Will we still be the Country of choice and still be Great Britain ...

If people ask me where I am from, I tell them Northern Ireland (I do not say Britain) but that doesn't mean I cannot be proud to be British.
Bully for you for flying your countries flag....I am not allowed to fly my countries fly but thats not for debate in this thread.

Theres nothing wrong with having 4 seperate countries with their own parliments but we should also be prepared to stick by each other and stop fekkin hating each other.

i didnt say i hate each other, im saying im ENGLISH and im getting told i cannot say im ENGLISH because i am british. i believe i am english like the other religions believe there things in this country, if it alright for them, its alright for me to say im english and not british. end off.
i didnt say i hate each other, im saying im ENGLISH and im getting told i cannot say im ENGLISH because i am british. i believe i am english like the other religions believe there things in this country, if it alright for them, its alright for me to say im english and not british. end off.

i didnt say i hate each other, im saying im ENGLISH and im getting told i cannot say im ENGLISH because i am british. i believe i am english like the other religions believe there things in this country, if it alright for them, its alright for me to say im english and not british. end off.

end off...wtf thats all about.

No one said you shouldnt be proud to be English...of course you should be, no one said you shouldnt say your English 1st either. Have I missed somewhere that said you shouldnt say your English.
Theres nothing wrong with having 4 seperate countries with their own parliments but we should also be prepared to stick by each other and stop fekkin hating each other.

I don't hate the Irish, Scottish or Welsh (I just don't like them much ... lmao Joke) :)

I know we have our banter, mainly over football/Rugby lol

But I would be proud to stand British alongside all the home nations people, what I cannot be, is proud to be british in this day and age, it makes me sick to the stomach when I see what they have let our nation become after what all our forefathers (English .. Irish .. Scottish and Welsh) fought wars and died for

I'll tell you what they died for ... Nothing
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i didnt say i hate each other, im saying im ENGLISH and im getting told i cannot say im ENGLISH because i am british. i believe i am english like the other religions believe there things in this country, if it alright for them, its alright for me to say im english and not british. end off.

why so angry dude? is it worth the energy :proud:
Yea, I'm sure that's what they where thinking after leaving behind killed loved ones...
Probably not even having the chance to bury them...

why would they come through a few safe countrys to ours presuming they did ?
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I think Asylum seekers should be made to go to the first safe country near their home country. Not be allowed to travel 1000s of miles to get to the one they fancy and yeah it does seem like they are using a travel brochure to me
why would they come through a few safe countrys to ours presuming they did ?

france,germany and italy are all "safe" .
but our benefit system is far easier to milk if you are an non EU citizen.
But I would be proud to stand British alongside all the home nations people, what I cannot be, is proud to be british in this day and age, it makes me sick to the stomach when I see what they have let our nation become after what all our forefathers (English .. Irish .. Scottish and Welsh) fought wars and died for

I'll tell you what they died for ... Nothing

One thing that has recently p1ssed me off was the fact that some pencil pushing w@nkers in Whitehall were refusing veterans of the Gurkha Regiments the right to settle in Britain.

These brave warriors would stand shoulder to shoulder with our own home grown troops, often displaying courage over & above the normal call of duty for a country they had never visited.

Yet...our own poxy government wastes no time in offering handouts, political refuge & all sorts of freebies to some of the worst scum which slither onto these shores from other countries.

It took the likes of Joanna Lumley, to bring this to the attention of the British people & to assist in the about turn of the government.
More info HERE.

By the way...Joanna is also a really nice person away from the cameras as well...the Mrs met her last year & spent a while chatting to her at the airport :)
By the way...Joanna is also a really nice person away from the cameras as well...the Mrs met her last year & spent a while chatting to her at the airport :)

eewww . la de dah.
Joanna is it indeed lol.
I bet you spent the entire conversation checking out her tits and singing the avengers theme tune in your head lol.
LoL, wish I did meet her, but it was the good lady wife.
She also met Samuel L Jackson & his golf clubs during the week.
How can I compare with that? :(

pmsl.. sorry mate misread your post, thought you had met JL.

but did Mrs seedy ask SLJ what was in that mutha f*ckin case by any chance?
One thing that has recently p1ssed me off was the fact that some pencil pushing w@nkers in Whitehall were refusing veterans of the Gurkha Regiments the right to settle in Britain.

