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When was the last time you went to the Cinema?


Staff member
When was the last time you went to the cinema, and what did you see.

I went three weeks back and watched spiderman2 with the kids, really enjoyed it.

I am asking because I just wanted to know how many of you are cinema goers...

Sept last year to watch Planes with the daughter :)

Captain America 2, took my lads. I go atleast once every 6 weeks on average.

I download a lot but also still can't beat the big screen experience ( my mum was a cleaner in a local small village cinema till it shut in the mid 80's so grew up in them!) I don't do 3D, adds nothing for me but I do like IMAX
Last time i went to the cinema was last year to watch Man Of Steel. I don't go to the cinema very often unless its a film i really can't wait to see via download, Netflix or DVD (usually films like the recent Batman films).

I can get tickets for £5 for Odeon and Cineworld cinema's now through work and there is currently an IMAX cinema being built in my local town centre so i'll probably be going there later this year :)
The last 3 films I saw at the cinema was The Avengers, Skyfall & The Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey.
I can wait for films to come out on Bit Torrent but there are some films you just want to see on the big screen.
The next film I'm going to see is X-Men:Days of Future Past.
Not been for years..im not able too unfortunately..never mind i have access to plenty of movies.
Tbh im a very bad pirate..lol minimum once every six weeks,if not me then the rest of the family,im just the mug who pays ...:(
August 1996 !!! To watch Independence Day.
My wife used to take the kids to the cinema when they were younger because I was usually working. On limited income now so cost rules out even considering going, although my eldest lad who doesn't live at home is an avid film goer but he usually watches a download of a film and then decides if it is a film worth going to watch at the cinema.
NOW I could lie about this and tell you the latest film out, but that would be wrong, the last film a saw at the cinema was JAWS yes I said JAWS I'm just a tight arse :)
We take the kids 2/3 times a month to kids am @ vue
Works out a lot cheaper :)
Last one we saw was frozen, and I really enjoyed it :)

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1976 or 77.....

A hippy mate dragged me to watch Led Zeppelin.. the song remains the same.... i think it was
Worst couple of hours of my life... best couple of hours of his hehe
Thursday to see The other Women, before that Spiderman 2. I have the unlimited Cineworld card for £16 per month so try to go weekly. Popcorn and cola cost more than the ticket but I really enjoy the cinema so happy to pay plus I feel I have gave something back when I download it once it is released on DVD