Roma roundup

OK this is Fact and seen by me, not fiction or seen by someone else's cousins brothers aunts next door neighbours best friend

I have to cross this lot every day as I get off the bus in Park lane and walk the short distance to work in Edgware Road, I get asked for money EVERY day (normally the same people)

Gangs of homeless Romanian beggars move into London's Park Lane - Telegraph

You really have to see it to believe what is happening here, they don't just beg, I have seen them put so much pressure on others for money it's threatening to say the least, there is always a massive police presence, always at least 4 or 5 arrests for shop lifting or fighting, must be a big draw on Westminster councils resources

I'm not Right wing by any means but something has to be done urgently, and soon !
There is a sentence in that article ""Some of the houses down here are going for £30million. If you are going to pay all that money you don't want to see that out on your doorstep." that is something that will ensure action is taken but I'm sure that action will only be to move them on to a less salubrious area.
Money Talks !!!
What I find interesting is that these sort of threads are started by people with a particular political view point.

Look at most of the contentious threads and who starts them.

But I think you would find it very hard to find threads started by us lefties that are pushing forward our political viewpoints or stances.

What you mean hamba is that people who start these threads have common sense and legitimate fears over the thread subject. We neither claim to be right wing or necessarily agree with right wing thinking.

However lefties as you called yourself have no understanding of the legitimate fears people have about these issues. You have ideals of a socialist fairy land where everyone is poor and living in fear and you don't care about the suffering you cause on your way there.

Common sense dictates that we should look at whats happening in Europe, it dictates we take notice of the effects it WILL have on our society and it dictates that we take actions weather that be discussing it here or taking other actions.

An amazing word 'common sense' however it is not so common............
There is a sentence in that article ""Some of the houses down here are going for £30million. If you are going to pay all that money you don't want to see that out on your doorstep." that is something that will ensure action is taken but I'm sure that action will only be to move them on to a less salubrious area.
Money Talks !!!

I imagine that the Arab billionaires and Russian mafia will get sick of looking at them and have them moved into social housing throughout the country at some point. Then your council tax will go up to provide care for all the children that social services have to take into care.
What you mean hamba is that people who start these threads have common sense and legitimate fears over the thread subject. We neither claim to be right wing or necessarily agree with right wing thinking.

However lefties as you called yourself have no understanding of the legitimate fears people have about these issues. You have ideals of a socialist fairy land where everyone is poor and living in fear and you don't care about the suffering you cause on your way there.

Common sense dictates that we should look at whats happening in Europe, it dictates we take notice of the effects it WILL have on our society and it dictates that we take actions weather that be discussing it here or taking other actions.

An amazing word 'common sense' however it is not so common............

I don't see this as a forum for airing my political views - I sometimes do when others view theirs but I don't feel this is the place for me to start threads on the subject.

Common sense may dictate many things but solutions are not always quite that simple. At the ripe old age of 64 I have seen and heard a great deal of nonsense put across as common sense.

I am also fairly certain that many of the issues presented in the press are oversimplified and often published in order to create a sensation.

There are good and bad in many societies and groups and those who offend against the laws of whatever country they are in can be held to account under the laws of those countries.
BBC news just now with the abduction case. Roma expert in Greece: "The community is often involved in illicit activity."
I am also fairly certain that many of the issues presented in the press are oversimplified and often published in order to create a sensation.

That article I posted actually under states the problem there Hamba, it is far far worse, I'm there and see it every day mate, shocking !
I don't see this as a forum for airing my political views - I sometimes do when others view theirs but I don't feel this is the place for me to start threads on the subject.

Its general chat is it not, if went down down to the pub this would be general chat for me and a lot of other people too, the people in the real world dealing with the after affects of any leftie progressive social experiment aimed at changing the social makeup of Europe.

Common sense may dictate many things but solutions are not always quite that simple. At the ripe old age of 64 I have seen and heard a great deal of nonsense put across as common sense.

I am also fairly certain that many of the issues presented in the press are oversimplified and often published in order to create a sensation.

Solutions are found when we are allowed to discuss these matters with out being labeled some right wing nut with a political agenda from a self admitted leftie. Even if lefties have nothing to say they feel need to but in and dictate what everyone else should be saying.

There are good and bad in many societies and groups and those who offend against the laws of whatever country they are in can be held to account under the laws of those countries.

There are good and bad in all community's like you say but lets face facts over the last 15-20 years people smuggling, slavery, honor killings, rapes, pedophile gangs and a whole load of undesirable crimes have skyrocketed. It appears there is more bad in some community's than others. And by all accounts the Roma seem to be ALL bad.

In 5 - 10 years there will be no NHS or social system that we would recognize , there will be Islamic rule in many sectors of our life and the impact of all these segregated community's we have today will be devastating to our children and grandchildren. The UK as knew it and admired it will be a long distant memory replaced with anarchy.

Certainly not a place i want to bring children up in anymore. My signature below says it all......
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Just to add for clarity and fairness, I manage and work with 7 or 8 Romanian fitters, have a few pints with them most Fridays after work, they are shocked by the above as well, they used to get into quite a few arguments in the summer when we had our sandwiches in Hyde Park
Just to add for clarity and fairness, I manage and work with 7 or 8 Romanian fitters, have a few pints with them most Fridays after work, they are shocked by the above as well, they used to get into quite a few arguments in the summer when we had our sandwiches in Hyde Park

That's the bit the papers seem to avoid, Roma are Romanian by location only not ethnicity. They are nomadic Indians.
I do not get involved with these threads lol... I live in london, so I guess I am used to multiculturalism :)

But this bothers me a little @hamba lol (not massively of course ;)), infact it is more of an observation.

