Usb Jtag Help ..

mate is there ur tut
!!!!! Restore 250 To Origional Firmware !!!!!

That's the one ;)

also on the tut im looking at i get this

2.Upgrade the firmware
Ok, the next step you need to flash the into the modem.
Click on the Flash tab then click on the "Write" button and browse to my firmware.

Start address is 0x10000

how would i do this from the USBJTAG as my blackcat don;t want to do it :(

Never used that FW or tut m8. If the FW is a full 2MB dump than just flash it across as it should work. If not you can always reflash anyway's lol ;)

i have the 2 meg flash ... done that now if ask me to add the fw on 0x10000

but don;t no how to put that in the to usbjtag to do that id u get me

i tryed

program 9fc00000 10000
I really don't know m8 as like I sasid I've never used that FW or guide. Any 2MB dumps I have needed to use I have just flashed across with no problems at all.

Just had a chip die on me like what your origional problem was, used option 16 and it revived it straight away lol ;) (It's supposed to be for the 4X00!)
