ripped off by member

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The blokes a scammer. He has used your money as a payday loan by the looks of things. Bqan the sod.

How exactly have you come to that conclusion? I've been straight up with him on this, I even gave him full access to my paypal, from the balance thats still unused in there it's clear that your input alone there is nothing but a pointless point trying to wind things up further!
yeah guys i dont think this will help at all, i will just wait till it arrives back in my account
Children lets sit back and hopefully watch this to a positive solution.

Paypal does take time for refunds 'fact'.

So lets just leave it to the 2 guy's in question without the backbiting.
Dodgy tracking number, no contact, no xbox and now a lousy e cheque. Scammer mate.

HE's had this explain, he's had contact at 1st chance, he's logged into my paypal (which show's there's no reason other than paypal being idiots for issuing the refund as they have)

AND i kept to the agreement we made, if it wasn't there by friday a full refund would be issued, hell I even agreed to refund partial (so he had it at cost when it didn't get there next day)
well for a speedy resolve mate which you seem to want instead of refund which is said will take bla bla days why not just do a normal cash transaction like he did with you that way it will be done and dusted almost instantly
Can I ask all other members to stay out of this thread, it's not helping and it does not concern them.

Once P33 RRV confirms the money is back in his paypal then this thread will be closed.
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