Beta Image Release


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
Hi there lads I have an image that has been given to me it does not contain any cams or anything and has yet to work with our plugins server.

There is a few issues with the cams and keys as I have been warned they are both as illegal as each other... this is something we need to discuss!!!

Anyway I will test this image tonight when I get back.
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Mickie dose ellie have permission to this room ? as I dont think he has the password
does not need password does it ?

If not give him and napster permission rat :)

I never got round to putting this image on last night, have to do all my invoices tonight so will do it tomorrow lads

Mickie D
It has keys for cable and evocamd runs on bootup, I always include them in beta's just not for public use :)
is the scanning messed up like the cable version or is it ok ?

I have found where the cable stuff is so can hopefullt sort it, i'm out tomorrow but will get stuck in over the weekend.

anyone tested this yet ?
I want to test it mate but because of my injury I have had to take on 2 new lads, worked piled up and had to work the weekend mate :(. And firday night I was smashed :(

I would put it on tonight but I am nackered..... I promise tomorrow I will stick this on the box guys, again so sorry about the delay.

Has napster got a dm600 ? aswell for testing

No worrys we are going to release tonight and let the users test, the image works as is and we can iron out any wrinkles as we go like we have with the dm500 neutrino images.

I know the box layout now so can upload files for testing if we need modifications.

Unlike the dm500 you can write to every part of the image (except boot) so everything except the boot screens can be changed with ease.

The image as is will run on sat and cable boxes but I havn't test rqcamd, mgcamd or gbox though getting them to work shouldn't be a problem.

Wish I knew you were looking for workers as i'm out of work and have a cscs card.

Have Fun

is this for a DM600?

if so, ill replace my DM600 in the bedroom with a technomate, and use it for testing these out on, ill just have to transfer all of my 'special' films off the hdd first lol

ive got a spare DM500 ive put to one side for testing DW images on as well, and as soon as i work out whats wrong with a power supply, will also have a spare 7020
this is for the DM600 Digi :) Richard returned my 600 today as he had done what he could his end re cable

@ Richard it was a pleasure to meet you again and your lovely wife :)
It won't touch the films on your hdd digi but you will still be able to watch them.

Let me know when you get the 7020 box working and will knock an image up for that as well so long as you don't mind testing.

It was nice to see you again as well John.
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Digi did you manage to try this out ?
Ive been testing it on cable and its stable as you like :)

just wondered if any one hast tested it for Sat ??
not yet m8, will deffo do it this week

whats happened to your name? its just _
Right I am doing it now :)

Which version do I need for the satellite box ?

Also I need configs, picards, etc

What software do I need to do it across the network ?

I used dreamup ...Im on cable so cant help you for Sat sorry m8

dreamup took 40 minutes right pain in the arse lol
Having a nightmare lol.... tried doing it over the lan it kept crashing now I must use dreamup lol.... but cannot find a serial lead.... looking.

no TV downstairs lmao... this must be sorted by the morning or im fooked !!!!

Got it on lads :)

Just scanning astra 28.2 now :)

Not had any delay from the remote lmao... I always get delay from the remote from time to time ....

The skin is horrible, also the boot image's are not on my screen you cannot see the bottom where it says our URL - very naughty pmsl....

I will pass on more information but seems stable no problems usuals kicked in right away.

1 think I never got any of the setup options when it first booted... normally the images ask me what setup I want... PAL.... Satellites ie single lnb, monoblock, rotor....

Nothing I had to set it up myself direct from the menu's..... and there was cable c
channels there already.

One thing though lol.... I did use the image from the cable thread and not the one above as I thought it was the same thing ?

right what we need.... we need satellite rotor setups so we do not have to manual scan all the sats.... can we put that on our server and say update them once a month ?

we need to remove a few of the plugins that are directly for cable.... but I am checking them out.... that digitalworldz extra menu (in the menu) is bloody nice :)

@ digi we need to work together and get a good bouquets setup the ones that come with the foriegn fookers stuff is wank, we could make a really good one based on what us british idiots like :)

How do I install the new mgcamd ?

There is no manual plugin install or am I missing it lol?

I like this image it seems very stable compared to even the pli images... no remote lock up at all channels change lovely, I worked out how to change the skins and they are better.

I think the only thing that needs anything doing is the way the menu works as its set for cable.... if we could get some of the features that other sat images have then I think this would be awesome.

Nice work ellie, bloody nice work mate

ill hopefully check this out tonight, i have to sort another receiver first though to replace the dm600 in the bedroom

does this image still need bs2 files for manual install (i think it was bs2, it wasnt tar.gx i remember that)