I can help with dm500c if people want it

I've got the Gemini image on my DM500c, but when I try to access the keylist file ( in /var/keys), iit doesn't show up - only firmaware files of zero length - is this an access rights problem? and if so, how do I get read/write access to the keylist file?

hi again m8 tried it again worked my apology your a star have another beer:Cheers:
has gemini got tux commander installed as standard ?
Sorry to be a pain guys,

I have followed the guides and peoples posts to update my keys for pure NTL.

I have installed Bigmaq and have the new keys ready to try. I have deleted the old keys but now it won't update the keys (restarting EVOCAMD and going to a pay channel).

Could you please help me out I just need to add the new keys into /VAR/KEYS/Keylist.txt.

I am using DW 2.0 image

please help!!!! :proud:
Hi Dreamtrev - I am new to these Dreamboxes too - I am running DW2.0 on my 500C and have followed the instructions exactly as per post #9 of this thread (BTW Thanks Jarrod123 - your a star!! :Cheers:).
However I didnt edit the top Line of the keylist .txt file I inserted a new line and copied the previous line including the spaces, but obviously entering the new exC&W keys as per Bigmaq ( in your case NTL) right up to the semi colon ; and then added in my own comment in after that e.g 'manual update apr 9 2008'. Dont forget there was a double roll today so you need to add TWO lines in one for Key1 ( 1st roll) and then a separate line for Key 0 ( 2nd roll). i.e.
N **** 00 (key 0) ; manual update apr 9 2008
N **** 01 (key1) ; manual update apr 9 2008

Good Luck...!
Thanks Leejee,

I'll get there!!! Gonna have another go.

Thanks again
Cracked it!!!!!

cheers LeeJee.

I was being a bit dumb, wasn't pressing 4 to edit the keylist.txt, I was actually going into it, which looked blank. I have just updated the key and is now working fine.

Thanks again for all your help.
I hope they haven't changed again!!! not after it's took me this long to figure it out.
Hi guys, total newby here. I've tried updatng the keys via remote and then saving and rebooting. But no joy - the old keys are still there (despite editing). Any help appreciated !
urk not allowed to post codes on this forum so i cant be sure..but how recent are the codes your using are they april 09?
Thx for coming back to me. Just got them off bigmac toolbar. When in keylist the first two lines are 00, 00 followed by third line 01. I update the most recently updated 00 key and the 01 key. Then reboot. But old keys are still there ! I've also tried deleting all the keys and staring over but no joy:Kickassro
mmm god help me you all seem to know what you are talking about i am a true novice when i press the yellow key all that comes up is NAR and English with audio at the top is there something else I should be doing???????????please help
My brother has Gemini image and no tuxbox commander.
He also can just about cope with the on/off button so it's up to me to work it out.
Any help appreciated.
I'm new to all this and have a dreambox and while following the new key instructions I have it locked on a page with bin 3.302514 at the bottom and cant get back to the previous screen, any help would be appreciated, I'm in Glasgow and ex NTL.
help required

Hi got the info required to get dm500c working but no option of tuxbox commander when pressed yellow, is there any other way to change key?
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pressing the yellow button i dont get tuxbox, mgcamd 1.14 installed and if i go to root var/keys/ there is nagra-roms but no keylist.text.
pressing the yellow button i dont get tuxbox, mgcamd 1.14 installed and if i go to root var/keys/ there is nagra-roms but no keylist.text.

if you only have mgcamd then check for softkey.key - i cant remember the exact name but its different for mgcamd as far as i know.
Thx for coming back to me. Just got them off bigmac toolbar. When in keylist the first two lines are 00, 00 followed by third line 01. I update the most recently updated 00 key and the 01 key. Then reboot. But old keys are still there ! I've also tried deleting all the keys and staring over but no joy:Kickassro

Hi sorry for the delayed reply, are you sure you are using the key that applies to you in the bigmaq toolbar there are a few different areas to choose from, the reason is my box was autoupdating the keys which were almost correct except 1 digit so it didnt work...i then put in a totally different key (incorrectly) and it simply changed it back to it's own key ..same as u basically it wouldnt let me save them..I then realised i was putting in the wrong key (an older one)..found the correct key and it let me save properly...if your totally certain your key is correct coresponding to your area then backup your bouquets channel list etc and do a factory reset then try..good luck