In light of the present circumstances !!!

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Oooooooooh? That's debatable.

Anyway I'm surprised you're getting involved in this. Are you really trying to blame Lennon, whatever his behaviour, for some of what's happened?

Colin posted in response to your accusation and you tell him not to get involved! :err:

This is most unlike you tbh.

The Rangers fans who've posted here so far have been fair minded.

How's it debatable ?
No one forced him .
Oooooooooh? That's debatable.

Anyway I'm surprised you're getting involved in this. Are you really trying to blame Lennon, whatever his behaviour, for some of what's happened?

Colin posted in response to your accusation and you tell him not to get involved! :err:

This is most unlike you tbh.

The Rangers fans who've posted here so far have been fair minded.

Oh nara, you do make me laugh at times.

You had PMd me, and now you put this response. I wonder how that spoon of yours has lasted so long.

In response to your post, no where did I say Lennon was wholely responsible for what has happened, however I would say that he has added flames to the fire, with his attitude, and stance on situations. Again I use the Martin O'Neill example, both from NI, yet only Lennon is getting this kind of trouble. Kinda makes you think there is more too it!!

And we can debate all you want about Lennon quitting/Retiring from NI international football, where would you like to start?

And I am giving Colin some advice, as clearly he is too close to this whole situation to be objective. He is a a tim afterall, and does get worked up when it comes to Celtic, and threads about them.

I have noticed though, that while you question my behaviour, and posting, no-one has come up with a good defense against my line of questioning. So again I ask, how come M.O'Neil lasted as long as he did at Celtic, being from NI, and quite possibly Catholic, yet Lennon is being sent death threats and bullets in the post?

For the record, and for the final time "IM NOT A RANGERS FAN!!! I SUPPORT EVERTON!"
man i hate football lol (and religious crap)

Ive read through the last 4 pages, including edited / deleted posts. I dont know (or care) who the people youre all talking about are, what theyve done (or not done) what team theyre on, or anything like that.

What i do care about though, is what posts contain.

Any attacks against each other, goading members for reactions, or posts purposely worded to have multiple meanings (i will read it as meaning the worst meaning possible) WILL receive infractions.

I dont like sport, i dont watch sport and i dont read about sport, but i do like DW, so play nice, and nobody gets any yellow / red cards handed to them

Forces of Darkness is a common term for evil-doers.

If he resigns, those who are trying to hurt or frighten him will have succeeded.

why dont you say what you mean?
or better still pm someone else the next time you
want a pop at me?
janobi as ive said to you twice now im not interested in getting into an arguement on one hand your right me being a celtic fan offcourse i would find it difficult to be objective as i guess would rangers fans find it difficult to be objective why you singled me out im not so sure? as surely the same advice could be given to any rangers fan offering the opposite of my view? but i take your advice on board and other than pointing out the above i wont post on the thread again. ive noticed since my return though you seem a bit too quick to have a pop i hope that trend doesnt continue as no need for it..

As above wont post in this particular thread again so if you do want to address the points i raise feel free to PM, as id rather you didnt post something which i cant reply to?
You can reply colin. Its only your choice not to.
In my view Janobi has made some good points about comparisons between 2 Irish Celtic managers and the gulf between them. It would be intresting to hear your views on why there is a differnce between Martin o'neil and Neil Lennon. Not having a pop Colin but would really like to hear a Celtic fans view point.
janobi as ive said to you twice now im not interested in getting into an arguement on one hand your right me being a celtic fan offcourse i would find it difficult to be objective as i guess would rangers fans find it difficult to be objective why you singled me out im not so sure? as surely the same advice could be given to any rangers fan offering the opposite of my view? but i take your advice on board and other than pointing out the above i wont post on the thread again. ive noticed since my return though you seem a bit too quick to have a pop i hope that trend doesnt continue as no need for it..

As above wont post in this particular thread again so if you do want to address the points i raise feel free to PM, as id rather you didnt post something which i cant reply to?

Colin, I openly apologise if you feel that I have singled you out. That wasnt my intention mate. I am merely stating that you cannot be objective about this situation, and it would likely get very heated, and you would likely get infracted/banned.

