Anyone got the Chinese VU+ Solo2

Pretty sure its the timebomb as will not flash, where can I get the flash chip and does it have to have an image on it?

i have seen on fleabay and on ali but none come usually with images you have to change chip then flash...
Thanks for the help, off to buy some then get the hand steady for changing it.


Which is the best image to put on?

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Thanks for the help, off to buy some then get the hand steady for changing it.


Which is the best image to put on?


The one you like best..its up to you but as there is no up-to date vix image with working feeds you can either install the vix image and install all plugins you need manually etc or go for the open atv image.
Where do I get clone safe ones of these?

it depends on what clone solo2 you have..there are some lourison clone safe images here in downloads or from the vu-hd site.
I would not worry about that for now try and change the flash chip first..its not easy...unless your good at this stuff and have all the kit i would find someone else who knows their stuff to do it for you.
you can only use images that are available for download on the site you mentioned..
there are openatv images there which is as close to vix as your get and also pli images for your box so just use one of these...

Thank you very much for your reply.

How different is my box compared to other users that have the same box, using clone safe images.

Would i not be able to use any of them images? Or would it cause an instant brick.

Thank you
Thank you very much for your reply.

How different is my box compared to other users that have the same box, using clone safe images.

Would i not be able to use any of them images? Or would it cause an instant brick.

Thank you

Hi i can not say as i dont know what box you have as there are 2 or 3 different manufacturers of solo2 clones..
you need to look inside box at motherboard and see if there are any stickers on flash chip etc to say sunray or lourison etc.
Hi i can not say as i dont know what box you have as there are 2 or 3 different manufacturers of solo2 clones..
you need to look inside box at motherboard and see if there are any stickers on flash chip etc to say sunray or lourison etc.

Ive opened it up and have taken pictures.

There are stickers that say lornrisun but on the far corner there is a chip with an X on it
And on the back there is another sticker with V2.0 on it.


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Hi gang,
Been ages, quick question am trying to setup my clone lorison solo2 v3 apollo 014 to see my new sony smart tv and act as a media server,

i tried to install variuos ipk like mediatomb and miniDlna however there do not want to install.

i can not download from feed as its a old image,

anyone have any idea or maybe a image backup with those plugin downloaded already?

Hi gang,
Been ages, quick question am trying to setup my clone lorison solo2 v3 apollo 014 to see my new sony smart tv and act as a media server,

i tried to install variuos ipk like mediatomb and miniDlna however there do not want to install.

i can not download from feed as its a old image,

anyone have any idea or maybe a image backup with those plugin downloaded already?


Hi mate,the problem is that Vix is using new kernels and plugins only work with new kernels and drivers so a old Vix image will have problems with plugins etc
Just find the plugins you require independently and FTP to temp folder on box and I say it may cause problems due to plugin compatibility and kernel changes etc and at the very worst brick the box...I'm afraid you may need to change image to get where you want..maybe try ATV or pli see if you get any joy..
dammmn thanks mate, am thinking of doing the v4 update and trying the open atv or any other image that wont brick it, also been out the game for a while so do i have to download open atv or open pli from vu-hd or can from install original?

dammmn thanks mate, am thinking of doing the v4 update and trying the open atv or any other image that wont brick it, also been out the game for a while so do i have to download open atv or open pli from vu-hd or can from install original?


I can only advise you try the images from the vu-hd site..
We have Vix clone safe images here but are like yours well out of date...
I would try OPENATV from vu-hd site as it's very similar to Vix and should have access to feeds as they are not as anti clone as Vix.
Thanks AJT x

I can only advise you try the images from the vu-hd site..
We have Vix clone safe images here but are like yours well out of date...
I would try OPENATV from vu-hd site as it's very similar to Vix and should have access to feeds as they are not as anti clone as Vix.
i cant seem to find the openATV on vu-hd site mate?

Yes your right...just have to try other images there...
It seems that image support for the lourison clones has dropped off and not any new images for a while...the problem is that those image teams have updated drivers and kernels in their image releases making it very difficult to do clone images...
:( thanks mate. thinking if i can get someone copy of the opkg folder from a latest vix image and then that way only download minidlna or ushare?
:( thanks mate. thinking if i can get someone copy of the opkg folder from a latest vix image and then that way only download minidlna or ushare?

You can do that but like I said Vix have changed the kernel in all their images and optimised the plugins/feeds to work with the new kernel so it may cause instability problems using the new plugins from feeds on an old image with old kernel...
true, i think i risk it, thats the whole fun abt clones lol you wouldnt have a copy would you?