Who is into Crypto ?


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Jan 19, 1999
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I was thinking about asking this question for some time now.

With the now incoming metaverse and big gaming building gaming platforms on Etherium, Polka, Solana, ETC.
Websites will follow, and WEB3 in my opinion will be built on decentralised platforms.

It's not just Bitcoin, and Etherium as currency. it's a whole eco system being built.
Payments are instant.

I remember in 2009 people asking me about bitcoin lol, and I told them it was a giant scam... never be anything it was like between £10 - £50 a coin or something. it is now £50K a coin!!!!
I even got offered by some company (can't remember) to pay DW for content in bitcoin and I laughed them off (DOH).

I was very sceptical for a long time but the more I read about how it all works, I don't see anything but this being the future of payments and social media, gaming.

* who's into crypto?
* What do you think of it?
* what do you know about it?

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I have been in crypto for about eight months now and it has been a massive learning curve tbh.

The biggest things that I have learnt is to be patient, don’t leveridge and don’t fomo in.

I have learnt loads from Benjamin Cowen and also Guy from Coin bureau on YouTube.

I have recently started using a trading strategy by Travis Martin. He also has a YouTube channel and website called Trade confident and has worked for big hedge funds and coded indicators for TradingView. That’s if you want to spot trade.

I definitely agree with you that it is the future or finance and a lot of the big financial Institute are involved in crypto now as adoption grows.

But these financial Institute also control and manipulate the market for their own gain and people who use leverage and fomo in usually get wrecked and they are usually retail buyers like me and you.
The biggest things I would say is Do you’re own research and don’t invest more than you are willing to lose. Good luck

Ps meant to say that Travis also explains how Whales and big Institute trade the market and he shows you his system that mirrors there’s. They sell when everyone is greedy and buy when everyone is fearful.
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That is the thing, most people think it's just trading.

For trading its the most rewarding, but on the flip side its also the market to get wrecked in, as volatility is very high with daily 5-10% swings at times. trading is too emotional for me.

I personally don't trade, but I have dabbled a little into Mining Etherium. which I have to say has really paid off since November last year.
I was lucky enough to buy a few graphics cards before it went mad... and they have probably tripled in the value it cost me, and still going... and I have the resale if I want. so big thumbs up for mining from me.

But what more interests me at the moment is the use case, I can seriously see everything running on block chains in the future.

NFT's for example will be the way to buy music, buy tickets for concerts, virtual art - I know virtual art sounds mad like wtf, but its a thing, and unfortunately we are old like our parents and can see the TV remote as an issue like they used to.
There will be virtual worlds where people go and discuss topics like this in the meta verse and it will be all done using blockchain technology.

So many possibilities , I can't see it not being adopted for all things, it has a use case for everything and is not corruptible like banks, every block chain has an online ledger where you can see every transaction, its transparent.

Bitcoin for example you cannot print money like what is going on now, there is a set amount of bitcoin - that can never be changed the last coin will be mined in 2140 (or something) and it has a limit of 21 million.

And the whole electricity of mining scare mongering, if you really sat down and thought how much energy it costs to run a bank system you would be astounded as it is 100's of times more than what bitcoin miners across the world use - just 1 bank.
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I do have Cardano and have staked it long term but I do trade mainly.

Yeah I know a few people who mine Etherium and it can be profitable as a passive income.
But this will end next year when Etherium goes to proof of stake and not proof of work. Also the Etherium is becoming deflationary as Etherium is burnt up when transactions are made.
I could also see Etherium being around 6-10k in the next couple of years and even flipping BTC on market cap. But there are lots of great projects out there so who knows.

Also I think the meta verse and gaming will be massive. Sandbox is a meta verse coin and just look how well that has done in one year🤯.

The Americans are printing money like it’s going out of fashion and this can’t be good for the financial stabilityof the economy and the value of the dollar.
That’s why I think people are investing in crypto currency as a hedge against the value of fiat and inflation.

I also agree with you on the energy issue and I don’t think you can actually quantify how much Energy the banking system really uses…
I've been into the crypto space for quite some time, at least since silk road days ;) I had over 8 BTC at the time, but I spent them...

The blockchain as a technology is ground breaking, and will replace traditional ledgers going forward, and it has so many uses, that it is the next big thing.

Personally I have several holdings, although ADA is my biggest at present. I also hold VET/VTHO/BTC/FARM/XLM, but i'll be honest, im in it for the money and not the technology.

IMPO - ETH will not last long term, well not until they move to the v2 or whatever it's called, the gas fees are killing the coin atm, and all the coins that use that chain. Until that is resolved, then I don't see it going much further, and whilst people will hold it (Mainly because of gas fees), once those drop, I would imagine a few people will sell up.

For me, the next big coins are XLM/ADA, both look really good project wise, and have some great people behind them, but it's hard to tell in this volatile market. There is always some new project, or coin that is going to be the next killer, but in all honesty, no-one actaully knows.

