twitter followers


Sheep worrier.
VIP Member
Aug 8, 2001
Reaction score
The edge.
i dont really use twitter, but, recently i have seen boxes popping up on the site to 'advertise here' and have had a look at what they say, and one of the options was 'a tweet to the followers of digitalworldz'

now from what everyone says, im assuming that facebook is more popular than twitter, and the tabs above say facebook has 4.1k 'likes', and twitter has 82.3k followers, now a few days ago, the twitter one said 91.6k followers, have nearly 9,000 members suddenly stopped following DW? hows it all worked out, and what is it exactly? is there a bug in the way its counted etc? just curious really


That is our twitter page, the forum automatically posts tweets from forums that are selected in the admin area... There is only 4 or 5 out of houdreds.

I do not know the answers to your questions though mate.

Just followed digitalworldz on Twitter!

Depending on what or who you follow it's a great way to read news articles not in UK mainstream media etc... Because we aren't told what they don't want us to know!

For example I was reading one evening in the online edition of a broadsheet newspaper and the article suddenly vanished.

The article in question was about ten or so more Libyans suing the US for torture related crimes,
so I guess we can't have any bad press on the US so it was removed and I checked on the web site, it had been removed.

A twitter user had took a screen shot of the article and posted it in disgust of this blatant censorship, so I got to read it anyway.

I'm a Barca fan, have been for 23 Yrs so I get all the player stats and info on the team.

It just depends on what your interests are and not the people who follow you just for a follow back, just block them!

Regards, Ian.