E-cigs anyone?

JUST ORDERED 2 VIVI NOVA'S one for me one for the missus, but i dont really need them well not for ages as i have 4 visions and 12 ego-w clearo's.

just want to play with a rebuildable one that also holds more juice... gutted i paid for the ego-w clearo's there fiddly leaky mo-fo's and they piss me off even though they give great vape and great flavour....better than the vision infact but the leaking puts me off them (listed as non leaking too a might add).

think bigger and rebuildable are the way to go for me... not read one bad review on them either.
Thought i let you guys know i found the e cig is great had my last cig (roll up) 0n the 20/6/2012 thats when my Joye 510 Starter Kit arrived from vape escape i know its only a few days in but so far so good, used to smoke around 40 smokes a day for the last 30 years no wonder i had a stroke so i like to say a big thank you to the peeps in this thread :thankz:
Thought i let you guys know i found the e cig is great had my last cig (roll up) 0n the 20/6/2012 thats when my Joye 510 Starter Kit arrived from vape escape i know its only a few days in but so far so good, used to smoke around 40 smokes a day for the last 30 years no wonder i had a stroke so i like to say a big thank you to the peeps in this thread :thankz:

nice one, i take it you have found a nice flavour straight away then? took me a few different bottles to find the ones i like.
just to show an example of how far ive come and how much saved since the 7th june.

well done @die5el :)

take it easy but best to slow down on the juice and then no juice at all
The e juice that came with the kit was bloody awful but ordered some ry4 dekang which isnt too bad also got some virginia just ordered some dekang tobbaco,and dekang strawberry also got some menthol,Mixed Fruit flavor and Marlboro flavor ordered from hongkong the e cig is the only thing thats helping me stop after trying plenty of other ways to quit smoking can anyone recommend a decent flavour e juice ?
The e juice that came with the kit was bloody awful but ordered some ry4 dekang which isnt too bad also got some virginia just ordered some dekang tobbaco,and dekang strawberry also got some menthol,Mixed Fruit flavor and Marlboro flavor ordered from hongkong the e cig is the only thing thats helping me stop after trying plenty of other ways to quit smoking can anyone recommend a decent flavour e juice ?

i did say the juice that comes with is awful.. im surprise you even tried it lol.

i dont like any of the tobacco ones ive tried so gave up on them, i like strawberry and mixed fruit, vanilla and caramel mocha. the menthol is ok and gives a fresh hit but i find it bland to i mix it with the flavours i like and it makes them taste the same as before but with the fresh hit.

ive got some others on the way like red bull etc... and i'll update in here once i try them.

easy isnt it? just like smoking but not really smoking,... i do hope some of the other non believers have second thoughts and give them a go.

i was a 20 year smoker at least and 30 a day week days to 60 on a night out...weekends killed me i chain smoked.. now im cig free and reaping the other benefits of quitting.

this thread turned out well considering the nay sayers who jumped on them in the first few pages, some of them never even trying them themselves.

hope those nay sayers reconsider now.
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end of the Day guys your are still addicted to the drug and tax free !!!!! , get rid of the Nicotine poisoning !!!!!!!
get rid of the Nicotine poisoning !!!!!!!

if you did get to the stage where you had taken too much you'd have a hard job of carrying on as you'd get headaches and possibly the shits etc etc.... this is classed as overdose not poisoning and is rare in smokers anyway as we build resistance, they are two totally different things.

poisoning is usually down to ingesting nicotine and can be fatal.

nicotine in its raw state is one of the most dangerous poisons known to man but then so is caffeine (your morning coffee), but we dont drink it in its raw state or bathe in it (skin absorbent).

i dont know if you just used the word poisoning off cuff but i can assure you its not poisoning us when "used in the correct way" its been said to be no more damaging than caffeine, basically a stimulant.

no different from bleach really, clean your bath with it your ok.. drink it and your probably in trouble.
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