murderers get payed by you & me !!!!

Why we still tolerate this crap in are country is beyond me, its not just the prison system bleeding us I popped into the city library today to check my emails today and told there was a 3 hour waiting list for access to the computers.

To my disgust there was about 30 computers all taking up jamican men all shouting and chatting really loud they had there kids with them and It really was taking the biscut.

They obviously use the library as a meeting point during the day and they were all reading benifit leaflets and laughing?

All of them were well dressed and full of cheap gold It was really horrible to see that good folks just walk in see that theres no access to anything for us tax paying loyal uk citizens.

They are milking the system and I didnt get a nice feeling watching them do it.
my rant would have been about the fact i had to wait 3hrs .

peoples race , creed or sexual orientation would not have come into it.

hope you were quiet in the library lol :proud:
my rant would have been about the fact i had to wait 3hrs .

peoples race , creed or sexual orientation would not have come into it.

hope you were quiet in the library lol :proud:

good point :Clap: the still get on my tittys though
my rant would have been about the fact i had to wait 3hrs .

peoples race , creed or sexual orientation would not have come into it.

hope you were quiet in the library lol :proud:

I think his rant was the fact that they are not british citizens not the fact that they are black, thats another problem that if u have a go at someone who happens to be black you are branded a racist(as your reply implies), it makes me sick that all these freeloading spongers are welcomed into the country to bleed our benefit system dry, use the nhs without putting anything into it. Dont get me wrong i aint racist, if they can contribute to society then by all means let them in but if they are just gonna sponge then kick em out. This countries gone soft.

By the way ur reply pisses me off, having a go at the geezer just cos he mentioned a black man, its ppl like u why coloured ppl can use the race card at every turn, fookin politically correct spineless shitbag.

(sorry for the rant and bad language but ppl like this make my blood boil)
I think his rant was the fact that they are not british citizens

Weren't they? How do you know?

By the way ur reply pisses me off, having a go at the geezer just cos he mentioned a black man, its ppl like u why coloured ppl can use the race card at every turn, fookin politically correct spineless shitbag.

Having a go? He said that race creed or sexual orientation would not have come into it. You called him a "fookin politically correct spineless shitbag" Who's having a go?

Read the forum rules about personal attacks on members and keep your "Don't get me wrong I'm not a racist" opinions to yourself.
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Did not want to start an argument, ok to clarify things they were not english as they clearly had poor english and the fact there all slapping hands hugging hanging round the computers, taking turns each and they have there kids and wifes running all over the place (very loud) It is a library after all ? not white heart lane.

Colour creed etc does not come into it but its very indimidating when you have a city library full every day of what looks like a gang of yardies?

No english citizens even try to get a pc are read a book I noticed everybody walks in changes there books and walks straight out.

Its not right Im not racist I have black people in my family, there not doing no harm its not there fault?

Just stating it aint good! maybe the goverment should supply community centres for people who come into this country with little knowledge of english. Any people polish jamican russian any colour creed im not picking on black people.

rant over but my city is looking more seedy by the week,
Read the forum rules about personal attacks on members and keep your "Don't get me wrong I'm not a racist" opinions to yourself.

Sorry i wont voice my opinions for fear of upsetting others. thats just typical of britain today.

BTW, i do apologise for the personal attack, but i dont apologise for voicing my opinion, im just sorry that it didnt sit well with an almighty mod, what gives you the right to tell me to keep my opinion to myself.
Colour creed etc does not come into it but its very indimidating when you have a city library full every day of what looks like a gang of yardies?
would it be less intimidating if they were Hoodies? or is it the DREADS that scare you?

No english citizens even try to get a pc are read a book I noticed everybody walks in changes there books and walks straight out.
ever though the english citizens, don't need too?

Its not right Im not racist

Just stating it aint good! maybe the goverment should supply community centres for people who come into this country with little knowledge of english. Any people polish jamican russian any colour creed im not picking on black people.
Aha, so we need ghettos for these people. somewhere we can hid them.
humm interesting.
the guy mentions that they were black ppl and everyone automatically thinks hes being racist, would he have ppl jumping down his throat if he said they were poles?? This is why ppl today are scared to voice an opinion, for fear of upsetting others. Utter bollocks, if ppl would stand up and be counted the country wouldnt be as messed up as it is.

