Roma roundup

In the absence of a valid argument just rubbish the opponents view until they give up?
thats rubbish!

@hamba - Generalising builders lol ;) all true though lmao!

The cry often goes up that: "you can't say anything without being called racist" and then, it would appear that others think this has actually happened in a reply when it clearly hasn't.

No you are clever enough and would never say someone is racist, but you imply and skirt around the subject. In one of your previous you say you are a leftie meaning that people who start threads like this one are right wing fascists and there for are automatically branded a racist!!!

Classic examples of an intellectually dishonest debating tactic known as 'deflection'.

How you can accuse anyone one of deflection is beyond me, you are the master.
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In one of your previous you say you are a leftie meaning that people who start threads like this one are right wing fascists and there for are automatically branded a racist!!!

Perfect example! Thanks. : thanks :
Classic examples of an intellectually dishonest debating tactic known as 'deflection'.

Very popular with politicians throughout the ages.

Edit: I don't mean consciously dishonest btw. It's a bad habit that we tend to copy from television politics.
Similar to an Aunt Sally argument?
To be honest I don't really feel I have the right to be called a lefty. I'm fairly moderate in my political leanings and too pragmatic to take a single political or idealist standpoint.

I just thought I would accept the term as I am so often accused of it.

Bit of a hippie maybe - I'm not averse to hugging the odd tree.
To be honest I don't really feel I have the right to be called a lefty. I'm fairly moderate in my political leanings and too pragmatic to take a single political or idealist standpoint.

I just thought I would accept the term as I am so often accused of it.

Bit of a hippie maybe - I'm not averse to hugging the odd tree.

Why accept being called a lefty?

I can't be arsed with this left/right/centre crap - summat either works or it doesn't. Ideologies went down the pan decades ago - they don't work. You don't need to know about a person/paper/media political leaning.

Just follow the money and all is revealed :)
Why accept being called a lefty?

I can't be arsed with this left/right/centre crap - summat either works or it doesn't. Ideologies went down the pan decades ago - they don't work. You don't need to know about a person/paper/media political leaning.

Just follow the money and all is revealed :)

What I probably hate more than anything is "The money"

I find it very sad that so much is motivated by the pursuit of wealth and power.

Now here's my old hippy self - I just wish people could get off on making the world a better place for everyone.

Don't tell me my head is in the clouds: I'm not stupid.
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gollywogs, paki's, paddy's, poles, gypo's where's it going to end ? every wave of immigrants is going to be the doom of this country.
gollywogs, paki's, paddy's, poles, gypo's where's it going to end ? every wave of immigrants is going to be the doom of this country.

A disappointing response from one usually so wise :( ANY country can only support a limited population. To support a growing population requires a commensurate growth in support services such as housing, NHS etc.

Someone has to pay for that.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to ask the question how?
A disappointing response from one usually so wise :( ANY country can only support a limited population. To support a growing population requires a commensurate growth in support services such as housing, NHS etc.

Someone has to pay for that.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to ask the question how?

Sorry but this argument is getting old. The same comment being made with every wave of immigration. Of course every wave has a small minority that don't want to conform but in the main every wave pays their their own way.
Sorry but this argument is getting old. The same comment being made with every wave of immigration. Of course every wave has a small minority that don't want to conform but in the main every wave pays their their own way.

I misunderstood your post - my apologies.
every wave of immigrants is going to be the doom of this country.
Eventually it will be

We are a small Island and cannot sustain current immigration levels indefinitely

Unfortunately the worse of the Romanian and Bulgarian influx is yet to occur when they achieve full EU status in 2014
I misunderstood your post - my apologies.

I really don't think the country is anywhere near capacity if managed properly. What is being felt is that a minority of the country seems to be paying more then its fair share. As with any immigration, communities tend to stick together and puts a strain on local resources which I don't argue happens. However what I do object to is the vast majority of immigrants being branded benefit thieves, criminals, etc due to the small minority.

If you check, as a percentage the greatest benefit frauds, housing benefit applicants, criminals, etc are not immigrants.

BTW< The UK has applied to EU to limit benefit and housing claims to new EU immigrates but so far has been unable to provide enough actual proof of impact.

BBC News - Benefit tourism claims: European Commission urges UK to provide evidence
I really don't think the country is anywhere near capacity if managed properly. What is being felt is that a minority of the country seems to be paying more then its fair share. As with any immigration, communities tend to stick together and puts a strain on local resources which I don't argue happens. However what I do object to is the vast majority of immigrants being branded benefit thieves, criminals, etc due to the small minority.

If you check, as a percentage the greatest benefit frauds, housing benefit applicants, criminals, etc are not immigrants.

BTW< The UK has applied to EU to limit benefit and housing claims to new EU immigrates but so far has been unable to provide enough actual proof of impact.

BBC News - Benefit tourism claims: European Commission urges UK to provide evidence

Hope you have that attitude in 5 years or so when you need one of these said social services. Unfortunately you will not have a NHS or benefits. The native population looses out for someones sense of moral high ground. If you are happy to give up your place for some migrant that's great but don't expect me too.

I don't understand how when these services are struggling already another mass influx is going to help them? I don't get this progressive thinking it fly's in the face of common sense?