Second sky digibox



Hi..I love this site..I have aquired a pace digibox,but it appears to be "married" to the original card...firstly i need to undo this, then think about cloning my card,anyone help me???
as far as i know it cant be done as ive got the sam problem and i cant find any were to unmarry a card to the box.
sorry lads the card and box are married together and con only be re - paired to another box through sky head office in scotland so you need to open an account ... sorry.
so is it posiable to open an account with sky if they never supplied the box or dish and it was not installed by them, if so how do i do it?
There are ways to unmarry your box without phoning s** there is software on the web that'll allow you to unmarry your box through a serial cable.<br />But as soon as you insert another card it will remarry again.<br />An enginneer at my work says he has cloned s** card using a pcb with some chips and by using a standalone card copier, and his friend installs systems for sky so he might know more.<br />Im tring my hardest to find out more as it's pi**ing me off.