Will anyone be watching the prime-ministerial debate tonight?

aye m8 but surely the guy must understand that if the UK hadn't allowed his parents or grandparents to come and live here he wouldn't be here either.


30 40 years ago they came to work m8 .. not now .. and they where from British colonies
And were they welcomed with open arms back then?

no your right about that part m8 ..my mom came over from Ireland and was treated like shit , by the police mostly .. they hated the Irish , l always remember her saying .." when the blacks came over we couldn't believe r luck" ie easier to spot blacks than the Irish ..

l just think if we have millions unemployed then why let more in ? no one else in Europe is ... apart from Ireland ... who signed the same daft open door policy we did

the message i am getting from this government is cos i am white and english why bother working

just let EU and non EU immigrants pay taxes so i can live off the dole

cos by working i struggle to stay afloat whilst my taxes are used to house and give benefits to people who should not be here
no your right about that part m8 ..my mom came over from Ireland and was treated like shit , by the police mostly .. they hated the Irish , l always remember her saying .." when the blacks came over we couldn't believe r luck" ie easier to spot blacks than the Irish ..

I agree Smirf.

l just think if we have millions unemployed then why let more in ? no one else in Europe is ... apart from Ireland ... who signed the same daft open door policy we did

I am not a bigot, never have been really. I am not against immigration but what I am against is this supposed political asylum caper. If someone comes here in fear of their life then fair enough BUT if they pass through 3 or 4 other EU countries just to get to Britain then thats just not on.

Political asylum does not mean you can pick and choose which country you go to. If Germany or France (etc etc) are countries you get to escaping tortue then you must stay there and not decide you want to got to Britain cos they pay you more.
no your right about that part m8 ..my mom came over from Ireland and was treated like shit , by the police mostly .. they hated the Irish , l always remember her saying .." when the blacks came over we couldn't believe r luck" ie easier to spot blacks than the Irish ..

l just think if we have millions unemployed then why let more in ? no one else in Europe is ... apart from Ireland ... who signed the same daft open door policy we did

Under EU law we can all move freely within EU countries.

I don't have any issue with that but i think it should be statutory that you can't claim any more benefit than your country of origin would give you.

that should apply to non EU immigrants also.
there is colonies of somalians living in denmark

they come over here from free benefits
I thought tonight's debate was the worst of the lot. Why did Dimbleby feel the need to repeat each question over and over again...? Waste of valuable time IMHO that could have been better used answering more questions.

I too found it ironic that the immigration question was posed negatively by a black man. That said, I'd guess it was the Beebs misguided attempt at political correctness/equality???

Whatever, as Diddy says, if it gets people off the games consoles, TV's or PC's and out to the ballot box, it can only be a good thing.

Hopefully we're beginning to see a genuine sea change in British politics at last, where we're not restricted to two main parties and a supposed wasted vote on the third one. I do think, (hope) this will have evened things up a little more, where each vote will be deemed valuable and not wasted.

Naive? Quite possibly! Lol
The poles are economic immigrants from the EU, most of them want to go home to Poland but there is not a lot of jobs over there so they come here and do jobs that people here are either unwilling to do due to laziness, doesn't pay them enough or they are too proud.

I live near a factory were local people use to take jobs for minimum wage do it for a week and then pack it in, the turnover of staff was unreal because the locals didn't fancy breaking their back for £5.80 an hour. Now the place is full of eastern Europeans working hard and valuing their £5.80 an hour. Someone had to do the job but local people didn't want to touch it so how can people say they are taking our jobs when we don't want they type of jobs.

The immigrants help our economy and pay tax into our system I would rather we let them in to do the jobs people here don’t want and train our young up to do the skilled jobs that will give them a future. The fact is they work hard and are just happy to be working.
I thought tonight's debate was the worst of the lot. Why did Dimbleby feel the need to repeat each question over and over again...?

I was bored too, I was hoping for a slight Question Time style format modification but this turned out to be the worst debate of the bunch.

My polling card arrived in the post, it was a defining moment for me. I came to the realisation that I can't vote for the Lib Dems come polling day. As much as I want change, I don't think that the Lib Dems are the party to deliver that change. They've had ample opportunity to promote their agenda but let's be honest with ourselves, is voting for the best of the worst the correct way to go about making that change?

Lib Dems housing policy is the one that I disagree with the most, the last thing my area needs is more affordable housing and this is a real deal breaker for me. These estates will become the ghetto's of tomorrow and they are a huge concern for local residents today. Labour has been really pushing this through and it has changed the demographics of the area, I believe that the Lib Dems will continue with this unfortunate policy.

Riding on the wave of change with the Lib Dems was fun whilst it lasted but it's time to get real for me, I need to vote with my head and not my heart.