VU+ Duo just turned up - looks like the lcd display is hanging off??


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VIP Member
Jul 14, 2001
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Havent fired it up yet but I've literally just recieved my Duo from m****s**.com and was just wondering if any others have had issues with recievers from here? Appreciate that I didnt pay the real deal price - but the actual quality of the box looks pretty cheap. Compared to the TM600 which Ive had for a fews years the finish on this box looks pretty cheap. Will investigate further and see what happens..
I have had a V2 DUO clone for a while, but not from the supplier you mentioned. I havent noticed any major build quality issues, other than fan is not silent and the metal used for the cover could do with being a bit thicker, otherwise seems to be fine.
I have however seen reports of people recieving boxes with non-functioning LCD screens, powr supplys failing or being underpowered etc.. The PSU issues in particular seem to be getting mentioned more frequently, I havent yet seen Ferarri team admit there is a PSU problem on their forum...which doesnt surprise me..
tons of clones have this issue

the lcd isnt hanging off its the pins inside the front panel that are bent

you can open up the front panel and just bend it back into posiiton.
As I suspected - nothing... Just tried to turn it on and I get a red dot in the corner and not a great deal else. Will have to get in touch with the tinkers
tons of clones have this issue

the lcd isnt hanging off its the pins inside the front panel that are bent

you can open up the front panel and just bend it back into posiiton.

Nah they arent bent mate - they need re-soldering. Gonna see if I can get a refund or something in return as its DOA unless Im prepaired to fix it myself...
quality control seems to be rather poor of recent on VU clones if the amount of posts appearing around various forums are anything to go by.. on the Ferarri clone forum if you mention quality control issues, they say you didnt buy from a official Ferarri reseller...but then they refuse to tell you who the official Ferarri resellers are.. not exactly helpful.
Well it must be me... The thing is pretty much DOA cant get the display working and its extremely temprimentle when it comes to booting. Wish I realised it was a clown (clone) before I ordered, gonna send them an email and start a claim with Paypal to get my money back - its all a learning experience I suppose :)
I bought one from mixes two weeks ago, box was dead, had a lump taken out of the front display and had someones viewing card in the slot.
They refuse to refund me unless i sent it to china at my cost (€130).

It seems to me they are just recycling old returns as new, spoke to them and no joy whatsoever. I will not be buying from them again
Did you pay using Paypal? As I intend on going via them to get my money back if this is the case, Ive had an email back saying that it was broken in transit - looking at the soldering job inside the case I would casy I could do a better job. If we cant have a reccomended sellers section I think at least we should have a reccomended "do not buy from these" section??
can sume one recommend uk seller dm800se thanks in advance

Pictures of my vu duo that I ordered from Mixes and the viewing card that was in the card slot of this "new" receiver
Can you post up some pics?

Yep will take some pics when I get home, its with Paypal at the moment although I had an email from someone at mixeshop who said its probably the power supply and they would send me a new one - to be honest Im not interested in a new power supply as no doubt further down the track it'll only break again. Fingers crossed I get my money back :(
yeah I did, I have opened a case against them and they have asked me to close it as they will send me a new power supply and front panel. I ave said no and I am still awaiting the replacement parts. I have got until the 9th to escalate the claim to a refund which I will be doing if not running by then.
yeah I did, I have opened a case against them and they have asked me to close it as they will send me a new power supply and front panel. I ave said no and I am still awaiting the replacement parts. I have got until the 9th to escalate the claim to a refund which I will be doing if not running by then.

problem is you have to return the faulty item at your expense to get a refund off paypal... i wouldnt touch yoaxcin with a barge pole and neither should anyone else,regards mdt
Ive stated that due to the fact I thought I was buying a proper box and its a clone under the mis advertising\sales act I have been incorrectly sold the item. I raised my case to a claim straight away - blueirish is it worth me giving you my paypal case ID and you giving me yours? If we both show Paypal that we've been diddled it might strengthen our case?

I dont mind sending the box back but I wont be paying for the privilage thats for sure... - Pics of my box 3rd one down is the image of the lcd which cam de-soldered to the board.
I paid with visa through paypal, I think I will try a chargeback through it first as paypal usually take the side of the seller.