Dboxes only showing FTA in Glasgow

Hi All,
really wired this and not sure if it helps, if i swap between mgcamd and evocamd it works for about 20mins each time then drops off again. Running a Sagem 2x box with commando v3 if it helps any? Johno

What ucode are you using when you use these cams..? and what aera you in..?
i subbed the dbox2 with the box and it worked fine after an update...... does anyone know if new keys are avail...
uCode has always been set up to 001A - i have never had to change this, in Stoke. Should i try maybe switching it to 0014 or Vortex? Anything else I can provide to help solve this one? Johno
I have got my dreambox working by manually entering the keys. Can someone explain how to do this for dbox and Ill try it?
im running...

Nokia Dbox2
Ucode 01a
latest Andromeda image

Im in Nottingham BTW

still nothing here, i managed to find the latest keys on the irish thread and manually installed them but i think the keys are different for ireland.....

Unsure where to find the latest keys for Nottm
Working on Merseyside.

Added new keys now find, noticed keys are rolling

VM 6952
would you like to explain to the less savvy people here exactly what you did to get it working and what you mean by "keys rolling"

Can somebody please post up how to change the keys on a dbox please.
Gone off again in East London ExC&W

Do we need new "Magic Files" ;)
see why do people do this...post "im ok jack" then fack off not to be seen again :D
and what exactly do you do with these on he dbox?
reboot added new key from dreambox forum

00 is changing very few min but OK now????
for people who don't know much about dboxes you aren't really helping mate - and are you talking dbox or dreambox!
Can somebody just please explain what to do with the key file Birkenhead posted
as he seems to want to keep it a secret.
Come on, we,re all in this together
Can somebody just please explain what to do with the key file Birkenhead posted
as he seems to want to keep it a secret.
Come on, we,re all in this together

Here Here!
and what exactly do you do with these on he dbox?

if you live in an ex telewest area then you would just copy it in place of var\keys\keylist.txt on you dbox, using FTP s/ware

but im in pure NTL 5401 not telewest 5A01 so no use to me