Quite right m8, the pricks in Whiehall wouldn't look after these people and give them what they deserve, they deserve every right to live here and be british after what they did for us and I will happily pay my Tax & ins to help keep them

Sadly it seems they would rather give handouts to preachers of hate and wanna be suicide bombers

Anyway on a better note it looks like the Gurkha's have won in the high court

I don't really think they cared where they went they just wanted to get to a safe country to get away from all the war and killings...
I don't think they had much time to choose either, I doubt they were looking through holiday brochures!

fookin kosovans

me and skybabe have first hand experiance of what kosovans will do to get into this country, and youll see past references in posts from the 2 of us about this, dating back about 7 years or more

if someone is avoiding persecution or whatever, then theyd settle in the first country they got to right?

or would they fly to greece, sneak on a boat to italy, sneak on a train to spain, then to germany, then in the back iof a truck to the UK, where he got clothing vouchers, a roof, some benefit, all while working with a false NI number and then get a 14 year old girl pregnant, then not long after the birth, break up with the young mother but avoid deportation as he now has family here

the UK is TOO soft, close the borders and refuse entry to everyone, we're the worlds biggest cul-de-sac, in order to get here you have to go through numerous other 'safe' countries where they cant milk the system. close the borders, put mines around the coast and let mainland europe deal with them all
fookin kosovans

me and skybabe have first hand experiance of what kosovans will do to get into this country, and youll see past references in posts from the 2 of us about this, dating back about 7 years or more

if someone is avoiding persecution or whatever, then theyd settle in the first country they got to right?

or would they fly to greece, sneak on a boat to italy, sneak on a train to spain, then to germany, then in the back iof a truck to the UK, where he got clothing vouchers, a roof, some benefit, all while working with a false NI number and then get a 14 year old girl pregnant, then not long after the birth, break up with the young mother but avoid deportation as he now has family here

the UK is TOO soft, close the borders and refuse entry to everyone, we're the worlds biggest cul-de-sac, in order to get here you have to go through numerous other 'safe' countries where they cant milk the system. close the borders, put mines around the coast and let mainland europe deal with them all

Digi you voice the opinion of the majority of DW member,(the majority of the country).
But even DW has members of the PC brigade so to some you may as well talk to the wall.
Unfortunately, Kosovans faced persecution in Greece and in Italy. The Greeks refused to allow them to hold permanent jobs and the Italians simply wouldnt help them at all apart from the barest support they could give. They also restricted their employment.

@topdog, thankfully this isnt the voice of the majority. If it were, then there would be no problem would there? The majority wouldnt have allowed this awful state of affairs to upset you so much...
@topdog, thankfully this isnt the voice of the majority. If it were, then there would be no problem would there? The majority wouldnt have allowed this awful state of affairs to upset you so much...

I think you will find your way off mark Karym6 you only need read many of the threads on this and other similar topics
Digi you voice the opinion of the majority of DW member,(the majority of the country).
But even DW has members of the PC brigade so to some you may as well talk to the wall.

no m8, i dont voice an opinion for the majority, i simply state my own opinion.

those who know me personally also know that ill say what i mean, and what i think, and if that means upsetting people, then tuff lol

im not some pussy whipped follower whos terrified of being branded a racist for saying what the majority of average joes are thinking but too scared to say

at the end of the day, this country is fooked, and getting worse by the day. you have those who have enough money to not care whats happening, theres those who want to bleed the system dry, benefit scroungers and immigrants, then theres everyday joe, punching his guts out for 40+ hours a week and not living as comfortably as either of the last 3 mentioned groups

i would stop immigration. anyone who couldnt prove their nationality would be deported, if they wont say where they originally came from, then itll be like a lucky dip, send them anywhere, those on benefits would be made to do unpaid work to earn their benefits, prisons would be stripped of satellite tv and the other luxuries

the human rights muppets would be replaced with a common sense council, parents would be given back the right to discipline their kids, i could probably go on, but ive probably upset enough people already lol