At Last,They Admit It, It Wasn't Us !!!


VIP Member
VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
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Well after many years TM finally admit they sold us a donkey of a receiver :) this was posted elsewhere but thought Id share it with here :)

I don't want this post to escalate into a Hate TM thread, just want to point out at long last, after all they said, it was the user not the box lol ;)

so the story ends :nopity:

Originally Posted By TMFAN

Reading all posts, in my opinion Any E2 box without Broadcom chip >>waste of time, just forget it ,incomplete/unfinished/few function might work. Trying to run donkey like a horse, waste of money and time for end user and seller,
Many manufacturer made mistake>>TM used NXP for tm800-azbox and many other brands used st711 st chip {same chip used in tm-5402/5302 } big mistake they are still trying to fix it after few years,
Now some new names in the market trying to do what others did not succeed,
End user getting wrong advise from many resellers /biased forums/Best way is Googol search which dose not lie.
An example type in googol.
Problem/crash/reboot/memory leak/re boot/ type the brand name then decide which model or brand has the least problem.
An example I did googol search for vu+duo then did for tm-twin but after 01-10-2012 which image was not ready before that for tmtwin
Then compared it. over 1000 posts /complains about vu and none for tm twin.
Ok problem with tm-twin/2t Epg recording as I found out is being fixed but what is the problem as many members magnifying it .
Example if you record , time now 12 noon record bbc1 at 1 pm and bbc2at 1,10 pm and watch any channel within those TPs no problem
Problem is when you record example
It is 12 noon record bbc1 and bbc2 from 2 TPs at the same time it will not which is being fixed very soon.
Finding 2 program start at the same time 100% within seconds will be like knowing the lottery number ,
Conclusion is for a new buyer to decide which box is good.
Rebooting one minutes or 2 is not a bid deal who is going to turn off every few minutes to benefit this, so
Stability is more important than extra one minutes.
We watch TV of hours what is wrong with one minute or 2,
When memory leak kicks in hell will start means re booting /crashing and many more ,so what we are looking for one or 2 minutes faster booting or every few hours re booting and and many more problem .
Testing latest image with pli3 and kernel 3.5.3 from tm with tm-2t >>wow the difference with lots of new plagind >>HBB /vix i players which has 5 providers inc,irish/and many more new function
Can st chip deliver same as boraodcome chip. ????? dream on ........
Sigh. Doesn't get rid of the nasty bitter taste though does it :(
Thats just an excuse to plug the twin and discredit the VU+,now personally I dont much care for either of them but that statement is self serving and nothing more imho
I quoted it all Wiz but its just the first few lines I was on about (TM800)

@ VectorZ, yes mate but Ive moved on ;) just wanted to post this as its an end to it really

in my opinion Any E2 box without Broadcom chip >>waste of time, just forget it ,incomplete/unfinished/few function might work. Trying to run donkey like a horse, waste of money and time for end user and seller,
Many manufacturer made mistake>>TM used NXP for tm800-azbox and many other brands used st711 st chip {same chip used in tm-5402/5302 } big mistake they are still trying to fix it after few years,
I quoted it all Wiz but its just the first few lines I was on about (TM800)

I know m8 ;)

but the only reason they did that was to use it to promote their other boxes and dis VU lol
TM and their management are only concerned with sales of receivers nothing more nothing less...the whole saga with the TM800 is evidence of this, but it didnt start here...the TM500 and 600 were more or elss the same very poor support, no bugfixes even months after they were promised.
The saddest part was they actually blatently pointed the finger at end users and customers for not following instructionsn or "Fallow ABC" rather than admitting their hardware and software were both majorly flawed. At the end of the day, if you release a crap product hold your hand up and apoligise either fix it or withdraw it from sale...Not bulls**t to customers for 2 years then discontinue support still promising fixes that never arrived..
It's the same story Wiz has pointed out..they're just trying to do some shameless promotion..