a hand....

Guys I'm in Oz and I've attached a story from the front page of The Sydney Morning Herald for those interested to have a read.

I've had a chance to read a few papers now and the general concensus in the media is that the Aussie team have screwed up. Most of the papers are trying to play the affair down even though it is front page news on almost every national paper. The TV is mad with the story as well.

My friends over here are deeply embarrased by the teams behaviour. To make racism claims against the Indians has not proved very popular with the public in general. Everybody wanted a good series from the best two batting sides in the world but the race allegations really have put a wet blanket over the whole contest.

The funny thing is when you speak with 'people in the street' they're more concerned with Brad Hoggs 'bastard' comments. The TV ran a story about what 'bastard' means when translated and how deeply offensive it is when translated into Hindi. Being called fatherless in India is very offensive and the Aussies in the street are more concerned with apologizing for Hoggs comments ahead of RP's race allegations. LOL Aussies are saying the RP made that allegation because HS keeps on taking his wicket cheaply! Gotta love the straight talking bloke in the street.

People are saying that RP is so desperate to do better than Steve Waugh he has taken cricket to a new low with his win at all cost mentality. Aussies do want to win everytime as they are ultra competative but RP seems to have taken this too far and the public are fed up with it. One of the funny quotes I got from a mate was 'we want o win but win royaly', that made me laugh.
India withdraw Hogg abuse charge

Some progress has been made, so thats good.

India have dropped their case against Australia's Brad Hogg, who was accused of making offensive remarks to Anil Kumble and Mahendra Singh Dhoni.

The decision was taken during a meeting in Perth between opposing captains Kumble and Ricky Ponting.
Hogg, 36, had been due to face a disciplinary hearing after a complaint by India team manager Chetan Chauhan.
"It was just one of those incidents, probably in the heat of the moment. We now need to move on," Kumble said. "Cricket is larger than any individual, so it is important that we forget about what happened in Sydney, which had some bad memories and incidents.
"In view of that, we have decided as a team to withdraw the charge made against Brad Hogg."

MV Sridhar, media manager for the Indian team, dismissed suggestions that the charge against Hogg had been dropped in the hope that Australia would reciprocate.
"This has not been done as something like an exchange offer or any such thing, nor was this decision taken with any expectations from the other side on Harbhajan," he said. "There is no thinking that this was done in anticipation of a favourable result in Harbhajan's case."