Gavs KEYWELT V3.1 [Updated Version]

neathdrew said:
thanks gav but this is what i get in the system menu

View attachment 10224

ok you have the older version m8 should be like this with the new one m8

top to bottom

[red] drivers / ucodes

[green]gtx/enx chipset




[2] config files

thats the new one that i uploaded yesterday m8

as i said i cant flash anymore images at the mo so i have updated the menus and stuff and improved on the one that you have m8

here it is and its V3.1 not V3 anymore m8

gav12345 said:
ok you have the older version m8 should be like this with the new one m8

top to bottom

[red] drivers / ucodes

[green]gtx/enx chipset




[2] config files

thats the new one that i uploaded yesterday m8

as i said i cant flash anymore images at the mo so i have updated the menus and stuff and improved on the one that you have m8

here it is and its V3.1 not V3 anymore m8


Gr8 help m8 thanks
neathdrew said:
Gr8 help m8 thanks

well let us know how you got on with it as im interested in finding out how easy it was so others can use it m8

gav12345 said:
well let us know how you got on with it as im interested in finding out how easy it was so others can use it m8


no luck got into the squashedit ok - used smartftp to transfer chess.cfg, & files into tmp/root/lib/tuxbox/plugins. re-flashed and can see chess listed in the games dir but does not play...chmod to 755 and still no joy.

excellent image gav, although it took 2 scans to get sky two, and had to add in tsid 001c, i'll add the bruteforce files to see if that solves the scaning problem.

Terific picture, easy to navigate and very fast too

Hopefully I won't have to flash again

CHEERS GAV:Clap: :banana: :proud: :Cheers:
gav12345 said:
cheers m8 are you 6887 or 6952 m8

Soz in taking so long to reply. Had Xmas dinner yesterday and have just managed to crawl out of bed 5 mins ago. I feel like I've got 10 heads with snooker balls rattling around at present:)

Anyways, Im 6887 area N*L

Will try the image ago with fast scan on and let you know.

how did you get on with the bruteforce scan??


hope you enjoyed your meal m8 keep us informed on your progress with this image m8

cheers all

Ok, just5 reflashed with keywelt 3.1 image. Copied across my netrunio.cfg service & beaquet files. Rebooted. Channels will not display.

Had to change the unicode too 0014 in order to see any picture.
Once done, works 100%

Picture quality is great, speed of menus is excellent.

Please confirm Gav, for sagem the "sagem eNX TDP trace" is off by default. This should be turned on if you put this image on a Sagem debox?

Player/ standby/ record menu <----needs some explaining?

Changing channels can lead to black screen. A quick camd reset fixes this.

Using movieplayer is very tempremental. Menu is very slow when exiting from movieplayer. And in most cases requires a camd reset to get picture back. In fact, entering and exiting from movieplayer has lockedup my dbox.

Going to reflash and not copy accross my netrunio.cfg. Will get back to you on it.

Btw, Gav as you know Im not knocking this image nor your hard work and contribution to this forum & community. I'm giving feedback in the aims of assisting you to make the perfect image. :) Which I know you will :banana:
I removed my services and bouquets, added the files below, recycled the power and did a scan for everything, creat new bouquet and fast scan off.

View attachment 10297

I found all my channels then put the previous s and b back in, cause I deleated all the rubbish out of the services.xml to prevent them going into andre.

on a side note GAV, you seem to use alot of different images, i'm sure everyone would like to know which one you like the most?
I suppose it depends on the box and loads of other technical stuff.

Do you think it is possible to say that a certain image is better on a certain box?
i.e. i'm using a nokia 2x(600 intels I think) and this image is perfect but would it be as good on my sisters sagem?

well merry xmas to all
thanx again GAV: santahat
Davido123 said:
Ok, just5 reflashed with keywelt 3.1 image. Copied across my netrunio.cfg service & beaquet files. Rebooted. Channels will not display.

Had to change the unicode too 0014 in order to see any picture.
Once done, works 100%

Picture quality is great, speed of menus is excellent.

Please confirm Gav, for sagem the "sagem eNX TDP trace" is off by default. This should be turned on if you put this image on a Sagem debox?

