Supermarket kids !

Bag packing service :D

Seriously though I do know how you feel but just say no when asked if you need your bags packed,then chuck a quid in when you are done :)

I was just getting warmed up then Mr wiz. Buying football kits and boots for Christmas steve my goodness you were rich by the time we bought the zip fire lighters and coal there was no money left for expensive gifts. We did sponsored walks and bike riding for school funds but times were hard and money was scarce. By the way I am not much older than you.
my 14 year old goes to guides every week . i give her a couple a quid per time . now i have seen the guides do these packing days to raise fund to take the kids away
but the parents still need to pay as well . the guides took 18 kids to london last year and it still cost the parents £190 but that was only because the 18 kids had raised
1500 over 4 days ( 2 weekends ) packing bags .now did i see my daugther as begging no as she had to get out her bed on a weekend and stand in the shop for 7 hours (2 days out the 4)
you might have another view on this but if the kids are willing to do this then a sposored walk would be no problem. the people that run these clubs for the kids just want to
help as much as they can and do look at the best ways to raise funds. remeber these clubs are part of the comunity. you kids might not use them but your freinds kids might
you all seem to be missing the point , i aint bothered about the packing, if it was a childrens cancer, Macmillan, nspcc they could pack away & i would gladly donate no problem, dance studios & local clubs, etc have no chance, why cant they do what we did then? go on sponsored walks with donations from intimidate family & leave the checkout "drives" to something a bit more worthy? ( im not taking it personal either mate, been around the forums long enough to know whats what )

as said you find me one of these big named charitys that dont spend millions collecting cash and paying collectors
most charitys give max 40% the rest is swollowed by admin fees and wages yes there still worth while donating to but not on streets or supermarkets as these collectors are paid to stand there
my 14 year old goes to guides every week . i give her a couple a quid per time . now i have seen the guides do these packing days to raise fund to take the kids away
but the parents still need to pay as well . the guides took 18 kids to london last year and it still cost the parents £190 but that was only because the 18 kids had raised
1500 over 4 days ( 2 weekends ) packing bags .now did i see my daugther as begging no as she had to get out her bed on a weekend and stand in the shop for 7 hours (2 days out the 4)
you might have another view on this but if the kids are willing to do this then a sposored walk would be no problem. the people that run these clubs for the kids just want to
help as much as they can and do look at the best ways to raise funds. remember these clubs are part of the community. you kids might not use them but your freinds kids might

& have been for some years, didn't need to do it in the early days though
as said you find me one of these big named charitys that dont spend millions collecting cash and paying collectors
most charitys give max 40% the rest is swollowed by admin fees and wages yes there still worth while donating to but not on streets or supermarkets as these collectors are paid to stand there

worthy causes though
if you feel there that worthy tell the collectors out side the supermarket to donate there wages
where did i say that . i am saying that at least i know where my money's going
i agree these charitys are worth while but i also thing its a good thing that the kids are doing and at least when i toss 20 p in the kids bucket
it makes there time worth while
wondered how long it would take someone to roll out that old chestnut :lol:, we never run riot when we were kids, they have a lot more these days than we did
some kids have "a lot more" these days..
not all off them.and to be honest Back in the day! there was more family values than there is today. which is a shame really.out of a squad of 25 kids there is only 6 parents that pay there kids subs every week.its a case of having to get local firms to to help with donations. but that doesnt cover the cost of match fee's and training ground costs. travel cost's to and from the matches. am sure some of the kids dont like bag packing. but its a means for them to play a game learn some discipline and respect that they have to earn money for there kits and stuff. throwing 20p in a bucket aint going to hurt. and just think that club u gave 20p to might just produce the nxt david becham or some other kind of star ;) you never know
well no matter what anyone says i think its wrong, i don't pay for other peoples kids to have a hobby, its quite simple really & they will never get a penny from me ;)
:lol: , my dad worked in a factory & my mother worked part time at a petrol station & i was brought up in a block of 152 council flats so you couldn't be more wrong tbh, btw im 49 & we didn't have the supermarkets back then anyway, we used to do sponsored walks ( where you got YOUR family to sponsor you, not total strangers) also i got football boots /trainers for xmas as a present
jump forward 40 yrs then stevejay
there is not that many jobs nowa days.ppl living on the bread line. no spare money. so these kids suffer becouse of the econemy* so how do the kids pay for things they love doing ?
would you let you kid go if there club arranged a bag packing day ?
jump forward 40 yrs then stevejay
there is not that many jobs nowa days.ppl living on the bread line. no spare money. so these kids suffer because of the economy* so how do the kids pay for things they love doing ?

paper rounds? or any other odd jobs perhaps? as someone said earlier, they worked to get there luxuries
ITS NOT BEGGING ffs its offering a service for a small donation.. also some familys just cant afford to help buy the kits and other stuff. so we just turn are backs on the less well off then ?.. stevejay my sons team needs some 1 to sponsor there team . can i put you down for 50 quid ?
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paper rounds? or any other odd jobs perhaps? as someone said earlier, they worked to get there luxuries
but you wouldnt know as your parents paid for your stuff !!!!! as you said b4. also i thought begging was actually asking for money. while doing nothink. not packing bags and offering a service ? and not asking for money .
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so if your kids club did arrange one of these days for his club/team . you would say no i will pay for his share
what if its to take the team or group away mate surly if them raise money as a team its a good thing
and by excluding you kids your just not teaching them anything but that dad will pay more so you dont need to go
as said if it was a case of the ones that go and do it save 100 of the price of a trip and the ones that dont pay 100
extra would you let him go then or would you just pay it
paper rounds? or any other odd jobs perhaps? as someone said earlier, they worked to get there luxuries
dont know were you live m8 but smack and crack heads would mugg a kid round here for there paper money when doing a paper round.and by offering to odd jobs for ppl is the same as offering to bag pack in a supermarket "ITS BEGGING" as you call it. oh and nots let forget the pedo's who there offering to do odd jobs for