sorry i was asked to do this


Inactive User
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
The king is dead long live the village idiot
scoot says:
told yer drew i can go one off100 forums to get info on comps,but i was drawn to digital world for the warm friendly peeps, but its changed dramitcally, very good m8s arguin/i dont want any part of that
scoot says:
post that for me
scoot says:
as my final say

i didnt want to post this but he is my m8 so what am i ment to do say no
:( :( :(
Where is all the arguing come from???
All I seen was the debate with damage...and debate is the word!

I am confused:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

lets get it back to how it was boys and girls
from what i can gather a lot of crap has been happening in the mods room :eek: so we wont get to hear about ....
:( :mad: :Chainsaw:
nothing with scoot was in the mods room !!!!

the mods room is not a fight club... its a mods room to discuss new ideas and when issues come up bout members them aswell.. but the mods room is private and not for anyone except mods

scoot to be honest will be gr8ly missed by many including myself.

but he took a joke to seriously, and he used to be the joke master as far as i am concerened... so i thought he took it far to serious... i appologised aswell many times.... what more do you want from me ????

if he dont want to come here anymore and that is his final decision what can i do ????

and this attack on our mods room has gotta stop sooner or l8er ... only one issue came from the mods room and that was about dutcho ... ask a mod if there is an arguement about scoot in there !!!! you will find there was no real arguement from me and scoot just a joke he took way to serious and then him not coming back.
No argument whatsoever regarding Scoot in Mods room.
Scoot! stop being such a baby.
As Mickie pointed out the only recent debate concerning another member was regarding an issue related to Dutcho.
I take it this debate was on the hub and before i became a member so i am a bit lost off with these posts.

It seems like everything is going to the dogs and its like being in a room with a bunch of woman suffering from PMS next it will be handbags at 20 paces.

Come om people pull yourself together and get it all sorted out.
nothing with scoot was in the mods room !!!!
and this attack on our mods room has gotta stop sooner or l8er ... only one issue came from the mods room and that was about dutcho ...

I posted this before I knew the full story Mickie ,I was reading between the lines :eek: did'nt mean to upset U or the mods :(
@Tech Babe QUOTE
"It seems like everything is going to the dogs and its like being in a room with a bunch of woman suffering from PMS next it will be handbags at 20 paces.

Come om people pull yourself together and get it all sorted out."

Well theres nothing quite like having a vivid imagination I suppose. Thing is bros there is Nothing to sort out.
If you read the posts correctly then you should be able to grasp this for yourself.
Anyone seen my prosac anywhere, must have left them in my other handbag lol.
@ rat you never upset me m8 ... just wanted to make sure that it stops about the mods room ;)

i am in a super mood today yesterday coming online was a bit of a **** up lol when i saw all this stuff... but now everything is sweat as sweat can be.

to be honest all i have been having a few home problems of l8 and soted them all out last night, so if i was a bit ratty (get it RAT lol) i am sorry and i have no grudges with anyone about anything.

have a good day everyone

Mickie still drunk D