3 points and a £60 fine


Member ++
Jun 19, 2005
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just pooped out to get the missus some chocolate, 2 mins from my house i get a pull off a copper, he noticed one of my tires wasnt fully inflated, i noticed it this afternoon and was gonna sort it in the morning, the bastard only gave me 3 point and a £60 fine, not only that but iv only been passed my test about 5 weeks and if u get 6 points in ur first 2 years u get banned and u have to resit ur theory and practical, im absolutely fookin gutted, anything i can do to worm my way out of it?


Fookin arsehole coppers
just pooped out to get the missus some chocolate, 2 mins from my house i get a pull off a copper, he noticed one of my tires wasnt fully inflated, i noticed it this afternoon and was gonna sort it in the morning, the bastard only gave me 3 point and a £60 fine, not only that but iv only been passed my test about 5 weeks and if u get 6 points in ur first 2 years u get banned and u have to resit ur theory and practical, im absolutely fookin gutted, anything i can do to worm my way out of it?


Fookin arsehole coppers

Sorry but You aint telling the full story are you ???
You dont get done for flat tyres or has that changed?
My answer to you is be more carefull you just passed and they know that
Imagine if you were on the motorway/A road
You could have died in the crash!!!
They say think before you drink before you drive
I say Maintain your wheels and hope you will
REM last chance for 2 years
contest in court,

tell em you noticed it on your drive and you was on way to forecourt to pump it up got stopped and the copper didnt give you chance to explain your circumstance

Best o luck whtever
Sorry but You aint telling the full story are you ???
You dont get done for flat tyres or has that changed?
My answer to you is be more carefull you just passed and they know that
Imagine if you were on the motorway/A road
You could have died in the crash!!!
They say think before you drink before you drive
I say Maintain your wheels and hope you will
REM last chance for 2 years

sorry but how am i not telling the full story, he done me for one of my tires being under inflated, why would i lie?
I would assume that for this to count, he would have to provide proof that the tyre was under-inflated?

Did he have a gauge, or was the tyre that bad that it was unsafe to drive?

yeah he did have a gauge and checked it, he said it didnt even give a reading so it was pretty bad, i know it was my own stupid fault im just annoyed as i was only on the road for 1 minute to go to the shops and back
Let it go to court m8, you should not get points for a soft tyre or puncture.
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yeah he did have a gauge and checked it, he said it didnt even give a reading so it was pretty bad, i know it was my own stupid fault im just annoyed as i was only on the road for 1 minute to go to the shops and back

If he checked it with a pressure gauge and it didn't give a reading it wasn't under inflated m8, it was flat.

Having said that i've never heard of anyone getting points for a flat tyre.
I would think if it went to court the police would have to produce some kind of evidence, which would be difficult.

"Tyre Pressures
Regulation 27 section b states "the tyre is not so inflated as to make it fit for the use to which the motor vehicle or trailer is put", however this statement is fairly ambiguous. As there is no indication of at what point an under or over inflated tyre becomes unfit for the use it is being put to."
I'm afraid you're banged to rights then m8.

I know you said it was 2 minutes & it was for chocolates, that doesn't matter one iota.

Where are the Police to draw the line?

It may have well been on the motorway hammering along at 70mph.

If there was insufficient air in there to move the gauge, it was dangerous.

Take this as a lesson learned, it could have been much worse.

Be damn careful for the next couple of years (and afterwards as well of course)
contest in court,

tell em you noticed it on your drive and you was on way to forecourt to pump it up got stopped and the copper didnt give you chance to explain your circumstance

That actually seems like a great piece of advice.
You can drive to a MOT test centre without an MOT,so know way did the copper know that eddyrik wasn't going out to sort it.
The 3 points does seem a bit harsh.

The only problem is, if you contest it in court and lose you may get more points and a higher fine :-(
All because
I'm afraid you're banged to rights then m8.

I know you said it was 2 minutes & it was for chocolates, that doesn't matter one iota.

Where are the Police to draw the line?

It may have well been on the motorway hammering along at 70mph.

That seems a bit harsh. He's already admitted he knew it was under-inflated so he's hardly likely to be hitting 70+ on a motorway. Its not a case of the police 'drawing a line' as you put it,but applying some common sense and logic to the situation.
Yeah the tyre was low. Why not give him a word in his ear and tell him to be on his way and get it sorted straight away. Why the heavy handed approach and instantly fine him?
it did not give a reading that is way past a soft tyre mate ,you where lucky he could have pulled the car of the road as it was unsafe

what would you have done if the tire had pop of the rim and you lost Lost control of the car and killed someone but wait that would not happing would it .........


you are right You can drive to a MOT test centre without a mot but if you car is unsafe then you will still get done for it,,, it still needs to be safe to drive
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the law states that the tyre pressure should be at the recomended pressure or with in 10% of the recomended pressure
running with an under inflated tyre will cause adverse driving conditions
there by
an offence

but the coppers a tw@t
yeah thinking about it now, i am a fookin clown, i had my kids in the car earlier aswell, i feel pretty dumb and a shitty father at the moment, iv learnt a big time lesson here tonight, i just hope i dont get no more points in the future as iv just got used to having a car, having looked on google it seems, i could have gotten a worse punishment as in £2500 fine and an instant ban if deemed dangerous enough
By the sounds of it, the tyre was running on it's rim.

When the OP finally decided to inflate it to the correct pressure, the tyre would have been damaged (internally & externally)

That would cause weak spots which could then give way at speed, hitting a pothole etc, etc, there's no need to point out what else could have happened.

The flat tyre issue was quite rightly addressed, but yeah, maybe a word in his shell-like would've been appropriate as long as the warning is headed.
By the sounds of it, the tyre was running on it's rim.

When the OP finally decided to inflate it to the correct pressure, the tyre would have been damaged (internally & externally)

That would cause weak spots which could then give way at speed, hitting a pothole etc, etc, there's no need to point out what else could have happened.

The flat tyre issue was quite rightly addressed, but yeah, maybe a word in his shell-like would've been appropriate as long as the warning is headed.

nah m8, it wasnt on its rim, under inflated yes but on its rim no