I deal with people as I see them. Be they Celtic/Rangers/Liverpool/Cardiff supporters, I treat them all the same. The main points I have made as IANB stated, is that Lennon is not the first NI manager to manage Celtic. Yet Lennon is the only one who has received death threats and bullets in the post. Im wondering is there more to the situation.

Lennon is his own worst enemy. Fact! He could quite easily stop being so antagnoistic, but I actually think that he revels in the trouble being caused. I would even go as far to say that if Celtic won the league, I bet Lennon would of said "All the problems I have had, and the death threats I have received, have been worth it, as we are now champions!" Or words to that effect.

I must admit though Colin, as of late you have become quite sensitive. We used to have some good banter mate, but now you seem scared of my status? Position? Im not sure, I am still Jan :)

@Nara. You knows it spa ;)
Colin, I openly apologise if you feel that I have singled you out. That wasnt my intention mate. I am merely stating that you cannot be objective about this situation, and it would likely get very heated, and you would likely get infracted/banned.

I deal with people as I see them. Be they Celtic/Rangers/Liverpool/Cardiff supporters, I treat them all the same. The main points I have made as IANB stated, is that Lennon is not the first NI manager to manage Celtic. Yet Lennon is the only one who has received death threats and bullets in the post. Im wondering is there more to the situation.

Lennon is his own worst enemy. Fact! He could quite easily stop being so antagnoistic, but I actually think that he revels in the trouble being caused. I would even go as far to say that if Celtic won the league, I bet Lennon would of said "All the problems I have had, and the death threats I have received, have been worth it, as we are now champions!" Or words to that effect.

I must admit though Colin, as of late you have become quite sensitive. We used to have some good banter mate, but now you seem scared of my status? Position? Im not sure, I am still Jan :)

@Nara. You knows it spa ;)

@JAN up until recently i agree with most of what you say i think your pop in the SM thread was a bit OTT if im being honest not scared of position apology accepted and apology given from me? move on ..

Regarding the point about Martin Oneill in my opnion its different because
A)MON never played for celtic
B)MON wasnt a hate figure before he became the manager
C)MON wasnt forced to retire from international football because he signed for celtic
D)MON never recieved death threats in his playing career because he went to celtic

All of the above are factual in my view? i would assume everyone would agree?

so in my mind not really a fair comparison

Now i think the comparison between maybe a graeme souness and neil lennon is fair as souness was cocky,arrogant and went out his way to wind the opposition up, the celtic fans hated him, (although i now really enjoy watching him on sky) souness got dogs abuse, but never the kind of treatment lennon gets, being in glasgow you can from time to time bump into the odd footballer me and mates bumped into fernando ricksen who we all disliked but had banter with him and he was decent about it... as i said as a decent person i cant get my head round this hatred for lennon during the 90 mins fine but after that it should be forgot about he should NEVER be attacked, Never been sent ammunition and never be sent bombs.. thats my views if they are tinted due to me being a celtic fan i cant change that, in the same way that certain people on here have an open hatred of the man fine their views they are entitled to them, personally im glad im the type of fan if i met a gers player id be happy to ask for autograph etc.. you have to remember most of these old firm players would easily have signed for the other team in glasgow no problems take john hartson for example celtic legend could easily have been a rangers player, Larsson if rangers came in first could have been a gers great!! Loovens if rangers got instead of celtic could have been equally as bad for rangers as he has been for celtic!

i wont lie in the main everyone should be entitled to their view hense why i was maybe a little put out by the comment Jan, the only comments i wont accept are that he only has himself to blame as no should ever have to put up with that...

On the subject of souness look what he done putting a galatasary flag in the centre spot of fernebaches stadium fine he got dogs abuse but certainly no bombs... lennon shouldnt have held his hands to his ears but come on whats happend since is not right
Thanks for the Reply colin.
Intresting analogy with Souness and i see your point to a degree. It also suggests that this goes way beyond football. The fact that souness never got death threats etc.
I believe there are some nasty people who want Lennon terrorised and these pricks are using football as a vehicle.

