Covid 19 Vaccine

My statement about Trumpworld was an obvious joke, which you seem to have failed to grasp.
Every other statement I have made is factually correct and no reasonable person would claim any of it to be nonsense.
There's no need for me to respond to your personal insults, as they reveal more about you than about me.
Your "obvious" joke wasn't quite so obvious then?
How can something that never happened be factually correct? 🤣
Your "obvious" joke wasn't quite so obvious then?
How can something that never happened be factually correct? 🤣
Are you saying that someone of your intellect cannot spot a piece of sarcasm?
Go back and read what I actually said, as you have obviously not understood it. I said that the government could have taken the same course of action over vaccines even if we had still been in the EU. That statement is factually correct and only the dimmest person could fail to see that.
Are you saying that someone of your intellect cannot spot a piece of sarcasm?
Go back and read what I actually said, as you have obviously not understood it. I said that the government could have taken the same course of action over vaccines even if we had still been in the EU. That statement is factually correct and only the dimmest person could fail to see that.
Didn't get it as your intellect is beneath me.

"I said that the government could have taken the same course of action over vaccines even if we had still been in the EU. That statement is factually correct "

In a court room this would be classed as supposition. You cannot call what anyone might have done a "fact". It never occurred therefore is not factual. Apparently you have a problem between fact and fiction.

I had someone in my past who always liked the last word and I learned a long time ago that it's impossible to win an argument against a fool.
Therefore, the floor is yours. Knock yourself out 🤣 🤣 🤣
They did ask me if I was left or right handed but they don't always ask this but I was going to say give to me in my left arm cos I sleep mainly on my right, so if you like ask them to do the arm you don't sleep on most
Didn't get it as your intellect is beneath me.

"I said that the government could have taken the same course of action over vaccines even if we had still been in the EU. That statement is factually correct "

In a court room this would be classed as supposition. You cannot call what anyone might have done a "fact". It never occurred therefore is not factual. Apparently you have a problem between fact and fiction.

I had someone in my past who always liked the last word and I learned a long time ago that it's impossible to win an argument against a fool.
Therefore, the floor is yours. Knock yourself out 🤣 🤣 🤣
I learnt the same lesson from Mr Twain🤔
Mark Twain — 'Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.'
That's me done, very straight forward, the nurse said "no need to worry it's just a small prick" and I said
" That's reassuring nurse, I used the same words on my wedding night " :D

Blooding raging I never got a badge though. :mad:
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My experience with astrazeneca.
Friday morning i get my 1st vaccination. Only had slight pain in my arm for the rest of the day.
In the night i felt cold. On next morning i felt like i have the flu.
Next night also felt cold. Today i wake up normal.
I think it the same as other vaccinations.
Two weeks ago my wife get her second vaccination, Biontec.
She get a big arm, heavy feaver and felt very sad.
I had the AZ jab last Friday afternoon.

My experience was this, and I am very sensitive to medication generally :

1st day
Odd taste in mouth following initial jab
Felt a bit weird during the day but nothing obvious
Muscle pains in legs at night so got no sleep first night
Slight cough

2nd day - felt like a handover
Feeling sick.
A bit off food.
Aching arm

3rd day Feeling much better
Most side effects gone, but arm still very sore
Had insomnia that night. Not sure if it was jab related

By day 5 arm no longer sore

So I'm now at day 9 and I'd say I'm back to normal
My experience was

In and out the place in a flash, felt nothing with the jab.
Got home and everything normal. Woke up next morning and jab site felt a little tender when I touched it.

Never touched it again and had no other problems.
No badge given. Probably just offered to Southerners and those who already have tears in their eyes. 🤣 🤣 🤣
Due for my second jab in a week or so, wonder if I will have any side effects.
Anyone had their second dose yet🤔
Up north:-
1st day felt great
2nd day felt great great
3rd day greater than x2 great days
4th day really great no as great as x2 but still greater than 1st day which was a great day

South of Brum:
1st day attended A&E puffy swelling around jab area needed bandage and morphine

2nd day Doctor had to call out to check my temperature and re-wet my head cloth. Mouth was dry from all the moaning,

3rd day back in A&E bandage came loose had no one to turn tap for me to get water due to arm still sore, mouth dryer than Ghandi's flip flop

4th day spent night in A&E back home unable to get upstairs due to tripping over loose bandage from still swollen jab area.

5th day felt better but I prefer not to tell anyone incase they think I'm OK which I'm not