There are some good communities on reddit, which will give you lots of information, but again DYOR, never FOMO, and only spend what you can afford to lose.
Been mining/trading since early 2013, used to trade a lot.
I just buy/hold now.
Seen it ALL over the years tbh and don't pay that much attention, but have a great portfolio.
@Mick have a look at a documentary called Cryptopia, worth a watch.
If anyone wants to get into trading then get yourself a free trading view account and add three indicators RSI,MACD and RSI Exhaustion.
These will give you a good indications of when to buy and sell. I also use a couple of paid indicators, which are Price vs Whale money flow and Trend exhaustion. I use the one and four to trade and also watch the daily and weekly.
All I can say is you have to control you emotion and don’t panic sell and don’t fomo in when the price’s are high. I have made all these mistakes and have learnt from them.
You have to trade like the whales and smart money and buy the dips, when retail are panic selling the smart money are buying the dip.
Be careful of shit coins stick to coins that are trending and doing well. Buying coins with a small market cap can bring you big gains but can be risky as well.
Do not go all in and split your money into three amounts so you have cash on the side just in case there is an unexpected crash or black swan event.
Also watch the traditional stock market especially the US one. If that has a big dip usually the crypto market does as well. Red days are for buying and green days are for selling.
Good luck

Ps start off with a small amount of cash until you get confident.
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It’s all moving towards the CBDC. Central banking digital currency. A programmable currency. Which you can only spend on what it’s programmed for. Linked to your social credit score and biometric ID.

Bitcoin might be the backbone of it. Who knows but the foundation seems to be XRP.
I’ve got amounts on something called a ledger nano. Which is decentralised.
When they pull the plug on fiat currency and the current economic system goes down the cyber plug hole, the hope is. That survives.
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It’s all moving towards the CBDC. Central banking digital currency. A programmable currency. Which you can only spend on what it’s programmed for. Linked to your social credit score and biometric ID.

Bitcoin might be the backbone of it. Who knows but the foundation seems to be XRP.
I’ve got amounts on something called a ledger nano. Which is decentralised.
When they pull the plug on fiat currency and the current economic system goes down the cyber plug hole, the hope is. That survives.

Unlikely it would XRP. XRP is being sued in the US, although they're doing well, it would be unlikely to be used for that reason.

Ledger nano is simply a hardware wallet. Nothing more. Decentralised means that no single point controls it EG, it's not controlled by a bank or country.

Fiat won't be pulled anytime soon. Also if you knew anything about fiat, then it is nothing more than a promise to pay. Always has been, since money was introduced.

You really have gone down a Q rabbit hole. Because the stuff you're posting, and quoting is absolute conspiracy theory territory. Will the alien overlords also be taking over, or is it the lizard people? Or are we still awaiting JFK to rise from the dead and declare Trump as the true president.
I have traded xrp and have used it to buy services that don’t want fiat😉. If they win their case it might do well but time will tell.
I nearly invested in Luna and so glad I didn’t it went from $88 to 0.0099 cents in a week and their stable coin UST lost its peg.
A lot of people lost everything.
Did anyone buy the dip on the 11th
I have traded xrp and have used it to buy services that don’t want fiat😉. If they win their case it might do well but time will tell.
I nearly invested in Luna and so glad I didn’t it went from $88 to 0.0099 cents in a week and their stable coin UST lost its peg.
A lot of people lost everything.
Did anyone buy the dip on the 11th
KSI apparently lost 2.8m ><
Unlikely it would XRP. XRP is being sued in the US, although they're doing well, it would be unlikely to be used for that reason.

Ledger nano is simply a hardware wallet. Nothing more. Decentralised means that no single point controls it EG, it's not controlled by a bank or country.

Fiat won't be pulled anytime soon. Also if you knew anything about fiat, then it is nothing more than a promise to pay. Always has been, since money was introduced.

You really have gone down a Q rabbit hole. Because the stuff you're posting, and quoting is absolute conspiracy theory territory. Will the alien overlords also be taking over, or is it the lizard people? Or are we still awaiting JFK to rise from the dead and declare Trump as the true president.
Didn’t take long for a media Borg to quote a conspiracy.
Fiat was based on silver. Now it’s worthless.

They’re destroying the economy on purpose.

And please keep up janwoki. Q is nothing more than a psyop. You should know about those. You’ve been living one for two years luv.
KSI apparently lost 2.8m ><
I heard about that and I know it’s a lot of money but I still think he has plenty left and will probably make it back with his other venture’s. He is reportedly making about $12,00000 a year.
Didn’t take long for a media Borg to quote a conspiracy.
Fiat was based on silver. Now it’s worthless.

They’re destroying the economy on purpose.