As said before NO TRUE football fan of any colour want to see anyone in the game terrorised.
Just a quick note if everyone read the initial post it was directed at NON Old Firm fans so can we keep it that way and if anyone wants to start a new thread regarding petty squabbles and personal vendettas in house feel free to do so, but please DO it in another thread not this one because the way it is going it's going to be deleted and it was meant as a genuine attempt @ an outsiders view of the current happenings and how Non Old Firm people see it
Thanks for the Reply colin.
Intresting analogy with Souness and i see your point to a degree. It also suggests that this goes way beyond football. The fact that souness never got death threats etc.
I believe there are some nasty people who want Lennon terrorised and these pricks are using football as a vehicle.

As said before NO TRUE football fan of any colour want to see anyone in the game terrorised.

thanks for the reply IAN and i agree with pretty much everything you say (on this thread lol)
Just a quick note if everyone read the initial post it was directed at NON Old Firm fans so can we keep it that way and if anyone wants to start a new thread regarding petty squabbles and personal vendettas in house feel free to do so, but please DO it in another thread not this one because the way it is going it's going to be deleted and it was meant as a genuine attempt @ an outsiders view of the current happenings and how Non Old Firm people see it

ibrox apologies for reply it was in relation to Jan asking me to comment on Ians point hopefully i did that so wont post again on it.. apologies.
Just a quick note if everyone read the initial post it was directed at NON Old Firm fans so can we keep it that way and if anyone wants to start a new thread regarding petty squabbles and personal vendettas in house feel free to do so, but please DO it in another thread not this one because the way it is going it's going to be deleted and it was meant as a genuine attempt @ an outsiders view of the current happenings and how Non Old Firm people see it

Thats why I posted, I wouldn't normally in these threads, because I know of the chaos.

@Colin, we sorted mate, SM rant was bad taste on my behalf, but it was meant in jest, and not serious. Somehow it was not taken that way. And I apologise.

Would you like some pineapple? Ask JTH where they been :)
I usually never comment on these threads because sometimes the content eludes football. Before I start my post I will say that I am a total outsider with regards to Scottish football.

One stand out point from this seasons SPL is Niel Lennon, bombs and bullets and media press gangs. From an outsider looking in Lennon comes across badly and it's not just his managerial style. He is volatile, aggressive and arrogant well above Souness's range (Graeme is actually quite likeable as Colin eluded to in his post) Lennon simply come's across as a man who uses anything to wind up a shit storm.
I have for a long time been a touch of a Celtic man but watching the circus this season I will be glad if Rangers take the title !
This is just my opinion from outside of the box (which I think Jan was expressing earlier) and if it upsets anyone then I apologize.
Neil Lennon has been very agressive and volatile this season, for me i think hes took on too big a job too soon added to the fact hes a celtic fan

i have met Neil Lennon and hes one of the nicest guys you could ever ever meet no-one deserves the treatment hes getting but sadly i think whats happeing to him is nothing to do with football..if he does walk away from celtic at the end of the season i dont think these sort of threats will stop, this criminal scum are just doing this to get rid of the manager of celtic are they? if so will anyone ever take the job? I read that fella who attacked lennon the other night may have links to the guys sending the bombs but ffs chaps its only a game!

Lennon should walk away at the end of the season for the sake of his family, maybe learn his trade in the lower leagues of england to try and get away from all this shit, maybe go back to celtic in a few years?

or become a pundit!

One of the original questions was is society to blame.Wot springs to mind to me is that if you keep getting stung by hornets u don't continue to poke the nest and in Lennon's case he appears to occasionally do that when we have the social element that are willing to exploit it.Having said that There is a hint of admiration from me as he could have turned his back on a number of occasions but he has stood his ground.
I do think for the sake of his family he should go - nothing is worth putting yours or your family's welfare at risk.All said its about who's best on the pitch and generally its the team lifting the SPL trophy at the end of a long season who are the superior team.Rivalry between clubs,piss taking and general banter is great between clubs-just goes a bit beyond the boundaries up north.Good luck to both teams 2moro
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