(like i said i apologise for the attack, but i am allowed an opinion. Im not trying to antagonise anyone, just voicing my opinion)
All of them were well dressed and full of cheap gold It was really horrible to see that good folks just walk in see that theres no access to anything for us tax paying loyal uk citizens.

It wasn't these guys by any chance?

the guy mentions that they were black ppl and everyone automatically thinks hes being racist, would he have ppl jumping down his throat if he said they were poles?? This is why ppl today are scared to voice an opinion, for fear of upsetting others. Utter bollocks, if ppl would stand up and be counted the country wouldnt be as messed up as it is.

(like i said i apologise for the attack, but i am allowed an opinion. Im not trying to antagonise anyone, just voicing my opinion)

It seems that you think people are scared to voice an opinion because someone else will voice a contrary one - that's just plain silly.

I will stand up and be counted: I disagree with you!
I think I can see how the comments can been seen to be racist but I kind of get what he is saying.

Where I stay there is not a lot of ethnic migration, so when you see a group of black people or Asians or any other minority group it can be unsettling. I suppose unsettling might be the wrong word to use. But if something is not the normal from what you experience in day to day life then it could be.

I don’t like to see forgiven people coming to this country to use and abuse the system nor people who are from this country when they have no intentions in working or giving back to society.

Whether we choose to accept that this is a problem with minorities coming to this country is another matter.

Like it or not our country is struggling with the added cost on the NHS and our benefit system.

I am all for letting people come to this country who need our help, but it’s the ones that really need the help that seem to loose out.
I think I can see how the comments can been seen to be racist but I kind of get what he is saying.

Where I stay there is not a lot of ethnic migration, so when you see a group of black people or Asians or any other minority group it can be unsettling. I suppose unsettling might be the wrong word to use. But if something is not the normal from what you experience in day to day life then it could be.

I don’t like to see forgiven people coming to this country to use and abuse the system nor people who are from this country when they have no intentions in working or giving back to society.

Whether we choose to accept that this is a problem with minorities coming to this country is another matter.

Like it or not our country is struggling with the added cost on the NHS and our benefit system.

I am all for letting people come to this country who need our help, but it’s the ones that really need the help that seem to loose out.

My problem with this :
They obviously use the library as a meeting point during the day and they were all reading benifit leaflets and laughing?

All of them were well dressed and full of cheap gold It was really horrible to see that good folks just walk in see that theres no access to anything for us tax paying loyal uk citizens.

They are milking the system and I didnt get a nice feeling watching them do it.

is the number of assumptions - rather than facts - it contains.
My problem with this :

is the number of assumptions - rather than facts - it contains.

Ah no I thought that may be the case and agree with you on that point. I find my self some times doing that when referring to people.

Some tend to generalise which can be done without fact or proof. But sometimes you can look at something or a situation and know exactly what it is.

Now we can all on this forum or any other forum comment on situations, but you can only go on the information your given. Some might take it one way, some might take it another way.

Now the situation the OP is referring to with the individuals, I would have probably took the opinion that he took, but I would have also took the same opinion should it have been the same local neds that I know don’t work and are all junkies. But I think on this occasion, that fact that It was that particular group of people gives it another angle which can turn it in to something that it isnt.
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This I also find quite hard to believe:

To my disgust there was about 30 computers all taking up jamican men all shouting and chatting really loud they had there kids with them and It really was taking the biscut.

This really sounds like an exaggeration - imagine it 30 computers each one with at least one man: and a number of children?
This I also find quite hard to believe:

This really sounds like an exaggeration - imagine it 30 computers each one with at least one man: and a number of children?

Like I said, you can only comment on the given facts. I have seen some sights in Coatbridge where I stay about the local wildlife that hang about up the main street that you probably wouldn’t believe and a few members on here from my area could probably back that up.

But you have to take what people say at face value, as although it may seem an exaggerated amount of people there is nothing to say it didn’t happen. If the number was say even half would it make his point more credible ?
But you have to take what people say at face value, as although it may seem an exaggerated amount of people there is nothing to say it didn’t happen. If the number was say even half would it make his point more credible ?

If the exaggeration opens the statement then that colours my view about the reporters ability to be reasonably objective.