Sony Ericsson W580i - £69 With Code @ Great Universal

I think the cheapest way to get them unlocked is to ring orange cost £20.00
sorry this is sorta off topic but its on topic for the peeps that are wondering why when they log into their accounts that the phone is still showing as full price

when you get your statement it then shows the discount codes have been applied

i used codes to get the W850i and also the blue samsung one that was on here a wee while ago

if anyone is interested the w850i is on this link

i dont know about the 580 but the 850 is a bugger to get unlocked, i left mine with a shop that promised that they would be able to do it if they sent it away some where, went back today and they refunded my the money as they said they couldn't unlock it, so ive ended up phoning t mobile to get an unlock code from them
sorry this is sorta off topic but its on topic for the peeps that are wondering why when they log into their accounts that the phone is still showing as full price

when you get your statement it then shows the discount codes have been applied

i used codes to get the W850i and also the blue samsung one that was on here a wee while ago

if anyone is interested the w850i is on this link

i dont know about the 580 but the 850 is a bugger to get unlocked, i left mine with a shop that promised that they would be able to do it if they sent it away some where, went back today and they refunded my the money as they said they couldn't unlock it, so ive ended up phoning t mobile to get an unlock code from them

at the end of the day if they cant be unlcocked they are going on fleabay for about £130 so happy days,sell that one and see if you can buy one the same that is on ur network or another phone
sorry this is sorta off topic but its on topic for the peeps that are wondering why when they log into their accounts that the phone is still showing as full price

when you get your statement it then shows the discount codes have been applied

i used codes to get the W850i and also the blue samsung one that was on here a wee while ago

if anyone is interested the w850i is on this link

i dont know about the 580 but the 850 is a bugger to get unlocked, i left mine with a shop that promised that they would be able to do it if they sent it away some where, went back today and they refunded my the money as they said they couldn't unlock it, so ive ended up phoning t mobile to get an unlock code from them

w850i cid 52 can be a bit of a pain to unlock cid 49 to 51 straight forward with a se-tool
every phone unlocking shop should have 1 of them
sorry this is sorta off topic but its on topic for the peeps that are wondering why when they log into their accounts that the phone is still showing as full price

when you get your statement it then shows the discount codes have been applied

Thanks for the info berley, as I've not ordered one myself I did wonder when the codes where applied...
w850i cid 52 can be a bit of a pain to unlock cid 49 to 51 straight forward with a se-tool
every phone unlocking shop should have 1 of them

ooops soz forgot to add the bit about the cid's

as you said 49 and 51 are fine - guess which one my phone had, yep the 52 and there's no way of telling until you get the phone

the good news tho is that it only cost 15 quid to request the unlock code from t mobile so just having to wait for that now as they send it snail mail
w850i cid 52 can be a bit of a pain to unlock cid 49 to 51 straight forward with a se-tool
every phone unlocking shop should have 1 of them

so can or cant they the w580i`s

and has anyone requested a code from orange for these and how much
I haven't requested any unlock codes or taken it to a phone shop. It's still sealed and unopened. I've put it up on fleabay.

With regards to the price you will have to pay, apprently Littlewoods owns all of the catalogues in the UK now, something like 16 in total.
People who used voucher codes with Littlewoods are being charged the value of the voucher code they used two months later and have been told to pay up.

More info here:

EDIT: I've just printed off the "Account Status" and "Transactions" pages from the menu on the left when you sign in on the greatuniversal site. I think these are the only two places where it acknowledges where the final balance is £59.10 and a £30 voucher has been placed on the order.

I recommend you do the same if you have ordered one, as if it's changed at a later date if they decide to revoke the voucher code, you won't have any proof that you should not be charged the extra price, because everywhere else it states £89.10
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Does anyone know what memory cards these take and the maxium capacity ?

Also if you know where they can be picked up cheap would be handy ;)
Checked the Sony Ericcson official site: hxxp://

Says it takes: Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™) support (up to 2 GB)

I'm guessing cheapest place would be fleabay although places like and sometimes have good deals on.


I wonder if this site has a mistake then

According to them it wil take an 8megga. I would like to get a 4GB but i don't want to end up with an incompatable card. A bit more investigation is needed I think.
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Perhaps 'hotlinking' to littlewoods, GUS etc should stop for while?

As its easy to trace back with web stats the link someone followed to a site, and the bargain room is visable to guests...
Does anyone know if there is an Orange SIM card included in the box? Mine is still sealed as I've advertised it as sealed on fleabay. Thanks.
Does anyone know if there is an Orange SIM card included in the box? Mine is still sealed as I've advertised it as sealed on fleabay. Thanks.

did you buy it of littlewoods,and if you did was it the on orange

and if so there could be a jaffa in the box


sorry mate just had to
hi there thought id post and let all you people know who are wondering why you are getting charged 89.10 on the bill this is due to the £30 discount not being added. as i have ordered from great universal before what happens is on your next statement they should add this £30 as credit which will bring the value back down to £59,10. hope this helped.
phone arrived today...being charged 89.10...the £30 discount has not being taken into account. I am first time customer as well. Any ideas what to do?
Is it showing as £89.10 in your account or on your statement?

If its on the account; see post 24.

If its £89.10 on the statement, providing you have proof that they excepted the offer of £59.10 (e.g. a printed order confirmation), phone them. If you get no-where you are within your rights to send it back, for any reason, within 7 days of receipt.