blood pressure


Global Moderator
Staff member
Aug 12, 2003
Reaction score
Black Country
hi anyone understand blood pressure had to go get a new CPAP machine this morning and they took my weight and did blood pressure it was 103/103 to me that don't seem right, can anyone explain what it means please, or should i be concerned and see my doctor.
hi anyone understand blood pressure had to go get a new CPAP machine this morning and they took my weight and did blood pressure it was 103/103 to me that don't seem right, can anyone explain what it means please, or should i be concerned and see my doctor.

Hi Nap,

I can bud :) I hope anyway lol !

103/103 can not be correct. Its not possible bud... you would be, to put it bluntly... dead !

Blood pressure is measured in DIASTOLIC and SYSTOLIC, Diastolic is the arterial pressure with the heart at rest (meaning between beats) and the Systolic is the measurement of the force the blood is moved from the hearts chamber into the arteries.

so, as you can see from above... to have the same reading is just not possible is someone that is walking and talking !

I would get it checked ASAP anyhow, as if either of those readings are the correct value they are out of range anyhow.

hope that helps :)
Hi Nap,

I can bud :) I hope anyway lol !

103/103 can not be correct. Its not possible bud... you would be, to put it bluntly... dead !

Blood pressure is measured in DIASTOLIC and SYSTOLIC, Diastolic is the arterial pressure with the heart at rest (meaning between beats) and the Systolic is the measurement of the force the blood is moved from the hearts chamber into the arteries.

so, as you can see from above... to have the same reading is just not possible is someone that is walking and talking !

I would get it checked ASAP anyhow, as if either of those readings are the correct value they are out of range anyhow.

hope that helps :)

What he says!!

Nap I would get it checked ASAP, as that suggests your are a miracle and dont need a heart. or you have a motorised heart ;)

However dont panic!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Nap,

I can bud :) I hope anyway lol !

103/103 can not be correct. Its not possible bud... you would be, to put it bluntly... dead !

Blood pressure is measured in DIASTOLIC and SYSTOLIC, Diastolic is the arterial pressure with the heart at rest (meaning between beats) and the Systolic is the measurement of the force the blood is moved from the hearts chamber into the arteries.

so, as you can see from above... to have the same reading is just not possible is someone that is walking and talking !

I would get it checked ASAP anyhow, as if either of those readings are the correct value they are out of range anyhow.

hope that helps :)

could this be explained by my heart problem i have atrial fibrillation plus a few other issues which are to hard to name, my condition is controlled my many drugs, i must add i had just rushed to get to appointment on time would that have caused that reading
sorry it was 130 over 130 posted it wrong way round. :)
No your blood pressure would be high then, think of your heart a sine wave the peak is the beat and the trough is the rest. If you were rushing the peak would be higher than the trough.
So your diastolic would be higher.

Basically 103/103 means your heart is not beating, you need a higher diastolic to push the blood round your body.

EDIT 130/130, same issue.
just booked an appointment with nurse tomorrow at 10.10 will find out then.
Now that's bizzare, as that seems to me the person that took the blood pressure did not understand the results or done the test wrong.
As I said above dont panic :) You have an appointment tomorrow, and they will explain better than I can and talk you through the readings.
Been to the doctors this morning blood pressure was 170/90, they tested blood for sugar levels, it was 6.4 which they say is fine, they had a wee sampleaswell also they took 5 tubes of blood for loads of tests, have to go back next week for results, and blood pressure check.

so blood pressure yesterday was total screwed up for some reason. :)
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Been this morning blood pressure was 170/90, they tested blood for sugar levels it was 6.4 which they say is fine, they had a wee sample aswell as 5 tubes of blood for loads of tests, have to go back next week for results.

so blood pressure yesterday was total screwed up for some reason. :)

I would go with the person doing the reading wrong and just writing down whatever the read out said, comes down to either being very rushed and not doing job correctly or just plain old bad training. If I had a reading with less than 20 mmHg between the two numbers I would be concerned and ask if the patient has been to the toilet (passed urine) etc... as with a diff of below 20 renal failure can begin.

BUT your ok :D which is all good.

Reading is above what we would like but this could be because your meds or other factors.
here is the meds im on you think this would count for the above pressure reading, from what you would normally see.

Warfarin 3mg (blue)
Warfarin 1mg (Brown)
4mg Monday to Friday and 3mg Saturday and Sunday

Digoxin 125mg Once a Day
Bumetanide 1mg Once a Day
Carvedilol 25mg Twice a Day
Allopurinol 100mg Once a Day
Levothyroxine 100mg Once a Day
Ramipril 2.5mg Once a Day
Co-dydramol 500mg 2 x 3 times a day
Diazepan 5mg Twice a Day
here is the meds im on you think this would count for the above pressure reading, from what you would normally see.

Warfarin 3mg (blue)
Warfarin 1mg (Brown)
4mg Monday to Friday and 3mg Saturday and Sunday

Digoxin 125mg Once a Day
Bumetanide 1mg Once a Day
Carvedilol 25mg Twice a Day
Allopurinol 100mg Once a Day
Levothyroxine 100mg Once a Day
Ramipril 2.5mg Once a Day
Co-dydramol 500mg 2 x 3 times a day
Diazepan 5mg Twice a Day

Bloody hell lol ! plenty in there to cause bp to go up and down ! lol
here is the meds im on you think this would count for the above pressure reading, from what you would normally see.

Warfarin 3mg (blue)
Warfarin 1mg (Brown)
4mg Monday to Friday and 3mg Saturday and Sunday

Digoxin 125mg Once a Day
Bumetanide 1mg Once a Day
Carvedilol 25mg Twice a Day
Allopurinol 100mg Once a Day
Levothyroxine 100mg Once a Day
Ramipril 2.5mg Once a Day
Co-dydramol 500mg 2 x 3 times a day
Diazepan 5mg Twice a Day

Have you gt a turbo on your heart lol
:QUOTE=Napster;1928051]here is the meds im on you think this would count for the above pressure reading, from what you would normally see.

Warfarin 3mg (blue)
Warfarin 1mg (Brown)
4mg Monday to Friday and 3mg Saturday and Sunday

Digoxin 125mg Once a Day
Bumetanide 1mg Once a Day
Carvedilol 25mg Twice a Day
Allopurinol 100mg Once a Day
Levothyroxine 100mg Once a Day
Ramipril 2.5mg Once a Day
Co-dydramol 500mg 2 x 3 times a day
Diazepan 5mg Twice a Day[/QUOTE]

Have you gt a turbo on your heart lol:Clap:
here is the meds im on you think this would count for the above pressure reading, from what you would normally see.

Warfarin 3mg (blue)
Warfarin 1mg (Brown)
4mg Monday to Friday and 3mg Saturday and Sunday

Digoxin 125mg Once a Day
Bumetanide 1mg Once a Day
Carvedilol 25mg Twice a Day
Allopurinol 100mg Once a Day
Levothyroxine 100mg Once a Day
Ramipril 2.5mg Once a Day
Co-dydramol 500mg 2 x 3 times a day
Diazepan 5mg Twice a Day

foookin helll...

hope your aright mate