How can i win back a girls heart?

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Dont go pussy footing about Gav, shes playing you like a tit, kiss my mate test WTF, meet up with her and just say yes ive dropped a bollock but you havent got time for all this shit, are we on or not simple.

Tact is my middle name may wee may wee.
sit her down, apologise and ask her outright can we work this out yes or no if she says no say ok if thats what you want see you around and walk off, dont beg or anything she's playing you for a fool by the sounds of it
honey...... tell her.......she asked u to do it, u never asked her if u could kiss her....... you only did it, cos u thought that's was what turned her on.

Now speaking as a women.......and take note of this hun,
back off from her........the more u smother her, the less she will want to be with u....give some space, don't phone her, go out with the lads and ket her hear of u having a good time...but defo not with women, thinking ur making her jelous just won't work, it'll make her hate u even more. it's when there's no contact is when she'll start to miss u even more.......take my advice hun....oh and think about it, if she's that childish to ask u do to something like and when u do she don't like it,..........then is she really the person u wanna be with...

second thoughts, go out and have a good time with the birds and forget her.
is she tested you with her friend then obviously she doesnt trust you

your pissing in the wind my son

move on
shes the one that texts me and fones me

i'm trying to kinda break contact tho

Best move on m8.

If she's playing silly buggers now, just imagine what she'll be like further on down the line.

Save yourself from a whole world of pain.
She may have humungeous jubblies at an early age, but as she gets older, she'll be playing keepy-uppy with them when she walks.

Finding someone to empty your sac is easy, finding a soul-mate takes a lot longer.

Don't get hung-up on this lass, treat it as a learning experience.

My advice to you is...
Stay in at the weekends & rip the heid off it.
It's getting too close to Christmas to find another one (saves you buying a pressy).


Play her at her own game & ask her to kiss her m8 while you watch.
shes amazin she actually means more tae than Motherwell FC

I hope that was the drink talking...If not, hang your head in shame man :)
we are too young to get engaged mate

i've know her for 3 years but only really made a go of it over the last 6-7 months

if anything materializes yo lot will be the first tae know

thanks for all your advice everyone :)


m8 if your too young to get engaged ,your to young to be worried about long term relationships.
get out and sow your seed.
"Finding someone to empty your sac is easy, finding a soul-mate takes a lot longer."


If Seedy_r0m made adverts for Carlsberg this quote would be one............Wise words Stevie

Infact this comes to mind m8
[ame=]YouTube - Ken Dodd......Happiness[/ame]
Gav, on second thoughts - if you love the girl then go for it. As everyone says you both seem pretty young. So you have plenty of time to do other things with other girls :)
well tonight was the last straw

i was out playin pool the nite then out of the blue she turns up with her new bf and i'm thinking WTF? i chased his car out the car park standing with a ultras t-shirt on shouting FCUKING MON THEN!!!

so a few angry txts have been gawn back and forward and its safe tae say shes off my christmas card list

i aint go tanyhting against the new fella i just feel sorry for him no-one has got any chance with her shes a manipulative bitch

i feel better now :)

You've made the right decision m8.

Console yourself in the fact that you've had a rumble under her jumper for a bit.

If a burd goes off with another guy, then she's obviously not worth fighting over, as she can do it again & again.

Move on m8...there's plenty more fish in the sea.What you really need is a lass who can cook, clean, act like an angel in polite company, and a whore in bed...they are few and far between though.

If you find one...ask if she's got a sister (or mother/grandmother for me) :)
i never got anywhere wie her

massive tits were under lock and key :(

well tonight was the last straw

i was out playin pool the nite then out of the blue she turns up with her new bf and i'm thinking WTF? i chased his car out the car park standing with a ultras t-shirt on shouting FCUKING MON THEN!!!

so a few angry txts have been gawn back and forward and its safe tae say shes off my christmas card list

i aint go tanyhting against the new fella i just feel sorry for him no-one has got any chance with her shes a manipulative bitch

i feel better now :)


Well alls well that ends well I suppose.
go and give her m8 one that will pish her off and she might even let you have a fumble
my say is dont worry about it plenty more where she came from her loss not yours
looks like she been playing you and been going with him for a while, and she wanted an out.

you should have been polite and not let it bother you in front of her that would have done her nut in.
hey all

i really really need your help

i made 2 stupid mistakes in the past 7 days

now i'm paying for it big time!!

what can i do to win back a girls heart?

i'll tell you what happened

i used to go out with this girl, she means everything to me, we fell out over a daft wee things then last week she asked me tae kiss her pal so i did then after it she hated me told me never tae go back near her again etc

the next day we talked it over etc and tried to sort it out

the following day her pal came onto me and kissed me again

now i should have said NO the second time and i've completely fucked it up

she still talks to me kinda but i really want her back shes the most amazing person in my life and now i've made a huge **** of it :(

i need your help what can i do?


well 1st off all, i would pump her mate, i mean best to get that out your system and if you still want her back go for it if not at least you got summit, more than likely crabs mind you
well 1st off all, i would pump her mate, i mean best to get that out your system and if you still want her back go for it if not at least you got summit, more than likely crabs mind you

hes trying to be like his avatar (quagmire) lol

time to go town then gav and have good old search while on the drink mate.
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