SD card wont work on wii

ok iv got an ethernet connection now an i have updated to 4.2e everthing going ok with the soft mod untill i get to the part where it has to connect to the internet to download the missing file it just stick on initializing network?
ok iv got an ethernet connection now an i have updated to 4.2e everthing going ok with the soft mod untill i get to the part where it has to connect to the internet to download the missing file it just stick on initializing network?

you should be able to copy the files you need from folder 4
so i can get away with not connecting to the internet then?

I have not done it m8, but there is no reason why it would not work. read thru ballys guide threat i'm sure someone did an off line install by using files in folder 4
sorted mate thanks just needed to put folder 4 on an it worked.

Theres a But... i carnt get the the game channel to work and the games iv tried allways lock up before u can start the game not sure if iv done sumert wrong or what
sorted mate thanks just needed to put folder 4 on an it worked.

Theres a But... i carnt get the the game channel to work and the games iv tried allways lock up before u can start the game not sure if iv done sumert wrong or what

Are they working using ng channel?

are they the correct reign?
yeah put about 4 onto disc an they work fine but none through the game channel

mario kart an a couple of other mario games dont work at all just lock up in the menu
yeah put about 4 onto disc an they work fine but none through the game channel

mario kart an a couple of other mario games dont work at all just lock up in the menu

are they pal ?

try installing DARKCORP v1.0
not sure i will install that anyway an give it a shot thanks mate
if you install configurable usbloader to run games from the hdd new super mario works fine on my wii I use the fat32 version of cfg_52.usb and i have not had any read fails and neither has any of my grandchildren I have modded 8 wiis with the easysoft mod i posted and then put the cfg usb loader on posted by bro

When installing darkcorp do you select:
(Uses IOS249) Install/Upgrade to DARKCORP v1.0 (regular mode)

Because it just sticks at 12%