Remember loved/missed ones


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Jun 1, 2001
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It's that time of year again, when we should be jolly, merry and getting ready for Christmas Day, watching our families open their presents, sharing gifts, having a great jolly time.

but also at this time, all of us have lost a loved one, be it your Partner, Wife, Husband, Mum, Dad, Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister, Aunt, Uncle friend etc.....

lets just spend a minute to remember the fun time you had, memories you have.

may all our loved ones 'Rest in Peace'.

I never met my Nanna, as she died when my Mum was only 11, but my Grandad, i was close to him, and miss him loads.
Well said.
I lost my Dad on Feb 22nd this year.
1st xmas with out him and boy is it starting to hurt....AGAIN....
Never met my Grandad ever, really wish i did just from photos of him he looks like a great man. Also lost my Dad on the 4th Jan 2000, just seen in the millennium when he did, i was only aged 12 makes things worse it was exactly a week before my birthday (11th). Really does get me thinking about him at this time of year especially on New Years Eve when im a little bit tiddly.
Good thread Highlander mate and well said RIP to all our loved ones.
Never met my Grandmum on my mums side as she died giving birth to my mum at the age of 21, very sad :(
our wee nephew who died 5 dec this year in a car accident .

r.i.p our thoughts and prayers are and will always be with you .

Really Sorry to hear that mate, hope he's resting in peace.

To everybody else who's thinking of family members no longer with us, try & think of the good times rather than the sad when they left. Hopefully they're all in a better place now.
My grandad died in 2006 a few weeks before his great grandson was due (my baby), he was a great man, RIP.
Especially at this time of year, thinking about you Gran who passed away a the dear old age of one hundred this year and Dylan the weinermariner(13)who also passed away this year.I miss you both.
Great thread , would have been my dads birthday today , god bless we all miss you so much xxx

We will see you in our dreams ....
Nice thoughts Highlander

Makes us think to be nice to people while they are here.

When someone close passes, you think of the things you should have done for them and the things you shouldn't have done to them.

Thoughts go to all our members friends and relatives who are no longer with us especially the 'wee nephew' so recent and young.

God bless 'em all.
I'm one of a family of seven. Just three of us left.

Always worthwhile to take a moment to reflect. . .
Lost my best mate of over 20 years earlier on this year, he was only 45 and looked as fit as a fiddle, so sudden I'm still stinging from how sudden he went, I was a pawlbearer at his funeral, I'm driving 350 miles+ (return trip) to visit his grave in January, his birthday.

Gonna miss that great fella.
Thinking of my younger brother who passed away 3rd October 08, miss you lots buddy.
Also baby bob who was born sleeping 2nd December 08

your both in a better place now. R.I.P
our wee nephew who died 5 dec this year in a car accident .

r.i.p our thoughts and prayers are and will always be with you .

i lost my nephew who was 4 at the time nearly 11 years ago,thru a tragic
accident,and i still think of him all the times and its been hard knowing that he no longer here,gonna be paying my respects to the little man,on crimbo day

rip cammy
What a beautiful thread.

Brings tears to my eyes reading, not only for all the loved ones that are missed but also that it reminds me there is so much good in the world.

Hope you all have a merry Christmas.
