Have au fun cards gone

Cheers fella, do I need to worry about the bit wher it says the unit is unflashed??
My moscs are okin pure ntl. Picture and sound kept freezing today, and if I changed channel I got U R not subscribed, then after a few mins it came back. Happened several times. Missus was watching the gardning prog. Is it a coincidence that there are a lot of channel moves planned for today????
AtmelAce said:
My moscs are okin pure ntl. Picture and sound kept freezing today, and if I changed channel I got U R not subscribed, then after a few mins it came back. Happened several times. Missus was watching the gardning prog. Is it a coincidence that there are a lot of channel moves planned for today????

the "not subscribed" problem was an ECM , it even affected soem paying NTL customers, shows how determined they are to kill off none payers.

As for the channels moving abotu, i think this is their way of annoying people who use none standard cable boxes such as Dbo2 and exurovox. If joe user buys a dbox2 off a trader, and every x weeks ntl shuffle the channels . frequancys, then its going to get very annoying for them to haev to re-scan and re arrange channels all the time, also these none standard boxes arent effected as often by the ECM`s thus far.
Off in south london ex-c&W

Will wait till tommorow and hope for best
Why dont we just all use the latest RST file posted under cable section for our fun cards?

That way give plenty of time for our heros :)
davidh said:
all the ppl who where running mosc's
what rom and what rev
and where the left open??

Hi peeps,

Just like to reply to davids post,

both my funcards and atmega has gone off yesterday like everyone elses in the excw area, however my mosc is still going strong. The day before the hit i read my mosc in my proggy to get both key 0 and key 1 for something i was doing , when i read my mosc after the hit key0 stayed the same as before, whilst key 1 changed to a different set.

my card was readable, and the rom rev was 011 bo4
I don't know if this is useful to anyone.
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morning all

quick scout around before i go to work to see if were getting any closer to au but i see not ............fingers crossed for help & support today busy day yesterday with lost of confussion on the post hopefully everyone will have had a good nights sleep and calmed down lol.
sez123 said:
quick scout around before i go to work to see if were getting any closer to au but i see not ............fingers crossed for help & support today busy day yesterday with lost of confussion on the post hopefully everyone will have had a good nights sleep and calmed down lol.

it could be a while, ive moved to mosc now, the cards cost a little more, but they sem to have withstood all these ECM`s so they must be worth it.
Yesterday au atmega / fun card went off in ex c&w but au fun 4 stayed on......mosc (rom10 A35) ok
thats stanfe

thats strange fun 4 staying on , but still not on here...................oh dear
Fun AU

THIS works thanx to Mrs Porty
hi all

six said:
THIS works thanx to Mrs Porty
is that just funcard 4 not 2 or any other......mines a fun 4 and mine not working
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Any fun card just use the flash over your card and it works
AtmelAce said:
My moscs are okin pure ntl. Picture and sound kept freezing today, and if I changed channel I got U R not subscribed, then after a few mins it came back. Happened several times. Missus was watching the gardning prog. Is it a coincidence that there are a lot of channel moves planned for today????
I am also pure ntl and my mosc suffered the same problem. I was running an au fun4 on another box at the same time as a test. This performed flawlessly whilst the mosc was freezing every 30 mins or so.
I used an almost identical image as the ext.eeprom on the fun. The only difference besides the bk and ird was a tiny change to the cam i.d.