Remember loved/missed ones

Sorry to hear your sad news Dazza & Magnu!

I lost my mother in law last October and we we're at her bedside when she passed away.

We didn't call the doctor or funeral directors for over an hour after she passed, we all just took turns about sitting holding her hand.

It's a very difficult thing to experience seeing someone pass away in front of you, I'm just glad we we're all there for her and you should feel the same Dazza! It's kind of comforting knowing you were there and that they somehow know you were there.

May all the loved ones in this thread who have passed away rest in peace!

Time is a great healer.

My thoughts are with you both.
I lost my nan early hours this morning
R.I.P nan love you and miss you so much xxx
sorry to read this adele.

may she R.I.P. and condolences to you and your family.
We lost Mum yesterday morning.

She was a good mum, if a little infuriating at times. ;)

Hardest thing at the moment, is seeing Dad cope with it. They were together 50 years, never spent a day apart other than the time he was in National Service. He's finding it very difficult. Especially when my three year old mentions anything to do with it, or has tell people whats happened.

Thankfully Dad, myself and my Sister were present when it all happened. We can usually keep it together, until Dad starts, then it's much harder.

Funeral is next Thursday, hopefully things will ease up a tiny bit then.

Thanks for giving me somewhere to hide away DW, and have a small bit of normality.

Funeral was today, hopefully, things'll get easier from now on.
Well, it is nearly a year since my dad passed away (22nd Feb).
We have also got the inquest in to his death on Tuesday.
It has taken just under a year. Just when you feel you are starting to cope with my dad passing away, we have to attend the inquest....

My Nan who was 99 & would have been 100 in six weeks passed away this afternoon.

Love you very much Nan & miss you XX

If anyone knows where I can get hold of Flanagan and Allen Strollin would be much appreciated
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It's that time of year again, when we should be jolly, merry and getting ready for Christmas Day, watching our families open their presents, sharing gifts, having a great jolly time.

but also at this time, all of us have lost a loved one, be it your Partner, Wife, Husband, Mum, Dad, Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister, Aunt, Uncle friend etc.....

lets just spend a minute to remember the fun time you had, memories you have.

may all our loved ones 'Rest in Peace'.

I never met my Nanna, as she died when my Mum was only 11, but my Grandad, i was close to him, and miss him loads.

Yes it can be painful be we must remember all who have past.
lost my Gran (97) two months ago. I didnt really have a lot to do with her over the last 20 years. but now she is not there, i do miss and think of her often.

now i have my dad (74) arguing with my aunty (64) over how to sell her house. My old man don't need the money and my aunty is a leach. she wants us to put downstairs showers in the house in order to sell it. the place is slap bang in the middle of Keswick. where houses don't come up very often, and prices start at £1/2 million. how much fcuking difference will showers make?
I've lost a few family, friends and pets and miss them.

Losing a girlfriend in a car accident was really hard to take.
I even wrote a song and showed her parents just how much I missed her.

Why did you have to go away
You never deserved to leave this way
This world has lost another star
You had so much to give and say by far
Wish you were here today
I feel I'm not the only one to say

Why did it have to be you to go
Is it because fate said you weren't to grow old
Why did it have to be you to go
It's not like it's only me
It's all your friends and family

I can't forget times
The good, the bad and the ugly signs
Thinking back on memories today
Remembering the games we used to play
Oh, wish you were here today
I feel I'm not the only one to say

Why did it have to be you to go
Is it because fate said you weren't to grow old
Why did it have to be you to go
It's not like it's only me
It's all your friends and family
Oh, you would say live life to the max
And have as much fun while it lasts
Life's many tracks

Why did you have to go away
You never deserved to leave this way
This world has lost another star
You had so much to give and say by far
Oh, wish you were here today
I feel I'm not the only one to say

Why did it have to be you to go
Is it because fate said you weren't to grow old
Why did it have to be you to go
It's not like it's only me
It's all your friends and family
Oh, you would say live life to the max
And have as much fun while it lasts
Life's many tracks

Why did it have to be you to go
Is it because fate said you weren't to grow old
Why did it have to be you to go
It's not like it's only me
It's all your friends and family
Why did it have to be you to go
Why did it have to be you, oh!

The lyrics are a direct style of Why Does It Always Rain On Me by Travis (which was apt at the time). :(
Lost My Nan today at 9:05am, she died peacefully in her bed after a fight with harmonia which she became well and to her normal self but after a hospital move caught septicemia and died four days later R.I.P Elizabeth Prescott XXXXXXXXX
lost a good mate on the 3rd

r.i.p keith (BOMBER) wells

gone but not forgotten
Well said.
I lost my Dad on Feb 22nd this year.
1st xmas with out him and boy is it starting to hurt....AGAIN....

i sure do know what it is like to lose parents and siblings espcially at the xmas period its good to spare a thought
lost my nan a week ago was at her funeral yesterday it brought back so many good memories.

rip nana
well i lost my granda on new years eve 22 year ago and i like to be with my dad on that day,
so we have a few tinnies to send him off every year *nothing special as you can imagine for my dad its NOT the best of times to celebrate on hes dads death day :(

Love and miss ya granda so does my dad xXxXxXx

My Thoughts Go Out To ALL That Have Posted & Everyone Else Whos Lost XxXxXxXxX
My Dad passed away 8 years ago today. RIP dad. you are always in my heart x