yids fail again lmao rofl


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
And just when they thought it was there day :eek: up pops good old THEO pmsl with a equaliser... get in there son the place absolutely when BEZERK as quite a happy spuds crowd heads dropped into there laps as they was once again resorted to NOT BEATING THE GOONERS.....

What planet was the refs on there was a number of offsides that was allowed and could of cost us from a fans point we was really being treated unfairly and we was the fooking home TEAM.

However credit to tottenham they was very organised something i never quite seen with jol so maybe this ramos could make them a even better team... only time will tell

But also lets be honest here i want to add a few names for those who never knew who was playing for arsenal tonight.

fabregas, flammini, hleb, rosicksy, toure, gallas, CLICHY (contender for arsenal player of the season!!!), ADEBAYER,

OOOO FOOK none of them played tonight shit what is wrong with me PMSL

and against an almost full squad tottenham

So well done the kids again we all know tottenham (muppets lol) are a good side and with keane and burbatov they are dangerous but again in my opinion (well 3 quarters of ashburton) we was given a bad deal by the linesmen and the referee!

Also i was disappointed that either the arsenal or the tottenhan fans wanted to fight after the game there was allot of kids and it seemed to be kicking off allot, i take my son every game we can get as he loves it and it was a shame for him to see some of that.

anyway i was pleased in the end..... because the kids dug deep and produced which is a great quality in such a young side!

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didnt play paticulary well but still ground out a draw...LOL dont you just love it!!......on a different note i hear Diara couldbe off to newcastle ....hope wenger rejects it as i think he could be super at arsenal......anyway why didnt wenger play him...... gilberto and diaby werent on their game!

On the comment of violence totenham and arsenal rivarrly is a bit fierce to say the least........they should have seperate sections when departing, one for the family and 1 for the hooligans...not nice kids having to see that