Sky +


DW Regular
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
Any suggestions on a Sky + box - was round at my mates and when recording he has to watch the same channel as being recorded! which obv defeats the purpose.

any suggestions as to how this can be solved or is it goosed?
Cheers in advance

has he got 2 dish inputs feeding corretly

i assum he already has a sky+ box of is this not the case
sounds like a feed is missing or if its a hd box with the new menu it could be set for single input in the setup menu
It's the original white sky+ box not hd
I'll check the settings in the menu and take it from there cheers
if its got 2 feeds, swap them round on the back of the box to rule out a fault on the dish/cable

if the same problem is there, then its the box

if its a thompson, the power supply is packing in, changing a few capacitors will fix it

if its a pace, the hard drive is on its way out, and will need replacing

if its an amstrad, 2 small capacitors need changing on the main board, but the wgole box has to be completley stripped to get at them
cheers digi will be round there this week and will check out all possibilities,
thanks again

could the dish be slightly out of alignment?

that happened to me at one point, and the second feed wasnt stong enough.

simple realignment fixed it