And please keep up janwoki. Q is nothing more than a psyop. You should know about those. You’ve been living one for two years luv.

Fiat wasn't based on silver. It was based on the barter system, where ancients used valuables to pay for things, this ranged from silks, spices, rocks and various other metals or gems. From there, people started to use coins, this was around the early roman periods iirc, and a massive ledger was kept showing what/who paid or owed.

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Who is destroying the economy on purpose? The rothchilds? Or the illuminati?

Q isn't a psyop, he's some bored internet personality (Ron Watkins), who realised that by sowing misinformation, he was able to control the narrative. Much like the Russians have been doing for years, as have the US and other countries. In all likelihood Q is an asset for the Russians, and is being told what to post and when, causing further divides in an already divided country.

You seem to think you're being clever in posting all this garbled, unverified right wing propaganda, but that is all it is. Propaganda, and you're lapping it up and thinking you're the smartest one in the room. You've clearly gone down some massive rabbit hole, and now hold more information than the rest of us mortals.

Media borg? You suggesting I have become assilimated? You're funny. So anyone who holds a differing opinion to you is wrong, and has been brainwashed by the leftist media, who are out to destroy the conservaties of the world, or are trying to maintain the pizzagate scandal.

Yet again you've done your usual. You drop a hand grenade of a post, then fail to answer any point or question posed or made to you, instead deflecting away onto another strawman argument, attempting to show how you're right and everyone else is wrong.

Dude, im going to be honest. Im really sorry for you, your family (If you have any), as you've clearly been lost to the internet wormholes, and it's a long way back from where you've travelled too. I hope that whatever you believe, or hope is going to happen doesn't destroy you from the insides, when these proficies fail to materialise, and you continue to blindly follow other ramblings of mad men.
Fiat wasn't based on silver. It was based on the barter system, where ancients used valuables to pay for things, this ranged from silks, spices, rocks and various other metals or gems. From there, people started to use coins, this was around the early roman periods iirc, and a massive ledger was kept showing what/who paid or owed.

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Who is destroying the economy on purpose? The rothchilds? Or the illuminati?

Q isn't a psyop, he's some bored internet personality (Ron Watkins), who realised that by sowing misinformation, he was able to control the narrative. Much like the Russians have been doing for years, as have the US and other countries. In all likelihood Q is an asset for the Russians, and is being told what to post and when, causing further divides in an already divided country.

You seem to think you're being clever in posting all this garbled, unverified right wing propaganda, but that is all it is. Propaganda, and you're lapping it up and thinking you're the smartest one in the room. You've clearly gone down some massive rabbit hole, and now hold more information than the rest of us mortals.

Media borg? You suggesting I have become assilimated? You're funny. So anyone who holds a differing opinion to you is wrong, and has been brainwashed by the leftist media, who are out to destroy the conservaties of the world, or are trying to maintain the pizzagate scandal.

Yet again you've done your usual. You drop a hand grenade of a post, then fail to answer any point or question posed or made to you, instead deflecting away onto another strawman argument, attempting to show how you're right and everyone else is wrong.

Dude, im going to be honest. Im really sorry for you, your family (If you have any), as you've clearly been lost to the internet wormholes, and it's a long way back from where you've travelled too. I hope that whatever you believe, or hope is going to happen doesn't destroy you from the insides, when these proficies fail to materialise, and you continue to blindly follow other ramblings of mad men.
I understand on having a different way of thinking and not following the crowd but most conspiracy theories never seem to be proven anyway and the more people delve into them the more they become detached from society.
You come across as a levelheaded person and I commend you on that but he’s just trying to bate you.
You are just waisting your time and giving him what he wants tbh. Anyway looks like @spud1966 has sorted him. But I don’t think we’ve seen the last of him🤔
Well you insulted me last night on a PM and left it alone giving you the doubt you could change but you are still up to trouble yet again with your remarks , time to go !!!!!

We're all here to help each other out on this the forum

If the Admin and Mods disagree, change my decision ;)

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Yeah we're massively in a downwards spiral for crypto, but we are in general. It's not soley crypto that has been affected by this. Also i've seen bitcoin go to about 1k, then shoot back up. I don't forsee this being the end, and if anything, it only allows for further growth and performance from it.

I am invested in crypto, mainly ADA, which has tanked badly, but even at it's price today im still up on what I originally paid, and if im honest, and I had some cash, i'd be buying more of them. Crypto imo is the future, and will overtake fiat eventually, not within the next 10 years, but I would imagine in the future. It makes more sense, it's uses in everyday scenarios, and not just as a show of wealth.

Final point, you don't lose anything if you don't sell :D
Final point, you don't lose anything if you don't sell :D

That statement doesn't make any sense in this, or any other, Universe.

Reminds me of the anodyne nonsense you hear on those YouTube videos promoting Crypto.

It's eventually going to go the way of any other Ponzi scheme.