3 points and a £60 fine

Your spot on Smirnoff.
I remember reading a book written by a traffic cop who said that 60% of all traffic charges would never have held up in court if the offender had kept their mouth shut.
When the police pull you over let them do the talking and say nothing, if you do say something think about it first.
People hang themselves if you give them enough rope.

True m8. I got stopped a few years back in the middle of the night. They said i was speeding but the did not have any evidence. They said they seen the nose of the car going down caused by me braking when i saw them (they were spot on correct lol) i said i wasnt speeding and stuck too my guns. They even said they where not going to do me they just wanted me to tell them the truth. .....Aye right di i fook lol. Not a thing they could do. Bet if i had admited it they would have done me.
Your spot on Smirnoff.
I remember reading a book written by a traffic cop who said that 60% of all traffic charges would never have held up in court if the offender had kept their mouth shut.
When the police pull you over let them do the talking and say nothing, if you do say something think about it first.
People hang themselves if you give them enough rope.

I did say to him that i had noticed it looked a bit flat earlier in the day, but what if i was to appeal and say i said i hadnt noticed it? would that be a bad idea? it was just me and one copper so it would be my word against his, i dont want to appeal and then get a stiffer sentence i.e. banned, i could just do without the points and the fine, iv still learnt my lesson and it wont happen again. Think i might go and see a solicitor tomorrow.
opinions please
True m8. I got stopped a few years back in the middle of the night. They said i was speeding but the did not have any evidence. They said they seen the nose of the car going down caused by me braking when i saw them (they were spot on correct lol) i said i wasnt speeding and stuck too my guns. They even said they where not going to do me they just wanted me to tell them the truth. .....Aye right di i fook lol. Not a thing they could do. Bet if i had admited it they would have done me.

as in the same as this guy
I did say to him that i had noticed it looked a bit flat earlier in the day, but what if i was to appeal and say i said i hadnt noticed it? would that be a bad idea? it was just me and one copper so it would be my word against his, i dont want to appeal and then get a stiffer sentence i.e. banned, i could just do without the points and the fine, iv still learnt my lesson and it wont happen again. Think i might go and see a solicitor tomorrow.
opinions please

Im not a legal expert mate, but i think if you challenged it in court you would loose!
It's not very often a court would take your word over a coppers word.
Of course i am not sure of that so its up to you if you wanna see a solicitor.
I would just take it and learn from it..
I am willing to take it m8 its just id rather not, will they take the coppers word over mine or do they operate on hard evidence, as ianb said it was his word against the coppers and they couldnt prove it either way so they couldnt touch him, what if i hadnt said i seen it earlier and the copper just fabricated it to justify the ticket? it happens
I am willing to take it m8 its just id rather not, will they take the coppers word over mine or do they operate on hard evidence, as ianb said it was his word against the coppers and they couldnt prove it either way so they couldnt touch him, what if i hadnt said i seen it earlier and the copper just fabricated it to justify the ticket? it happens

I just don't see you winning mate but that's just my opinion.
IanB was different to your case, Ian did not admit anything to the cops.
You see they pull you over and then give you a bunch of scenarios that you may have done.
Truth is they are bluffing and don't have anything on you.
If you react to one of them then anything you say is taken down in evidence.
In Ians case they saw the front of the car dip which is a tell tale sign of heavy breaking.
But they didn't know what speed he was doing and technically cannot prove anything.
By keeping his mouth shut, he called their bluff and they lost. (majik)
If you go to court and say that the cop is lying or mistaken then you might find yourself in bigger trouble.
Remember they know your cars reg and colour and they will pull you over a 100 times from now to Christmas.
When i was a boy racer a long time ago, i got a pull every week to show my documents, i think they called it a horty ticket.
You wont beat the cops.
Pay the fine, take the points and learn from it.
pay the fin get yer points and dont piss off a copper by calling them a liar who`s on patrol near yer house you will get done for everything and anything he can find on your car or pull you up on a stop and search somewhere like outside school for a supposed faulty brakelight then smell "something funny" ect you were wrong and take it on the chin better that the other situation i think
Actually the Copper was bang out of order.
He should have INSISTED you change the wheel for your spare wheel before even allowing you to "continue on the highway".

I had it happen to me one morning on the way to work and Asda's petrol station (hence air machine) was only 100 or 200 yards further up the road !!, and it was not even close to the rims, but yes it was low, but they still sat in their car watching me change my wheel in the ...kin rain !

and also as proof of how stupid they can be, they'd pulled me over on a bend on double yellow lines in rush hour !!
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Actually the Copper was bang out of order.
He should have INSISTED you change the wheel for your spare wheel before even allowing you to "continue on the highway".

I had it happen to me one morning on the way to work and Asda's petrol station (hence air machine) was only 100 or 200 yards further up the road !!, and it was not even close to the rims, but yes it was low, but they still sat in their car watching me change my wheel in the ...kin rain !

and also as proof of how stupid they can be, they'd pulled me over on a bend on double yellow lines in rush hour !!

Isnt it not your responsability to pull over in a safe place ??