Player/ standby/ record menu <----needs some explaining?

Changing channels can lead to black screen. A quick camd reset fixes this.

Using movieplayer is very tempremental. Menu is very slow when exiting from movieplayer. And in most cases requires a camd reset to get picture back. In fact, entering and exiting from movieplayer has lockedup my dbox.

Going to reflash and not copy accross my netrunio.cfg. Will get back to you on it.

Btw, Gav as you know Im not knocking this image nor your hard work and contribution to this forum & community. I'm giving feedback in the aims of assisting you to make the perfect image. :) Which I know you will :banana:

m8 this is what i call feedback m8 thanks for the feedback cheers

btw the Player/ standby/ record menu <----needs some explaining?

well these are the options for standby player and recording and what you want the things to do m8

i am gonna look like an idiot here.....

where is the link for downloading the image i am gonna give it a bash

sorry for being so daft!!
Have to say I like this image!
I had one little annoyance, but thanks to a post from Davido123 and then Gav confirming I cna now have the EPG active in standby! YAY :)

As far as I am concerned with what I use the dbox for the only 2 small issues left are, only having newcamd with no option for evocamd if you wish it and finally that it doesn't quite get a full scan done, close it misses a single transponder out every time I've scanned but it does find everything else on all other transponders correctly.

Overall fabulous!
Thanks Gav.
cdh555 said:
Have to say I like this image!
I had one little annoyance, but thanks to a post from Davido123 and then Gav confirming I cna now have the EPG active in standby! YAY :)

As far as I am concerned with what I use the dbox for the only 2 small issues left are, only having newcamd with no option for evocamd if you wish it and finally that it doesn't quite get a full scan done, close it misses a single transponder out every time I've scanned but it does find everything else on all other transponders correctly.

Overall fabulous!
Thanks Gav.

hi m8 and cheers for the feedback on this one m8

you dont need to change camds as newcamd runs smoothly i dont see that as a problem as you only use one camd at a time m8

if you done a full scan and fast scan off and it misses 1 transponder then just transfer your services over i dont know why it misses it though maybe i will look into it for the next one when i get another box m8

Yeah, newcamd is a good one, but just like having a different choice there as a backup or if I get a slight issue so I can swap and see what happens. It's not important really as the newcamd has no problems for watching.

Yeah I've been doing the services editing a while, quick compare afterwards always show it misses the same one each time. Transponder frequency '715000000' is the one it doesn't find, not sure if that will help as it looks to be there in the cables.xml file but I do not knopw where else to look to check if it's actually looking at that frequency.
cdh555 said:
Yeah, newcamd is a good one, but just like having a different choice there as a backup or if I get a slight issue so I can swap and see what happens. It's not important really as the newcamd has no problems for watching.

Yeah I've been doing the services editing a while, quick compare afterwards always show it misses the same one each time. Transponder frequency '715000000' is the one it doesn't find, not sure if that will help as it looks to be there in the cables.xml file but I do not knopw where else to look to check if it's actually looking at that frequency.

ok if you get any probs with it as i doubt as its the very latest version out post and i will see what i can do for you

or if you really want it then download the latest and ftp to the var/bin folder and chmod 755 and then activate it
just the evocamd nothing else as the menus should pick it up automaticcally[great hay if it works]

if the '715000000' is in the cables it should be searching for it leave it for now m8 and i will get on the case when i can m8

Gav, All seems fine with this image. Only small thing ive noticed,when i boot i can here the sound on the boot information page, and then the picture appears and only then does the info come up. usually its the other way wrong, epg info bar then visual+sound. Hope this is helps?
fantastic image

cheers again for taking the time to update the service, def owe you a pint!!
Anish1905 said:
Gav, All seems fine with this image. Only small thing ive noticed,when i boot i can here the sound on the boot information page, and then the picture appears and only then does the info come up. usually its the other way wrong, epg info bar then visual+sound. Hope this is helps?

i think thats the way this image is m8 still works fine though m8

thanks for the feedback m8

r6driver said:
fantastic image

cheers again for taking the time to update the service, def owe you a pint!!

cheers m8 thanks for that we all modders are looking at ways to improve images m8 not just me

but cheers to both of you m8
