
Traffic jams, never heard of it
You wanna worry when I come past you on the back wheel


I got told off on my bike course for filtering at traffic lights but whenever there is an opportunity to overtake traffic I do take it BUT I do it at a much lower speed and I watch out for all other road users. I try not to undertake.

Then again there are the nutters that blow you doors off when you are sitting there in traffic - they are the problem ones

My dad once gave me a piece of advice for road use and today I preach it to everyone I know when they ask me about driving. His words were...

"Everyone else on the road is a prat" In explanation he refered to the fact that you can never predict precisely what another road user is going to do next.

much more of an issue on our roads are the b'stards that wait until the last minute before joing teh contraflow at roadworks slowing all of us down who saw the signs and pulled over in time ready for it!!!!!!!!!!

keep safe
242: Do not overtake on the left or move to a lane on your left to overtake. In congested conditions, where adjacent lanes of traffic are moving at similar speeds, traffic in left-hand lanes may sometimes be moving faster than traffic to the right. In these conditions you may keep up with the traffic in your lane even if this means passing traffic in the lane to your right. Do not weave in and out of lanes to overtake

some more night time reading can be found here

The Highway Code
well theres one rule for us and lots of rules for bikers ,i am in between i ride a "specialized stumpjumper fsr expert" like a lunatic around the streets of newport city with no regard to rules undertaking ....overtaking when i feel like it. i also drive a 4 wheeled motorbike....a honda 04 civic type r which i drive like i stole it undertaking and overtaking as suits you make the break the rules....upon the head that be it.....sounds like something from a round table lol lol
they wernnt doing anythinl illegall.
you just new to this motorbike riding. are you one of these guys having a mid life crissis. we get enough crap from motorist. so we dont need some one dictating to us who rides a bike .
i do a lot of driving and notice bikes when they quite a distance away coming up the white lines lol, i dont mind pulling over to the far right to give them room, its even better when the sales rep in the jag or whatever behind me starts swearing at them then at me for giving even more room lol, id do the same down the white lines if i had the balls to go on a bike lmao

Its even funnier when the biker gets into asking if the sales rep really has anything he`d stop and say face to face