Look at most of the contentious threads and who starts them.

What makes you qualified to say that a thread is contentious, is that because you do not agree or your opinion differs?

Of course they are lol (contentious), but that is the problem... freedom of speech does not entitle someone with a right view of having an opinion without it being contentious... and that gives lefties the power to be right no matter what. And that is why there seems to be a large unhappy population (sorry a little bit of generalisation there!)

Lol, @Spectre you are coming across as generalising tough, obviously not all Romanians are pickpockets, but if it was not a problem it would also not be news... no smoke without fire comes to mind, and I have been on the tube and I tend to hold my wallet at all times :) (but they are so fecking good I would not know who done it until it's gone lol)

Let me also emphasise the point that I am neither left of right lol... more of a straight down the middle type :)

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You confuse me Mick. I wouldn't have thought it would require a great deal of qualification to see what might be contentious or likely to cause argument.

Nor do I feel I have the power to think I'm right: in fact it is difficult to express a different opinion because as soon as any of us so called lefties have anything to say on these threads we are accused of all sorts of things and the argument stops - if it every really begins - and gives way to put downs and the like. For example this reply to my first post:

That is because leftists are happy to accept what happens to them, I suspect they have submissive tendencies and it would be interesting to see a real survey on that. Many leftists are also self-hating apologists that blame white Britons for all evil.
One mans contentious is anothers righteousness (right, left, right, left lol), i was going to use the word unargumentative but it did not really fit even though it would seem opposite to contentious :)

Left = Unargumentative
Right = Contentious

@hamba it was never personal mate, just an observation...

There is obviously an issue with Romanian Gypsy pick pockets... but pointing it out makes someone racist, bigoted, small minded? <---- that is what I have an issue with, not the pick pockets lol!

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For example this reply to my first post:

tbh, I presumed that post of Spectre's was delivered with his tongue firmly wedged in his cheek. Too much bollox to be anything other than a wind-up. ;)

Don't get too depressed by the flak though. "Illegitimi non carborundum" :Cheers:
tbh, I presumed that post of Spectre's was delivered with his tongue firmly wedged in his cheek. Too much bollox to be anything other than a wind-up. ;)

Don't get too depressed by the flak though. "Illegitimi non carborundum" :Cheers:

I often do try to inject a bit humour to otherwise mundane things. The self-hating apologist bit it true though ;).

The title of the thread might shed a bit light on what I was going to use it for. I was going to have it as a link repository for Roma news stories or personal interactions. It does turn out that they will be mainly "right-wing press" but that is because Guardian, BBC, Independent etc. are somewhat adverse to making Roma look bad. All press seem to be avoiding the term "Roma", probably thanks to the NUJ and Common Purpose.

For example: Thief caught on camera asking pensioner, 97, for the time so that she can steal his wallet with £450 inside | Mail Online

"eastern European or Indian" - Roma.

I bet the percentage of fully integrated Roma in Europe is very low. Integration doesn't seem to be their thing, not that we need more people in the UK for a start but... Roma have propensity for theft and I believe prevention is better than cure so why let them in? Oh, that's right we don't have borders.
One mans contentious is anothers righteousness (right, left, right, left lol), i was going to use the word unargumentative but it did not really fit even though it would seem opposite to contentious :)

Left = Unargumentative
Right = Contentious

@hamba it was never personal mate, just an observation...

There is obviously an issue with Romanian Gypsy pick pockets...
but pointing it out makes someone racist, bigoted, small minded? <---- that is what I have an issue with, not the pick pockets lol!

This last bit that I have highlighted partly illustrates one of the points I am trying to make. This accusation is often made without any justification. I don't say it but the person who I haven't said it to implies I have. I am not trying to accuse anyone of anything, just disagreeing or, in some cases challenging the sources or reasoning.

It reminds me a bit of something that happened a couple of weeks ago. There are some builders working a few doors down from us. They tend to be fairly inconsiderate: loud music, etc. They have had a fair bit of flack from other neighbours.

I was a bit annoyed because the guy I spoke to was just blanking me and I asked how would he like it if someone came next to his house and played bloody loud music all day. He then, in very loud voice started to rant about me swearing at him - obviously to make it appear to anyone who was in hearing distance that I was being abusive. (My bloody is very tame compared to what these guys are shouting to each other most days.)

The cry often goes up that: "you can't say anything without being called racist" and then, it would appear that others think this has actually happened in a reply when it clearly hasn't.
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This last bit that I have highlighted partly illustrates one of the points I am trying to make. This accusation is often made without any justification. I don't say it but the person who I haven't said it to implies I have. I am not trying to accuse anyone of anything, just disagreeing or, in some cases challenging the sources or reasoning...

The cry often goes up that: "you can't say anything without being called racist" and then, it would appear that others think this has actually happened in a reply when it clearly hasn't.

Classic examples of an intellectually dishonest debating tactic known as 'deflection'.

Very popular with politicians throughout the ages.

Edit: I don't mean consciously dishonest btw. It's a bad habit that we tend to copy from television politics.
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