Can any body help i have installed libby and 4000 series config file
and made my own cable but i get no comms at all i have check my cable twice and it is fine my baudrate is 19200,8,n,1 and the box is a di4001n can anybody help please
Can any body help i have installed libby and 4000 series config file
and made my own cable but i get no comms at all i have check my cable twice and it is fine my baudrate is 19200,8,n,1 and the box is a di4001n can anybody help please
Does that mean I can not use Libby at all as in the cfg file it has all different net id’s and mine is in there for Teesside (00010) witch is the same as the box
Does that mean I can not use Libby at all as in the cfg file it has all different net id’s and mine is in there for Teesside (00010) witch is the same as the box
The 4001 will set it's own net id and frequency on a purentl network (notTW or exc&w) subject to the box being in good working order and there being sufficient signal strength ........